

A/N: Damn, at first I was really NOT feeling this chapter, but now it's one of my favorites, lol. You'll probably know why too, after you read it.


"You!" Minji accused breathlessly as she saw the purple-haired woman come into view, "You said you wouldn't be here for a few days."

At that, everyone turned to look at Minji in surprise before the vampires of the group realized who this woman must have been. The first vampire.

"I took care of matters in Europe a little early, honey. Now why don't we go for a walk?" the other woman suggested to her daughter.

"What? No...we're in the middle of--" but Minji stopped talking. For some reason, she was extremely drawn to this woman and felt like she needed to be near her. It was kind of the same way she felt about Jiyong. So that was why, when the woman stretched out her hand to Minji, she crossed the short distance over to her and clasped Aura's hand in her own.

"If you'll excuse us, this will only take a few minutes," the woman said before she stretched her other hand out towards Jiyong, "Come along, Jiyong, dear."

The group watched in surprise as Jiyong also crossed the short distance and took the woman's other hand. From an outsider's perspective, it would have looked like the woman was going on a walk with two overgrown toddlers.

"Where are you two going? Get back here!" Dong-wook demanded as he glared over at his family's youngest.

"It'll only take a few minutes," Aura said as she turned her head to look back at Dong-wook, "Besides, it looks like you'll be a little busy until we get back."

"What do you mean?" Dong-wook began to ask but was startled when several vampires came out of the surrounding area at once.

"What is this...?" He questioned mostly to himself.

"Our army," Leeteuk said with a bittersweet smile before both vampire groups flew at each other.

"Will they be okay?" Minji demanded as Aura led them further along the pier, to an area that was more quiet.

"They'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to them. Especially considering they're our vampire family."

"What about our human friends?" Jiyong demanded as Aura released their hands. He wasn't sure why he was drawn to this woman, but it was starting to unnerve him.

"They will be fine as well, I know how important they are to you," Aura promised.

"What did you want to talk about?" Minji demanded, even though she already knew.

"You already know," Aura confirmed with a smile, "I need to train you two how to use your powers. You already got a brief taste of how to use them earlier," she said as she looked at her daughter.

"You want to train us now? There's a battle going on...." Minji said in annoyance.

"No, not now. I brought you here because I wanted to tell Jiyong what I told you before, Mingkki," Aura said with a little smile.

"I already told him," Minji revealed with a guilty look before she leaned back against Jiyong.

"Hmm....figures....teenagers...." Aura said with a sigh before she smiled again.

"In my defense, it was a little hard to hide my raging headaches and visions from the rest of them," Minji said with a frown.

"What power do we have?" Jiyong interjected curiously as he looped his fingers through Minji's.

"Well, as you know, Minji has the power to see certain events in the future. I did not gift you with that power, Jiyong, because I figured you would be around Minji most of the time."

"Alright....we get the visions thing, but what else?" Jiyong said with a sigh.

"Patience....there are many things that the two of you will have the ability to do, but I can't give you those abilities all at once. If I crammed a huge amount of power into the both of you at once, it would be unlikely that your bodies would survive the impact."

"What?" Minji said fearfully, "What was that purple light then?"

"It was a teleportation spell. Usually I use it to teleport myself to different areas, but you've managed to use it in a new and interesting way, Minji. Not that I should be surprised," she added with a smirk, "You are my daughter after all."

"Teleportation?!" Minji asked in confusion, choosing to ignore the 'daughter' comment for the moment.

"Yes. That spell will allow you to teleport from one place to another. In the beginning stages, while you're first learning how to use it, you will only be able to teleport short distances. Eventually, however, you will be able to use it to teleport all over the world. That's how I arrived here from Europe so quickly."

"So....if I wanted to pop back to the pier right now?" Minji prodded.

"You wouldn't be able to," Aura said and watched Minji frown, "You haven't been trained to use it yet. As of right now you would only be able to teleport yourself behind Jiyong."

"So then what did I do earlier? Against Leeteuk?"

"You reversed the spell and instead of using it on yourself you manipulated the energy outwards and attempted to teleport him instead."

"Attempted?" Jiyong asked curiously as Minji squeezed his hand.

"Well....Minji didn't manage to teleport him because she isn't familiar with that power, so instead she just sort of blasted him away."

"It still saved our asses," Jiyong said firmly and felt Minji squeeze his hand a second time.

"Indeed. Starting tomorrow, I will be training the two of you to use and develop that power. Then we'll move on from there."

"How long will it take?" Jiyong asked curiously. He was still unsure about all of this craziness. Three months ago, if someone told him he was going to become a vampire, he would have said they were insane. Aside from that, if someone told him he was going to become the next heir to the vampire queen's throne and develop super powers, he would have said they were psychotic.

Yet here he was. Both a vampire and the heir to the queen's throne. On top of that, he was going to start training with his girlfriend to use 'super powers'. It was a really bizarre set of circumstances that led him to this point.

"It depends. You may be a fast learner and Minji may be a slow learner and vice versa. That being considered, it could take anywhere from a day to a few weeks to develop the teleportation power into full maturity."

"So we'll just train during the nights then for the next few days?" Minji asked.

"No. We'll train during the day. We'll need the nights for other things."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"What other things?"

Came the responses from Jiyong and Minji. Aura let out a small sigh, "No, I'm not being sarcastic. There will be a solar eclipse coming in tomorrow, thanks to a certain set of circumstances that recently occurred...." Aura trailed off thoughtfully as her heirs looked at her in confusion, "And I'm not sure how long the eclipse will last, but it should be here for a little while at least. Anyway, we'll use the days to train."

"And the other things?" Jiyong pressed again as he tried to wrap his head around the idea of a solar eclipse.

"Battle plans...." Aura said with a shrug of her shoulders and Jiyong looked surprised, "It has come to this point."

"What role will we play in all of this?" Minji asked as she looked back at Jiyong.

"I will need you two fighting on the front lines for me. I will ensure that you have security backing you, however. I won't let any harm come to either of you. I physically can't."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Minji said angrily as Jiyong pulled her into a back-hug and attempted to calm her down. He felt the same way, but there was no use in both of them being upset.

"The three of us are bonded, like I told you before, Minji."

"It's still not clicking," Minji said with an impatient groan.

"If you were to die, it would destroy Jiyong and myself. Not just emotionally, but physically. Since part of your soul is bound to us both, it would be like ripping us apart."

At that, Minji shuddered. She couldn't imagine the amount of pain that was involved in having a piece of soul ripped out of your body.

"But aren't we your heirs? What happens  if you die? Wouldn't we die too?"

"No. I've prepared for that," Aura said mysteriously.

"Please explain," Jiyong said in exasperation as he rested his chin against Minji's hair.

"If I die, the rest of my soul will break off and - instead of vanishing - it will turn into a source of pure energy and power and will be split between the two of you. Which is why it's important that you two remain together. You will be more powerful together than anything in this world."

"And if one of us dies, what happens?" Minji asked curiously.

"Your souls will vanish, and it will greatly weaken myself and whoever - amongst the two of you - remains. It is also extremely painful and emotionally damaging."

"Yippie," Minji said sarcastically and Jiyong squeezed her.

"Well....this is why neither of you are allowed to die," Aura said seriously.

"We've had a few close calls already," Jiyong said bitterly as he glared at the older woman.

"If I had thought you were in any real danger, I would have intervened," Aura retorted.

"Yet it's okay for Minji to get shot with silver bullets?" Jiyong snapped.

At that, Aura remained silent and had a pained look on her face, "I admit, that was a serious mistake on my part. I never wanted anything to happen to my baby girl."

"Ugh...don't call me that," Minji muttered.

"You are my daughter, Minji, you must accept it."

"I have a mom....and she's not you," Minji retorted.

At that, Aura sighed. She hoped that Minji would eventually come to accept her, but she understood why Minji currently could not, "None-the-less, you two will need to start training with me tomorrow. Let's agree to meet back at the pier around 10 am."

"Fine," Minji said as she threw her hands into the air, "We'll meet here tomorrow at 10."

"You're sure we won't burn up?" Jiyong asked again.

"Positive. I'll bring along some breakfast too," Aura said with a friendly smile.

"I'm still not really sure about all of this," Minji confessed.

"We'll take it one step at a time. Now that I'm here, the SM rebels will hold off for a while until they think of a new strategy. They know better than to mess with the Queen."

"So what do we do now? Are you going to interfere with the battle?"

"I already have," Aura said as she waved her hand through the air lightly.

"What do you mean?" Jiyong asked.

"Let's just say I gave them a little scare and they won't be returning for tonight at least."

"Oh my God, you should have seen it," Dong-wook said again to the rest of the room as he recounted his tale for Jiyong and Minji, "In the middle of the attack this gigantic dragon made purely out of fire just lunged at three of the newborns and gobbled them up. All that was left was a pile of ash. Those SM idiots nearly peed themselves before they ran away like little puppies."

Minji would have quickly dismissed this story if not for the fact that everyone else was agreeing and nodding along with what Dong-wook said. What the hell was this Aura woman made of?

"That's insane," Jiyong said again, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I know," Dong-wook admitted, "I still haven't fully wrapped my head around it. And then for Dara's arm to just randomly heal shortly after that? Aura really must be the vampire Queen after all."

At that, Dara waved her arm around happily, as if to emphasize that it was no longer damaged, before Youngbae wrapped his arms around her waist with a laugh and pressed a kiss to her cheek, causing the room to explode in sounds of 'ooohs'. Blushing furiously, Dara pushed him away lightly before smacking him in the chest.

"So Aura said there would be a solar eclipse?" Gummy asked with a smile.

"Yeah....I guess that means we don't need to hide away tomorrow," Jiyong agreed.

"Just think of all the shopping we'll be able to do!" Gummy said excitedly.

"Just remember that your closet barely holds all of the clothes you have now," Dong-wook said seriously and his girlfriend punched him lightly in the arm.

"It will be nice to get out during the day," Top agreed as he pulled out his cell phone and began texting Jaejoong to inform him of the news.

"Yeah," Minji agreed with a sigh before she grabbed Jiyong's hand and pulled him off the couch, "Can we talk a walk?" she asked.

"Of course," he responded, looking at her in concern before the duo quickly left the dorms and began walking down the street, "What's on your mind?" Jiyong asked as he held his girlfriend's hand tightly.

"I don't know..." Minji said slowly as they made their way into a nearby park and settled themselves onto a bench, "I just feel like this is all too much."

"I understand," Jiyong said with a nod as he pulled her into his lap, "It's pretty overwhelming."

"It's more than just that," Minji said seriously, "I feel like my whole life has been turned upside down. I don't even know what to make of it."

"Like Aura said earlier, we'll just have to take it one step at a time," Jiyong said softly as he nuzzled her neck.

"I don't know if I can," Minji said as she swallowed the lump in .

"What do you mean, Mingkki?" Jiyong asked in concern as he rubbed the skin of her stomach softly.

"It's just too much, Ji. One minute, I feel okay and I feel like I've come to terms with everything, and the next minute I feel like I'm lost and walking blindly through a life that I never realized was possible."

At that Jiyong sighed and pressed a kiss to her neck, "Remember what we talked about earlier? We'll be there for each other, no matter what."

"I know that," Minji said, nodding her head as she turned to him and kissed him briefly, "And I still feel the same way about everything I said, it's just that this whole 'being the heir' thing has added a new layer of complication that I never expected."

"It's pretty confusing. All of this is," Jiyong admitted as he pressed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.

"Let's just go somewhere," Minji said suddenly and watched as Jiyong's eyes flew open in shock.

"Minji you know we can't --"

"Who cares? There will be a solar eclipse tomorrow....let's just get the hell out of here and go away. We can live together and be free to do whatever we want."

"Mingkki," Jiyong said softly and watched as she frowned. Frowning himself, he reached out his hand and began to her hair, "As much as I would love to do that with you, you know it's not possible."

"Why not? We can do it," Minji said again as he pressed his lips against hers.

"For starters, you're a newborn and I'm barely old enough myself to protect you if we come across any danger," Jiyong said seriously and watched as Minji frowned again, "Then there's the fact that - even if we did somehow get away - we have members of our family who are extremely old and would know how to track us down. The Queen alone would be able to find us in two seconds."

" the Queen," Minji said in frustration as she broke away from her boyfriend and threw her hands in the air, "I don't care about her and I don't give a damn about vampires or royalty or anything involving this world."

"Minji...." Jiyong started again as he squeezed her shoulders and watched in surprise as she broke away and stood up abruptly.

"Why does it have to be us? Why couldn't she have chosen someone else? We don't need all of this bull interfering in our lives. We have enough problems as it is!"

"Honey I  --"

"And it's not just the royalty thing either. I mean, don't get me wrong, that is annoying enough as it is, but then there's all these damn riots. Like who does SM think they are?"

"Minji --"

"And Lee Taemin of all people is going haywire and lighting people on fire and becoming a Lieutenant for Leeteuk. And SM has been ignoring everything!"

"Minji --"

"And I'm sick and tired of all the --"

"MINJI!" Jiyong shouted as he tackled his girlfriend playfully to the grass before he sat lightly on her stomach and cradled her face in his hands, "Calm down."

"I can't, Ji," Minji said with a dark mutter.

"We'll take care of everything," Jiyong said with a smile as he brushed a strand of hair away from her face and leaned over her.

"But what if we can't? What if it's too--" Minji started but was silenced with a kiss.....and then a few more after that.

"Whatever happens, it doesn't matter as long as we have each other, remember?"

"Mmm," Minji responded as she looked up at her boyfriend, who was currently straddling her waist, with both of his hands resting lightly upon her stomach.

"Am I not right?" Jiyong asked teasingly as he pulled her shirt upwards a few inches and pressed a kiss to the flesh of her stomach.

"Mmmm...." Minji responded as she looked at him with a barely-there smile on her lips.

"What was that? Did I hear a 'yes'?" Jiyong teased again as he pressed another kiss to her stomach and then another, trailing upwards.

"Mmmhmmm," Minji said lightly and attempted to chase away the smile that was tugging on her lips.

"Maybe I should get my hearing checked," Jiyong said with a shrug as he pulled her shirt back down and drummed his fingers against her stomach.

"I said yes, okay?" Minji said in exasperation as a smile graced her lips and she watched Jiyong laugh loudly.

"Yes?" he asked again as he lowered himself over her and kissed her lips.

"Yes," she agreed and tugged on the collar of his shirt before pulling him in and deepening the kiss.

Slipping his hand underneath her shirt, Jiyong ran his fingers lightly over Minji's flesh, tickling the skin in his wake, before his thumb slid underneath the lacy fabric of her bra and she suddenly moaned, giving him access to slip his tongue into . After a few minutes of tasting each other hungrily, Minji broke away when her phone started to go off. She groaned loudly at the offending noise. They could have easily spent the next few hours like that, especially since vampires didn't need to breathe.

"Hello?" she answered after seeing Top's name flash across the screen.

"Why isn't Jiyong answering his phone?" the low voice growled in frustration.

"I don't know...maybe he has it on silent," Minji retorted and then mouthed 'Seunghyun' to her boyfriend when he glanced at her questioningly.

"Where are you two?" Top demanded.

"We're at the park, dad," Minji said in annoyance as she sat upright and attempted to push Jiyong off of her as he started to kiss her neck.

"Just hang up," Jiyong whispered to her.

"Was that Jiyong?" Top asked loudly and Jiyong rolled his eyes as he heard the man before he snatched the phone away from Minji.

"What's up?" he demanded.

"We were worried. We thought you two might have gotten into trouble again," Top said seriously and Jiyong could pretty much see the smirk on his face without him being there.

"We're fine, but I'll let you know if trouble happens to find us."

"So what are you up to?" Top pressed and Jiyong covered the mouth piece of Minji's phone before he let an irritated groan escape his lips.

Uncovering the mouth piece again, Jiyong sighed, "We're just talking about everything we found out tonight."

"Sure you are," Top accused and Jiyong's hand tightened into a fist, "Well....just be careful and make sure to come home at a reasonable time."

Rolling his eyes again at that, Jiyong hung up on the other man without saying goodbye before he tossed Minji's phone back to her.

"There are always interruptions."

"'s not like we could have in the park anyway," Minji said with a shrug.

"Why not?" Jiyong said seriously as he pulled her into his lap, "We've had in stranger places."

At that, Minji was suddenly reminded of the various different places that they had made love, including dressing rooms, closets, and bathrooms, and if she wasn't a vampire, a blush would have graced her features. Removing herself from his lap, she stood up and turned to him before pushing him over onto the grass on his back.

"First of all, those places had four walls, a roof, and a lockable door. Second of all, stop trying to seduce me," Minji complained with a pout as she looked down at her boyfriend.

"Why? You love it when I seduce you," he said with a smile before he sprung to his feet and pulled her into his chest. Minji continued to pout at him before he pressed his lips to hers.

"You are so cute," he murmured against her lips.

"Hmmm....we should go inside," Minji said seriously before she gave his a little 'smack' and turned away.

"You did not just...." Jiyong began to say as he trailed after her.

"I did," she answered with a smile before she felt his hand loop through hers and they made their way back to the dorms.

"You are such a tease."

"I know."


A/N: Hehehe....;oP

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Dear Readers: I don't know what is wrong with me....I think I've been insane while writing the last two chapters and the current one I'm working on, haha.


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I completely adore this series and I can't wait to read more <3 Your writing style is so unique and auuugghh your character development is executed flawlessy! Teach me your waaays. Haha. Hope you update soon!
Nurindri #2
Chapter 1: Wow,nice story,,,i'll start read this story!!!
A great vampire story!!!
Nurindri #3
Interesting,,i think i'll start to read this story...!
Chapter 1: but it has a great/cool start
Chapter 1: is this another vampire story?
flowerhogger #6
Chapter 49: i thought this story was done but cant waoit for ur update i Love this syory
akaonim #7
Chapter 49: Lol omg awesomeness!!! Love the ending and how Jiyong got everyone out of the house!! Great chapter and I honestly cant wait for the next update!!
akaonim #8
Chapter 48: I missed this story so much!! Lol I'm glad your back!!!