Avatar Jieun

The Legend of Youngjae

(Muahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm so happy now that I get to use the computer and write this C: Anyway, thanks for suscribing and commenting. And if you don't, well,

 and soon, 

I swear I will find you because I know where you live and I can assure you, that your death would be slow and painful.  Enjoy! ^^)


Youngjae continued staring at the glowing blue spirit in front of him, still juxtaposed. Seeing his past life might be shocking, but it assured him.. something deep inside him, like she might help him out. It's just this assurance the spirit is giving him.

"Youngjae ah. Don't be afraid," the spirit said, still smiling at him lovingly. "I am the third Avatar before you, and I believe you have questions to ask me," she continued. 

"How the hell do I get out of here?!" Youngjae yelled loudly, before holding his hand to cover his mouth, realising how disrespectful he was towards his somewhat-ancestor. 

Jieun chuckled. She understands. 

"Oh.. I'm er... sorry.." Youngjae apologised and bowed at her. "Anyway, wh-why, can't I bend anything?'' 

''Hmm. This is a long story. You see, the third anti-bending revolution occured right after the previous Avatar before me died. One bender after the another died one by one, well thanks to the invention of gunpowder. Me, being the Avatar, though almighty and powerful, but I'm not prepared for it. I was still a teenager then, and there was no one, no one, available to teach me the other bending arts. I waited for years, after years, being tracked down by the anti-benders and I still couldn't find anyone to teach me. My life was wasted and my mission failed. Not wanting you, one of my incarnations to risk or waste your life, I sealed all of my incarnation's bending, '' Jieun explained, head down, feeling guilty. ''As I sealed the Avatar's bending, no one will know who's the Avatar.''

"But how did those... bad guys know that I am the Avatar?'' Youngjae asked her. 

''Your friends explained to you. Since you are a child of both benders, and the Avatar must be somewhere, they decided to track you down. To add on, since you are under constant protection, the anti-benders are bound to be suspicious," Jieun addresed him. Youngjae nodded his head, though his face showed some confusion.

"How.. I don't know.. How.. how do I get my bending back?'' the blonde looked at her, hoping the way to get his bending back will be easy,

''Youngjae, you sure you want to get your bending back? When your bending is back, anti-benders around the world will know you're back to kick their asses and they will track you down more viciously,'' Jieun warned him, eyes stern.

''How do they know I'm back?!'' Youngjae said, almost yelling.

''Apparently, a bright column of light will shine towards the sky from you. That's what happened when I sealed my incarnations' bending.'' Jieun answered him, still looking stern. Youngjae don't know what to do. This concerned the life of death of benders and non benders, and himself. So what if he have good benders around him? He can't afford to cause his friends to die! Maybe, he can lie to them and say that ''I have lost my bendings and will never get it back''. However, his new friends would be disappointed and lose hope at every ing thing. Moreover, it was his destiny.

''Help me, Avatar Jieun, get back my bending,'' Youngjae firmly replied. Jieun, though concerned, smiled at his courage.

''Very well, Avatar Youngjae,'' Jieun said, with a smiled plastered on her face. Gradually, her face became stern and her eyes started to glow. Youngjae looked at her in astoundment and soon, he saw more figures appear behind Jieun, their eyes glowing whitely too. Jieun walked towards Youngjae and placed her right thumb on his chest where his heart was located and left thumb on his forehead. Youngjae closed his eyes slowly as he saw the Avatars in front of him glowed a brighter hue of blue, and he felt a very strong power building deep inside of him.

''Youngjae ah, we will always be with you, don't worry,''



Zelo was doing his homework in Youngjae's room since it was his turn to take care of the blonde. He was about to fall asleep when he saw his hyung, glowing brightly, lights surrounding him. A huge column of light shone up from the blonde, destroying the roof on its way. Zelo held his hands over his eyes, trying not to be blinded. 

''HHHYYYYYYUUUUNNNNGGGGSSSS! YOUNGJAE HYUNG IS AWAKE!'' Zelo beamed as he ran down the stairs. His hyungs took notice of him and ran back up the stairs with him. They were in epiphany, mouths hanging open as they continued to stare at the glowing blonde. After around 5 seconds, Youngjae stopped glowing. They ran up to him and the blonde opened his eyes slowly. 

''Youngjae.. do you feel any better?'' Himchan asked. He knew that being unable to bend as an Avatar is horrifying.

''Better than ever,'' Youngjae smiled, before getting off the bed and launched a fireball towards the sky. 

''Yongguk hyung, teach me,'' Youngjae said jubilantly. Yongguk, still in shock, nodded his head and went to the practice room with him. 

''I knew it. The other Avatars,'' Himchan said to himsel, and the others looked at him in confusion. Daehyun felt jovial for Youngjae. More than jovial. After what happened that day when Youngjae fainted in his arms, he realised that he's smitten over the blonde.




It was time for dinner and they sat at a table, for excos only, and Youngjae saw the other benders, bowing to him, while some are staring at him in amazement.

''So, hyung! What actually happened?'' Jongup leaned his head forward to Youngjae. Youngjae basically explained to him everything that happened just now at the spiritual world. They looked bewildered yet impressed. 

''Youngjae, training is going to get tougher since you're the Avatar,'' Yongguk chuckled and the rest laughed.




''Youngjae ah!'' Youngjae heard someone calling his name from the back as he was heading his room. He turned back, to see Daehyun, panting as he ran after him.

''Yes hyung?'' Youngjae asked and took the initiative to walk to him instead, with his doe eyes staring at him.

''Con...Con... Congratulations on getting your bending back!'' Daehyun said, while trying to catch his breath. His cheeks was red from running so quickly.  

''Th-thanks,'' Youngjae stuttered and just when he was walking back to his room, his name was called again.

''What?'' Youngjae asked him, smiling eagerly, waiting for his answer. Though he's not sure whether he liked the silver-haired boy or not, he was awaiting a confession. He might not be sure of Daehyun confessing to him, but the way dramas protrayed the situation..

''Your shirt looks nice,'' Daehyun replied. Youngjae gave a ''what the '' face.

''Thanks I appreciate it a lot too. Your shirt looks nice too,'' Youngjae scoffed, obviously disappointed with his answer and stormed off. Daehyun mentally slapped himself. He was prepared to confess to the blonde but... he's too shy. He don't even know whether the blonde might accept it or not. The only thing he knew was that Youngjae have ual fantasies of him, and not really love. He walked back to his room, dejectedly. 




''Master, the Avatar, seems to be on the move,'' a man wearing a blue suit said, facing at a man sitting on his red velvet chair. 

''Oh really? Well, it's time to be more serious, Thanks Taemin,'' the man sitting on the chair said.

''You're welcome Master Onew. I go inform the other guilds too,'' Taemin said, and walked out of the door.



'Mr Avatar, be careful,'' 


**I'm done! YAYYYY! 

Thanks to all my suscribers and commenters and s

Heres a daejae gif to you awesome people!

******* EDIT: Wow I lost one suscribers. Seriously?!

slowly :)

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Chapter 9: Seriously authir-nim, are you.a machine or something? I can't even update a chapter within a day. It will actually take a week for me. Well, school work etc.
It's not that it's bad, i'm actually admiring your... 'writing machine'ness. Just ignore me.

Back to the story, Daehyun's past is soo sad x(
But on the bright side, DAEJAE is formed!! <333
Chapter 9: wow u r fast o.o i can still see my cmt below omg lol xD
Daejae is formed!!!*puking rainbows* as if they r officially a cp now~*i hope* n Jae finally has a friend!!~...who probably admited he likes Jae more than that~
Chapter 8: oh well its half rated xD omfg Yongguk bottomed!!!!how the heck?????lolll so this is what he does to make Himchan forgive him?omg yes i mean Yongguk must loves Himchan so much since he always tops...omg this is hilarious xD
n Daejae interactions!!!lol Dae u should rly consider of making Jae "feel the pain"...innocent Jae pls be prepared xD how did he have such a hot dream yet doesnt even know those basic words?*wow im a per now...*
fighting :D*how great is that if Daejae rly do sth next chap..hehe*
Chapter 8: Hah!! You've updated again? That's cool! I love you author nim! XD oh my, poor youngjae have to witness 'that' scene.
Daehyun is a tease! X)
My life.is perfect!!
Chapter 7: LOOOL! Youngjae's in love with daehyun! <3<3<3
Onew's the bad guy? Seriously? XD it reminds me of Shinee's harry potter parody xDDD
Chapter 7: wow wait when did u post chap 6??yahh Dae y didnt u just say it alrd??n Jae how did u know that lol,too much dramas?xD
so Jaes power is unveiled...n the anti-benders know now?*y must it be Onew i cant think of him being evil lol*
forever amused at the _________ing Jae...which got caught by Dae xD
anw fighting!
Chapter 5: Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daehyun is being jelly~
Daehyun gave youngjae a kiss~ <3
yes! I totally agree.with LoveNaNa! Teach him blood bending!
... teach him blood bending... /evil smirk