Beautiful Liar

These Words I'll Never Say

August, 2004


It's difficult. It's tedious. It makes my heart heavy. I try persuading myself that everything is okay, trying to convince myself to get over him and failing miserably. My mind wants me to believe that this...obsession will get no where, but my heart, my raw, aching heart knows that these feelings are not simply part of some infatuation with a pretty boy. But I tell myself that it is. I will forget him. There are many other people. Sooner or later he'll just be a fleeting memory of my past. Why do I keep telling myself lies?



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Chapter 10: I want to see this story continue on!!! it was amazingly written and had a mellow feel to it!!! I love it, and will support it!! ^_^
ambai90 #3
Chapter 9: can u update soon...kinda hoping there is interactions between them...
hoping u can write longer though ...
update soon
Chapter 9: Awwwww :-( Your entries are so great. I can really really relate to Seohyun's entries because I also feel like that. I am also the type of girl who let's her insecurities take over her and that I easily lose confidence in myself as well. That most of the times I spend my time by envying every beautiful girl that I know or see, hoping that I am as pretty as them. But reality easily sinks into me and it . A lot of things in life actually .

Everytime I read Seohyun's entries I feel sad and also a bit teary.
Why? Because everything that she had said were true. Girls are mostly the ones who really get insecure about themselves and easily lose confidence, which is sad to realize but then it is a fact after all, for we were born with a vulnerable heart that will only get strong whenever we feel that someone also loves us. A girl's heart is very fragile that can easily be shattered if not taken care of.And most teenage girls these days can pretty much relate to her for sometimes we can't help ourselves but be jealous of one has which we don't have and just silently wishing that we also posses what they have.
Chapter 9: I really love the entries from Seo and Lulu which reminded me when I used to write regularly on a diary. Such memories of childhood were still clear <3

And EXACTLY! Sadly, as much as we would love to just admit what we truly felt, everything wouldn't be easy as counting 1 2 3. In a second, we have this urge to confess but next thing happened, we found ourselves eaten by our own fears.

It looked like Luhan was a coward for doing so. But I must say that maybe, he really did love her to an extent that he couldn't say it anymore. Probably, the act of holding back would just strengthen emotions.

If I'm not mistaken...the theme is an unrequited love? IDK, just feels like it.
Chapter 9: Aaww .. Why did he backed out ?
Anyways, thanks for the update ! I love it :D
Chapter 6: Great story .. Update please !
Chapter 6: UPDATE PLEASE ))))):
Chapter 6: wow good story :) Update soon :D and Seo,If you only Knew he Wanned to break up with his gf for you :D Luhan...Seo No need to cry...=< Hwating!!:3
green_teax #10
Chapter 6: Wow. Firstly, I'm 15 and I can relate to the chapter!
Your writing style is one I really like and this kind of Drabbles are very fun to read!
Can't wait for the future updates! :)