Far Away



A/N: Diving a little more into the supernatural in this chapter. I do best when I'm writing fantasy-type fics, so I hope you guys continue to enjoy this!


Minji was dreaming. Or at least she had to be, because the situation she currently found herself in was bizarre. She was walking through a random side street looking for someone. Who, she had no idea, but she knew she needed to find that person fast, before things got worse. Up above her, the sun was completely blotted out, allowing her to walk around in the day like this. It was a solar eclipse. How it had happened, Minji didn't know, but that's why she was guessing she was dreaming.

Moving through the streets, Minji heard a soft 'flutter' and then a 'swoosh' from up above her and her gaze drifted to the top of the tall building beside her as she saw a figure move away, jumping over the rooftops.

"Hey, wait!" Minji called anxiously as she attempted to follow the figure on the ground. After a while she started to panic, as she lost sight of the figure.

"Use your power," a dark voice whispered in her head and Minji's eyes widened in shock. That voice was definitely not her own. Feeling herself begin to move in a trance-like state, Minji suddenly sprang into the air and easily launched herself on top of the roof before she gave chase again.

In the distance, Minji could see a tall building burning. Smoke was billowing out of the buildings' windows and muted screams could be heard all throughout the night. As Minji narrowed her eyes at the building, to get a better look, she realized it was SM's building. Gasping, she continued to run after her target before she collided with a solid wall.

Falling backwards onto the ground, Minji looked up to see nothing before her. That was odd. Reaching out her hand pressed against something solid. There was definitely a force in front of her, but it wouldn't let her pass.

"If you run in that direction, you've gone too far," a voice said and Minji turned her head slightly left to see a woman with long, dark-purple hair smiling down at her.

"Caught you," Minji said finally as she stood up and looked at her target.

"No. I've caught you, my child," the woman said and pulled Minji against her chest.

"What is this?" Minji asked, "Who are you?"

"I've been waiting thousands of years for you, Minji. Thank goodness Kwon Jiyong finally sired you," the woman whispered against her ear.

"Who are you?" Minji demanded again as she pulled away from the other woman.

"I am the first," the woman said simply as she gazed back at the burning building behind them.

"The first what?" Minji pressed.

"The first vampire," the woman revealed with a smile as her fangs glinted at Minji.

"The first vampire?" Minji asked in shock, "Why are you here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" the other woman said and gestured to the scene behind her, "These rebel groups are causing a problem for us. I had to intervene and take care of it before they destroy our world completely. Thank goodness I found you in time."

"Why? I don't even know you," Minji demanded as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Minji..." the other woman whispered sadly as she brushed a strand of Minji's hair out of her face, "Is that any way to talk to your mother?"

"What?" Minji asked, bewildered.

"It's true. I am your vampire mother," the woman revealed with a nod.

Minji sighed in relief, "Oh. You mean you are the mother of all vampires, right? Because you are the first?"

"Well yes. And no," the woman smiled, "You are my direct heir to the throne. I chose you long before you were even born," the woman said seriously.

Minji put her hands up into the air, "I don't understand this at all. It doesn't make any sense. Why would you choose me as the heir to your throne when you didn't even know me?"

"Because I knew your soul. I marked your soul with my own and tied you to me eternally," the other woman revealed, "In a way, you could say we're soul mates, but that's not true. We both know who your true soul mate is. Kwon Jiyong is perfect for you, which is why  - long ago - I made sure to bond his soul to yours as well."

Minji attempted to process that and when she finally did her face became angry, "So you basically chose who I would fall in love with?"

"No, sweetie, don't be upset. While I bonded your souls, I only did it for the protection of both of you. When you're together, you can protect each other better than anyone. Of course, a side effect was that you two would be drawn to each other, but the love you share was built all on your own."

Before Minji could question her further, the woman continued, "Both you and Jiyong are my heirs. You're not siblings, so don't worry," the woman quickly interjected at Minji's panicked look, "But one of you - or both of you - will inherit my throne if anything should ever happen to me."

"I bonded both of you to me, but I only shared my life substance with you, Minji, so you are my true vampire daughter," the woman said with a smile.

"This is way too confusing," Minji muttered, "What do you mean by both of us could inherit your throne?"

"Well, if you were to ever get married, Jiyong would rule as the vampire king and you would rule beside him as his queen," the woman said with a shrug.

"What do you mean by you gave me your life substance?" Minji asked.

"Some of my blood flows through your veins. That's why we share preferences for floral scents in our blood. We also share other things, but you haven't been able to use your power yet, which is why I will be arriving soon to train you."

"What about my vampire family?" Minji asked seriously.

"A perfect fit," the woman said simply, "I planned for you and Jiyong to enter that family. You were always destined to be in that family, and you cannot leave them."

"As if I would want to," Minji said seriously, "I still don't really understand this. What a crazy dream."

"This is not so much a dream as a premonition," the woman said as the duo turned to look at the destruction behind them, "I needed to share this premonition with you. You have the gift of seeing premonitions, but it wasn't active until now. I am sorry but it was necessary to enter your mind so that I could tell you all of this."

"So this isn't a dream?" Minji attempted to reaffirm and the woman nodded, "So does that mean you will come to YGE?"

"Yes. I will arrive in a few days. I have to wrap up matters with another vampire coven in Europe. There are vampires all across the world, but Korea is in danger of revealing our presence all-too-soon."

"What do I tell the others?" Minji asked seriously.

"You cannot tell them anything," the woman said seriously, "If you have premonitions, Minji, you must keep them to yourself and solve them on your own. If you reveal your secret to your family or friends, then you risk someone else finding out, and I cannot protect you if they decide to harm you. You don't have control of your power yet, so there is no way that you would be able to protect yourself either."

"When will we tell them?" Minji demanded. She was finding this all to be absurdly insane.

"When the time is right and when I can protect you and you can protect yourself."

"I don't really --"

"Look, once I arrive, I will clarify any of the confusion you're feeling, but for now I must go. You've been asleep for too long and the others are probably trying to wake you as we speak."

"Wait!" Minji called as the woman started to retreat, but she turned around.


"What's your name?" Minji asked and the woman smiled.


Minji frowned as the woman disappeared. What exactly was going on?


"Why won't she wake up?" Top asked as he moved to stand near Jiyong and looked down at Minji, who had not opened her eyes for a good half hour.

"I don't know," Jiyong responded as he gently shook Minji again, "Sweetie, wake up, please."

Snapping her eyes open, Minji bolted upright and nearly gave Jiyong a heart attack before he threw his arms around her neck and squashed her face into his chest, "Thank god."

"What?" Minji asked in confusion, attempting to clear the sleepiness from her head as she was crushed against her boyfriend.

"You wouldn't wake up," Jiyong said seriously as he pulled away from her for a second and cradled her face in his hands, "What happened?"

"I had a nightmare," Minji said honestly. Her 'premonition' had been more or less of one.

"Okay," Jiyong started softly, "Could you hear me calling you though?"

At that, Minji shook her head, "It was an intense dream, I remember that, but I don't remember what it was about," she lied.

"Alright, don't make a big deal about it Jiyong, the important thing is that she's awake," Top said seriously as both he and Jiyong helped Minji out of her marble coffin.

"And starving," Minji added as started to flare up.

"We're leaving for dinner in a few," Jiyong said as he brushed some of Minji's hair out of her face, "I already grabbed you some clothes from your apartment. Dara noona is there."

"You had time to do that?" Minji said in alarm as she yawned and made her way into Jiyong's bathroom, who promptly closed the door behind the duo.

"Well, like I said, you were asleep for another half hour," Jiyong shrugged as he watched his girlfriend strip off her clothes and enter his shower.

"Sorry," Minji called from behind the shower curtain as Jiyong started to do his hair.

"It's okay, Mingkki, I was just worried."

After a few minutes, Minji emerged from the shower and wrapped herself in a towel as Jiyong placed a pile of her clothes into her arms.

"Thanks," she said softly as she changed into a long dress-shirt that had black-and-white stripes and went down to her mid-thighs before she also pulled on a pair of black leggings. Finally, she put on her black leather boots before she watched Jiyong exit the bathroom, being done with getting ready.

Taking over the mirror, Minji quickly did her make-up before she threw up her hair into a high pony-tail and sprayed some of her favorite perfume on her neck, wrists, and stomach. Smiling in satisfaction at her appearance, she emerged from the bathroom to see Jiyong and Top waiting for her on the living room couch.

"Ready?" she asked as the two men stood.

"Yeah," Jiyong agreed and Minji watched as Youngbae suddenly opened his door and walked out into the living room.

"Are you guys going to eat without me? I was only napping for a little while," he complained as he yawned and stretched his arms over his head.

Minji covered in alarm as Youngbae's full scent hit her at once and her teeth immediately popped out. If she didn't leave soon, Minji would end up eating Youngbae instead of eating with him. Looking at her boyfriend, her eyes wide with panic, Jiyong quickly moved over to her and dragged her into the kitchen, with Minji's hand still over .

"Sorry. We didn't think you'd be awake," Top lied as he jingled his car keys pointedly.

"Aigo....that's alright I'll just see if Daesung's up and willing to go a little later," Taeyang said with a smile as he headed in the direction of Daesung's room. He chose to ignore Minji and Jiyong's odd display for the moment.


"That was close," Minji commented as the trio slid into their booth and quickly gave the waitress their orders. Dong-wook and Gummy were set to come a little later.

"Too close," Jiyong agreed as he took a sip of his drink.

"It would happen that two of the members from our respective groups would have scents that appealed to Minji," Top said with a grim smile.

"What scents are you attracted to?" Minji asked Top as their first round came out and she hungrily gulped her order down.

"Spicy ones," Top said and then explained at her look, "Scents like cinnamon or nutmeg. Usually they're combined with another scent, like a dessert scent."

"So then you and Jiyong go for the same type?" Minji asked curiously.

"I like dessert scents like he does, but if there's a kick to them...." he said as he trailed off, "I can tell. Their blood will be a little hotter - or spicier - when I taste it, and there will be a 'hum' coming from them."

"Does anyone we know have that kind of scent?" Minji asked curiously.

"CL," Top said simply, "Her blood smells like chocolate mixed with a cajun seasoning," he said with a shrug.

 "That sounds like something a pregnant woman would eat," Minji remarked and Jiyong burst out in laughter.

"Seunghyun, the pregnant vampire," Jiyong commented as he laughed again at Top's glare.

"At least mine isn't as weird as Gummy's," Top remarked as he watched his fan order a drink at the bar. It was somewhat of an amusing sight because the girl had two rivulets of blood trailing down her neck and the bar tender was looking at the wound with a mixture of disgust and fascination.

"What's her preference?" Minji asked as she gulped down her second order.

"Detergents," Top said with a smile as he watched Minji press her hand over in disbelief, "She likes people that smell like fresh laundry."

"And Dong-wook?" Minji asked after she recovered.

"Nutty scents," Jiyong answered, "Like hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, you get the idea."

Minji nodded, "I wonder how many different types there are."

"Hundreds, if not thousands," Top answered, "Sometimes vampires can be attracted to people that just smell like their favorite meal from when they were human."

"How do peoples' blood have all these different scents?" Minji wondered aloud as she took a sip of Jiyong's rum and coke and then wrinkled her nose at the taste. His drink was absurdly strong.

"It has a lot to do with genetics and a little to do with their diet and blood type," Top answered as he watched Minji order a margarita.

"That's pretty cool," Minji said seriously with a smile as she wiped off.

Minji dug her phone out of her pocket as it went off. Considering the 'jingle' was relatively short, she knew it was just a text message. Thanking the waitress as she brought Minji's two drinks over to the table, Minji read the text that appeared on the screen of her phone. 'Dara and I are going to the movies now, but she said she wants to see you afterwards, Mingkki. Would that be okay? I wanted to clear it with you and the boys first.'

"Dara unnie wants to see me after she and Bom go to the --" Minji's sentence was cut off as a blinding pain filled her head and suddenly images danced before her eyes.

Bom and Dara exited the theater, laughing as they sipped on their sodas.

That image cut out quickly as a new one replaced it.

Bom and Dara walked along the sidewalk - a couple of blocks from the dorm - as they laughed and sang a few 2NE1 songs.

Minji's head was exploding in pain as that image also cut out and yet another one replaced it.

Bom was on the ground, crying as she held a lifeless Dara in her arms.

As the images left Minji's mind, she felt Jiyong's arms around her as she held her head in her hands.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" he prodded as he rubbed her back.

"I'm fine," Minji said softly, "I'm fine, I just got a massive migraine," she confessed as she leaned her head back against his chest and closed her eyes. What the hell was she supposed to do about that premonition?

"Can vampires even take pain medication?" Jiyong wondered aloud.

"No, but give her that drink," Top answered as he gestured to her third order, "Blood definitely helps with wounds, so it'll probably help with headaches too. And if all else fails, she can always get drunk."

At that, Jiyong flashed him an uneasy smile before he took Minji's glass and pressed it against her lips. Minji opened her eyes and sat up as she took the glass from her boyfriend and drank some of the bitter-sweet liquid that was inside of the glass. The blood definitely helped to ease her headache, but it didn't alleviate the situation that she faced.

Watching as Dong-wook and Gummy entered through the curtain, Minji used the distraction that their presence brought to quickly text Junsu and ask for Jaejoong's number.

As the number was given to her, she shut her phone and slid off of Jiyong's lap, not wanting him to be suspicious if he happened to read her text conversations, before she greeted her unnie and oppa. After the duo settled down, Minji texted Jaejoong, 'Jaejoong, oppa, this is Minji from 2NE1. I know you said you would look out for Bom, so I need to ask you to follow her and Dara home from the movie theater tonight. They should get out of the movie around 9. I can't explain why, but I just have a bad feeling that something is going to happen.'

As she hit 'send', Minji sipped on her drink and after a few minutes she looked at her phone to see there was a reply. 'Thanks Minji. I'll follow them. I'll let you know if anything happens.'

Sighing loudly in relief, Jiyong looked at her suspiciously and she just flashed him a bright smile. At least she had managed to solve one problem this evening. Hopefully Jaejoong would be able to protect her unnies.

"Gummy, unnie, I heard you had a preference for fresh laundry smells," Minji teased and Gummy immediately glared at Top.

"You told her, didn't you, Seunghyun?" she accused with a wicked smile.

"Maybe," he commented with a faint smile as he sipped on his drink.

"I'll get you back for this," she promised as Dong-wook wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

As the evening went on, Minji kept checking the time on her phone until eventually she saw that it was around 9:15. Just as she noted this, her phone lit up with another response from Jaejoong, 'There was an attack. It was one of SM's juniors, but Bom and Dara are safe. I walked them home.'

Minji texted him back, 'Thank you so much. Did Dara unnie see anything out of the ordinary?'

Another reply was sent back to her, 'No. There was no time for fangs to be drawn and she didn't get a clear look at Key's face, so she assumed it was a random mugging. I'm at your apartment with them now.'

Minji sighed again as she felt some pressure ease off of her shoulders, 'Thank you, oppa, seriously,' she texted back.

Just as she was about to put her phone away, she received two more texts. One was from Jaejoong with a simple 'No Problem,' but the other was from Bom, 'WE WERE JUST ATTACKED BY A VAMPIRE!'. Minji rolled her eyes slightly at the all-caps dramatics, but she texted back, 'How do you know it was a vampire, unnie? Are you two okay?'.

'We're fine. Jaejoong came like he promised last night and he managed to fight Key off before he walked us home. He's with us in the apartment now because he wanted to keep us safe. I knew Key was a vampire since we saw him last night at the bonfire with Taemin,' Bom texted back and Minji had to scroll down to read the entirety of the lengthy message.

'I'm glad you're safe, unnie, we'll be home soon. Love you,' Minji texted back quickly.

'Love you too,' came the reply and Minji put her phone away before she noticed that it was completely quiet at the table and all eyes were on her.

"Huh?" she said as she looked around and Dong-wook started to laugh.

"Mingkki, you've been texting a lot tonight, something going on?"

"Yeah, actually," Minji confessed as the others became concerned, "Key attacked Dara and Bom on the way home from the movie theater."


"Are they okay?!"

"We should leave now."

Came the different responses and Minji held up a hand, "They're safe. Jaejoong intervened and fought Key off before he walked my unnies home. He's at the apartment with them now."

At that, there was a collective sigh of relief at the table, "Why are they attacking idols out in the open?" Jiyong questioned.

"They're probably trying to use fear tactics to get what they want out of other companies," Dong-wook mused, "Dara didn't happen to see anything unusual, did she?" Dong-wook asked Minji.

"No. Jaejoong oppa said there wasn't enough time for Key to draw his fangs, and Dara unnie didn't see his face, so she thought it was a random mugging."

"You have Jaejoong's number?" Jiyong asked at the same time that Dong-wook said, "Thank goodness."

"Yeah," Minji said simply and was grateful when her boyfriend didn't press the issue, "We should probably go home. Unnie is waiting on us."


A/N: Thank goodness our dear Jaejoong saved Bom and Dara. :o)



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Dear Readers: I don't know what is wrong with me....I think I've been insane while writing the last two chapters and the current one I'm working on, haha.


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I completely adore this series and I can't wait to read more <3 Your writing style is so unique and auuugghh your character development is executed flawlessy! Teach me your waaays. Haha. Hope you update soon!
Nurindri #2
Chapter 1: Wow,nice story,,,i'll start read this story!!!
A great vampire story!!!
Nurindri #3
Interesting,,i think i'll start to read this story...!
Chapter 1: but it has a great/cool start
Chapter 1: is this another vampire story?
flowerhogger #6
Chapter 49: i thought this story was done but cant waoit for ur update i Love this syory
akaonim #7
Chapter 49: Lol omg awesomeness!!! Love the ending and how Jiyong got everyone out of the house!! Great chapter and I honestly cant wait for the next update!!
akaonim #8
Chapter 48: I missed this story so much!! Lol I'm glad your back!!!