No Way To Say


A/N: I'm pulling more folklore from True Blood into this chapter, so bare with me. The vampire world is about to get a little crazier.

Also, thank you to all of the subscribers and commenters - you guys keep me going! <3


"Dara, Chaerin, it's Dong-wook oppa. Can you please come out?" the person in question asked as he rapped on Dara's bedroom door again and heard another muffled 'No!'.

Sighing, Dong-wook turned back towards the others and shrugged his shoulders, "I guess I'm going to have to do this the hard way," he muttered.

"What do you mean?" Minji asked curiously as she moved closer to Top and further away from Jiyong. Jiyong frowned at that. He would have to talk to Minji later.

Minji watched as Dong-wook - instead of answering - went up to Dara's door again. As he put his hand on the door handle, there was a loud 'crack' and suddenly he pushed open Dara's door. Minji could not see inside of the room, but she heard Dara and Chaerin scream in terror.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Just come out here so we can explain some things," Dong-wook said as he attempted to calm the duo down.

"No! Stay away from us!" Minji heard CL shout and Dara quickly echoed her sentiments.

"Enough!" Bom snapped from the hallway as she pushed past Dong-wook and entered the bedroom. Dara and Chaerin looked up at her in surprise as she entered.

"You two are being ridiculous. I've been out here for the last half hour - surrounded by five vampires - and haven't been bitten once. And Minji is even attracted to my blood type and she still hasn't harmed me. If I can trust them, why can't you?" she demanded with a hand on her hip.

"Because they kill people!" Chaerin shouted, "And vampires aren't supposed to exist!"

"They haven't killed anyone!" Bom retorted, not knowing that they actually had, but Dong-wook wasn't about to point that out to her, "And vampires do exist, just accept it."

"I can't, unnie, how can you expect me to accept something like that? What if we all die in our sleep because Minji gets hungry?"

"First of all, Minji sleeps upstairs in the boys' apartment, and as much as I hate to admit it - Top and Jiyong having been taking good care of her and making sure that she doesn't lose control. Eventually she won't even need their help either," Bom added before continuing, "And you can accept it, you just can't process it right now, and that's fine, but you have to trust them."

"Why have you accepted it so easily?" Dara asked as she looked up at her curiously.

"Because I really don't care," Bom said honestly and heard Dong-wook laugh behind her, "I mean, as long as they're not hurting me, why should I care how vampires live their lives?"

"Because they murder people!" Dara said again.

"Really? Because when Jaejoong saved our lives last night, you didn't seem to mind that he was a vampire," Bom said as she purposely failed to mention the part about their mugger being one.

"Jaejoong is a vampire too?" Dara asked in surprise and then her eyes narrowed, "I didn't know he was a vampire at the time."

"But you're still grateful that he saved us, right?" Bom said pointedly and watched as Dara frowned. Dara knew that Bom was right, and Bom was eating up every moment of it.

"Besides, what makes you think Minji would want to kill her unnies? She loves us, you idiots," Bom said seriously before she flipped her hair over her shoulder and made her way back out into the living room, where Minji promptly threw herself into Bom's arms, who hugged her tightly.

"Thanks for that," Gummy said sincerely as she smiled at Bom.

"I meant every word," Bom said with a nod as she placed her chin on top of Minji's head. She knew her scent was probably driving the other girl wild, but Minji didn't seem to mind considering she wouldn't release Bom from her hug.

After a few seconds, Bom turned when she heard Dara and CL emerge from the bedroom, looking extremely cautious. As they made their way over to the rest of the group, they purposely stopped behind the kitchen table in order to create distance from the group of vampires. CL looked around the room at the damage that the vampires caused before she watched Minji continue to cry bloody tears in Bom's arms. Bom's new shirt was becoming stained with the blood, but Bom didn't seem to mind as she rubbed Minji's back soothingly.

"H-How..." CL started, her voice shaking, "How is she know..." CL said to Bom, attempting to ask her how Minji wasn't currently feasting on her blood.

"Our maknae has a lot of willpower," Bom said simply as Minji looked up at her unnies.

"I'm sorry I scared you," she said quietly.

"It's okay," CL said and the group of vampires watched as she gripped the back of the kitchen chair until her knuckles turned white, "We're just not used to this..."

"At all," Dara added as she met Minji's eyes, "I'm sorry I called you a demon," she relented with a frown, "That was cruel."

"I forgive you," Minji said with a small nod.

" does this work?" CL asked again slowly, "Do we....can we ask you guys questions?"

"Of course," Gummy said with a smile, "But let's wait until the other Big Bang boys get here as well. That way, we won't have to go through explanations twice."

At that CL nodded, "Is Bom the only one not a vampire among you?"

"Yes," Dong-wook answered and flashed her a little smile.

Before CL could ask any other questions, Daesung, Seungri and Youngbae entered the apartment. Daesung immediately moved to stand next to Minji when he saw the blood on her face.

"What happened?" He asked Bom.

"She was just upset," she said with a shrug and Daesung nodded in understanding.

"You know too?" CL accused as she directed her attention to Daesung.

"Yes," he said simply with a wide grin, "I found out two nights ago."

"Found out what?" Youngbae asked as he and Seungri moved to stand next to Dara and CL and suddenly his face widened in shock as he took in the scene around him. Several things were broken in the apartment. It looked as if someone had gotten into an all-out brawl. The other thing he noticed was that there were blood stains all over the living room area and random chunks of a bloody mass strewn about the carpet. As he looked up, he saw that Top and Jiyong's hair was stained red and they had massive blood stains on their shirts, as did Bom.

"What the hell happened here?" he demanded as Seungri echoed his sentiments, also in shock.

"We were attacked," Dara said to Youngbae and then looked back at the group of people sitting around the living room, "By a vampire."

"Is it April Fool's?" Seungri asked with a laugh.

At that, all five members of the YGE vampire family clicked out their fangs with a hiss. Minji watched as several things happened at once. First, Dara noticeably dashed off to stand behind the kitchen counter. Second, CL let out a small whimper at the sight while Seungri wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her slightly backwards, a look of pure terror etched into his features. Youngbae, however, looked completely unfazed.

"Figures," Youngbae said with a sigh as he picked a stringy mass of blood and tissue off the table next to him before wrinkling his nose in disgust and sitting on the now-clear table.

"Youngbae?" Seungri called, wondering why his hyung seemed perfectly fine with their friends' revelation.

"I had hoped it wasn't true," Youngbae began to speak as he fiddled with the string to his hoodie, "But the signs have always been there."

"What are you talking about? How did you know?" Jiyong demanded.

"The real question is, how did I not know? At first I thought it was only Gummy noona and Dong-wook since their schedules were always at night and we only ever saw them during that time, but then when Seunghyun had our schedules' changed for the promotions of 'Alive' at the start of this year, I knew that he had been turned too. Plus, we started to see him less during the day, so it was pretty obvious," Youngbae said with a shrug and then continued, "And then about three months ago you started disappearing during the day too, Jiyong. And when I would see you, you looked like you were about to go to town at a buffet."

At that, the others looked at him in shock before Dong-wook spoke up, "Even so, you must have believed that vampires weren't real."

"It's a little hard to believe that vampires aren't real when you've been raised to believe - and know - that they are," Youngbae said with another shrug.

"What do you mean?" Top asked in confusion.

"Please, it's not like vampires haven't been around before you guys. My uncle is one, for example," Youngbae said and watched as his friends looked at him in shock.

"Plus, vampires aren't the only supernatural species in this world, but I'm guessing the vampire community doesn't really teach about that," Youngbae continued as he tossed the apple he was playing with into the air and caught it easily.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Dong-wook demanded as he stepped closer to Youngbae.

"I'm talking about this," Youngbae said and before any of them could react, Youngbae had shifted into a black lab.

"The ?!?!" Dong-wook said in alarm as he saw Youngbae's empty pile of clothes on the table and watched as the dog sprinted around the room before he morphed back into Youngbae, who quickly grabbed a blanket off of the couch before he wrapped it around his body.

"Shifters exist too," he said as he grabbed his clothes off the table, "We just don't have as long of a history as you guys do."

"Why didn't you tell anyone about this?" Jiyong demanded as he pushed past Daesung, who looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Why didn't you tell anyone you were a vampire?" Youngbae retorted and Jiyong just shrugged at that. Youngbae had a point.

"It's easier to hide my secret, anyway," Youngbae called from the bathroom as he quickly changed and emerged - fully clothed - seconds later, "I could have easily died without any of you ever knowing my secret. Vampires don't have the same privilege."

"So you can morph into anything?" Top asked curiously. When had a conversation about the existence of vampires turned into a conversation about the existence of shape shifters?

"Yes," Youngbae answered with a smile, "Except for inanimate objects. It has to be something that's alive."

"When you said we weren't the only 'supernatural' species, what did you mean?" Dong-wook interrupted curiously.

"There are a lot out there...but that's not really important, I'll tell you guys about other species as time goes along," Youngbae said with a shrug.

"Why can't you tell us now?" Bom demanded.

"Because it would take until next year," Youngbae answered, "There are a lot of things to know about other supernatural species."

"I can't believe we didn't know this," Gummy said in surprise.

"Imagine how we feel," CL said suddenly, speaking for the first time.

"Seriously....we thought there were only humans on this earth. Now we're finding out that there are vampires, shape shifters, and God knows what else," Dara commented from the kitchen.

"I'm less dangerous than vampires, though," Youngbae called as he moved towards Dara with a smile and she leaned in to hug him.

"Hey!" Bom called and Dara looked at her in surprise, "How come you're so willing to accept Youngbae's revelation, but you threw a fit about Minji's?"

At that, Dara just kept quiet, in guilt, and Bom huffed. She was going to hold this over Dara's head for a long time.

"Are you immortal too?" Jiyong asked Youngbae, who immediately shook his head 'no'.

"I have a normal human lifespan," he answered, "The only thing that is really different other than the ability to shift is that I rarely get sick, if ever, and I have a lot of heightened senses."

"Guys," Daesung interrupted and everyone turned to stare at him,"I, too, have a secret to reveal."

Everyone stared at him in shock at his comment and watched as he turned away from them. When he turned back, he flashed them a huge, cheesy smile.


His outburst had the desired effect because the tension in the room was immediately erased as everyone started to laugh hysterically. Even Dara and CL were cracking up.

"Dae, you're too much," Jiyong said with a laugh, "Thanks for that."

"No problem, hyung."

"If you knew about us, why didn't you say anything?" Dong-wook asked Youngbae as the latter led Dara over to the rest of the group.

"You have your secrets, and I have mine," Youngbae said with a shrug, "I just figured you'd tell me when you were ready, and vice-versa."

At that, Dong-wook nodded, "Makes sense."

"Now that we've cleared everything up, what do we do about this newborn situation?" Top asked as he turned towards his seniors.

"There's nothing we can do. It's obvious that the vampires in SM are trying to create some sort of army."

"Why am I not surprised that SM is the enemy?" CL asked and Dong-wook laughed at her.

"Not everyone in SM is bad," Dong-wook stated, "Just the rebels. We need to be on the lookout tonight because where there's one, there's always more."

"More of those things will attack us?" Dara shuddered.

"More vampires," Gummy corrected her, "And probably. You guys aren't really safe in this apartment or in Big Bang's."

"Well you can thank Minji, Seunghyun, and Jiyong for that," Youngbae said as he rolled his eyes.

"Why's that?" Seungri asked.

"Because once a vampire lives with you, you can no longer block out other vampires from entering your home. There's a supernatural thing that makes it so that vampires have to be invited into a person's home, much like you've probably seen in the movies," Youngbae answered.

"Thanks for that," CL said in annoyance.

"Relax, it's not like they can do anything about it," Bom scolded the other woman.

"When will they come?" Dara asked. Just as she did, all of the occupants of the room heard angry shouting from outside. Dong-wook moved towards the window to peer out at the street below and he sighed heavily.

"Now," he answered Dara's question, "We'll have to take to the streets. Let's all agree to meet at the pier."

"We'll split up so that the humans are mixed in with us vampires," Gummy said as she began to split up the occupants of the room.

Dara and Youngbae were to go with Dong-wook, while Bom and Daesung were to go with Gummy. CL and Seungri were going to stick with Top, which left Minji with Jiyong. Minji sighed at that. She didn't really want to deal with the inevitable slew of questions that Jiyong threw her way. She just wanted to make it to the pier safely.

"What purpose will leaving our apartment serve?" CL asked suddenly before the group departed.

"If we stay here, there will be more attacks in both of the apartments. Once they realize that we're not here, however, they'll follow us to the pier and then we'll - hopefully - be able to round them up and kill them."

"We don't even know how many there are," Youngbae said pointedly at Dong-wook's explanation.

"I realize that, but they're young, so they shouldn't be hard to kill."

"What if they kill us first?" Dara asked in alarm.

"They won't. We'll protect you guys. Anymore questions? Or should we just stand here and wait for them to come get us?" Dong-wook asked in annoyance. At that, everyone was silent and Dong-wook ushered everyone out the door before they went their separate ways.

"Let's go you two, you're moving too slowly," Dong-wook said as he looked back at Dara and Taeyang over his shoulder.

"Relax, hyung, it's not like we all have supernatural speed," Youngbae said pointedly. He would have shape-shifted into something else in order to run faster, but Dara looked out of breath and Youngbae didn't want to leave her behind.

"Just go as fast as you can," Dong-wook responded as they made their way a few feet forward. Dong-wook stopped abruptly, and Dara and Taeyang nearly crashed into him.

"What gives?" Taeyang snapped as he caught Dara in his arms and helped her to stand upright. Looking past Dong-wook, he saw that a vampire had landed a few feet in front of them, and that his fangs were bared.

"Let me handle this," Dong-wook said as he moved forward.

As Bom and Daesung screamed at every shadow that moved, Gummy suddenly wished that she hadn't chosen these two as her companions. They both were pretty much the drama queens of their groups, but Gummy had forgotten that in her hurry to get everyone moving.

"Will you two keep it down? You're drawing more attention to us than is necessary," Gummy snapped as they came upon a fork in the road and Gummy quickly took the right route.

"I can't help it! I keep thinking that one of the vampires will just come out of the darkness and snatch me," Bom whined as she struggled to keep up with her senior.

Just as she said that, Bom let out another shriek as she was suddenly grabbed from behind.

"This is so ed up," CL said again as she and Seungri trailed after Top's blue hair. He was moving quickly, and CL was just fortunate enough that his hair was acting as a beacon to his whereabouts.

"I know, I can't even believe all this is going on," Seungri said seriously. He and CL were currently holding hands as they ran because they were terrified at the possibility of being separated.

"Let's go!" Top's deep voice shouted back at them as he turned a corner sharply and CL nearly twisted her ankle as they followed him.

"A week ago I was rapping on stage. Now I'm running from vampires," CL remarked with a sigh.

Attempting to catch her breath as Seungri dragged her forward, CL suddenly tripped over a rock and stumbled, bringing Seungri down with her. CL only had just enough time to look up before the duo was swarmed by vampires.

"Minji, will you please talk to me?" Jiyong pleaded again as they launched themselves over different roof tops.

"What do you want me to say?" Minji asked him as she landed and turned towards him, "Everything is much more difficult now. I'm not sure what to do with my life, and I'm not even sure if I can do much. It seems like everywhere I turn, there's a new vampire rule or one of you is telling me I can't do something. There's no freedom in a life like this."

"It's just until you can regain your control --" Jiyong tried to explain but was cut off.

"And then what? Even when I get control over this goddamn thirst - and trust me, I'm thirsty," she accentuated, "I still can't go in the sun, I still can't eat my favorite foods, and I'll never be able to have children."

At that last part, Minji collapsed to her knees as she buried her head in her hands, "I wanted the world with you, Ji, but not like this. I wanted to grow old with you, not be forever young. I wanted to have children with you and then watch our children have kids of their own. I wanted to spend summers at the beach in our later years together, and then, when the time came, I would be ready to die with you and move on to the next life together."

Minji continued to sob as she felt Jiyong's arms wrap around her. Burying her face into his neck, she let all of the frustrations she had been feeling - but hadn't told him about - loose, and just continued to cry. After a while, she had managed to calm her tears to quiet sniffles and when she looked up, she saw rivers of blood running from Jiyong's own eyes. Wiping away his tears with her thumb, all Minji managed to do was smear the blood, but she didn't care.

"I'm sorry, Minji," Jiyong whispered as he kissed her forehead, "This is all my fault, I should have never made you become what you are. I thought that I was saving us, by bringing you into my world so that we could be together, but in the end I only selfishly trapped you. You were right. You aren't free and I took all of that away from you. I should have let you find someone else, so that you could have had everything - the life you wanted - but I was too selfish."

"Shut up," Minji commanded and Jiyong looked at her in surprise, "You idiot. Don't you see that I'm selfish too? I want you, and only you, all of the time. Every day, every hour, and every second. How dare you say that I should have lived my life with someone else. Yes, I wanted all of those things, Jiyong, but not without you. It only matters if it's with you, don't you get that? I wish things could have been different, and that you hadn't been made into a vampire, but sometimes things happen in life that we just can't control."

At that she paused and gave him a gentle kiss, "Yes, I'm angry, and yes, I'm frustrated, but I'll get over it with you by my side. Even if you hadn't made me into what I am, the result would have been the same. There was no way I could possibly stay away from you. Even during those three months where I barely saw you, it killed me. So yes, Kwon Jiyong, I will live forever with you, because I am insanely in love with you, even if you are an idiot sometimes."

At that, Jiyong smiled widely before he tackled Minji onto the ground and began attacking her neck and mouth with kisses. Minji giggled and attempted to push him away, jokingly, but he continued his assault on . After a few seconds, he finally pulled away with a smile.

"Gong Minji," he said as he helped pull her to her feet, "I'm glad that you've said that, but the truth is -- I would rather live eternally with someone else," he deadpanned.

"Kwong Jiyong, you are the biggest jerk," Minji said in annoyance as her boyfriend burst out into laughter and she pushed him away.

Pulling her back into his chest, Jiyong looked down at her seriously as he pressed a kiss to her lips, "But seriously, Minji, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my eternity with you too."

"Good, because - chances are - we're not going to be able to get rid of each other," Minji said seriously as she pulled him in for another kiss.

"That's just fine with me," he said as he deepened the kiss before a throat cleared from behind them.

"Sorry to interrupt your love fest, but you're kind of in the way of our rebellion," Leeteuk of Super Junior declared as he bared his fangs with a 'hiss' and lunged at them.



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Dear Readers: I don't know what is wrong with me....I think I've been insane while writing the last two chapters and the current one I'm working on, haha.


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I completely adore this series and I can't wait to read more <3 Your writing style is so unique and auuugghh your character development is executed flawlessy! Teach me your waaays. Haha. Hope you update soon!
Nurindri #2
Chapter 1: Wow,nice story,,,i'll start read this story!!!
A great vampire story!!!
Nurindri #3
Interesting,,i think i'll start to read this story...!
Chapter 1: but it has a great/cool start
Chapter 1: is this another vampire story?
flowerhogger #6
Chapter 49: i thought this story was done but cant waoit for ur update i Love this syory
akaonim #7
Chapter 49: Lol omg awesomeness!!! Love the ending and how Jiyong got everyone out of the house!! Great chapter and I honestly cant wait for the next update!!
akaonim #8
Chapter 48: I missed this story so much!! Lol I'm glad your back!!!