
The Legend of Youngjae
(Sigh. I feel so guilty I don't even know why OTL)

"Okay, so where do you want to start?" Yongguk beamed across the room. Apparently Youngjae was far away from them. They were strangers afterall.

"I don't really know..." Youngjae mumbled softly, tears threatening to flow down his cheeks. He know that this got to do with his parents.

"Hmmm. Let's start with what the heck is an Avatar," Yongguk smiled, trying to lift up his mood. After receiving a nod from the blonde, he continued. "Okay, basically the Avatar is the human reincarnation of the spirit of the Earth. Therefore, he or she have the ability to manipulate all 4 elements. Yes you Youngjae I'm jealous," Yongguk joked and it made Youngjae feel more at ease.

"I shall continue. So basically every time the Avatar dies, the spirit will find its new host, and the host will be the next Avatar. To add on the awesome fact that you're the Avatar, that means you can easily kick and there's this thing called the Avatar Stage, where you will be using the skills and knowledge of previous Avatars to gain immense power," Yongguk continued. Youngjae stared at him in utter disbelief. What the heck?

"HAHAHA. You guys are horrible at lying! This is just a dream and there's no freaking benders or avatars or whatever nonsense!" Youngjae laughed pathetically, and closed his eyes thinking it was a dream. After about 5 seconds, he opened his right eye slowly and reality smacked him hard on the face. The 5 boys are still in front of him. He felt his chest getting tighter as he still could not believe anything. Maybe it was the way he was brought up? He was taught not to talk to strangers. He turned back, hoping the chunks of rocks behind him were just an illusion. Slowly, he lifted his hand and placed it on the rock, a lonely tear making its way down to his chin from his eyes.

"Well, this is awkwardly sad. Continue, hyung," Youngjae muttered, tone filled with confusion and reluctance to accept the reality. Daehyun managed to see the tear flowing down his cheeks and walked towards Youngjae, hugging him, to comfort him. Youngjae was embarrassed by the pro-activeness of Daehyun and he wiped off his tears, before managing another "Continue please,"

"Er.. Oh ok. Anyway, you must be thinking why don't you see any benders around? Well, benders are extremely endangered, thanks to a third anti-bending revolution (A/N: In the legend of korra there wad an anti bending revolution and there was a party of anti-benders called the equalists. Watch it! It's a nice show #shamelessadvertising), and the improvement of technology. Just let the machines do the work! Moreover, benders are hated among non benders and currently, there's a few guilds or associations, determined to bring the end of benders," Yongguk growled at the last sentence.

"B-but... Why would anyone hate benders? Are they jealous?" Youngjae asked intently.

"Well, benders are somehow s. Some benders abused their gifts and commit crimes towards non benders. So non benders got angry. Initially, things were not that violent. They were unable to bend temporarily if their accupoints are blocked by trained non benders. However as time passes, with the introduction of guns, yeah you got the point, " Yongguk sighed and the blonde managed to get what he's saying.

"My parents.. Were they..." Youngjae trembled while trying to talk, holding back the overwhelming emotions.

"According to some of our benders, your parents were being plotted and thus the 'accidental car-crash'," Himchan spoke firmly, not trying to sound very emotional. "They're firebenders and the motherasses somehow managed to find out that they are firebenders and their kid is the Avatar," Himchan said, wrath wrapping around his words.

"Wait wait wait. How do you guys know I'm the Avatar? As far as I know, I can't lift up rocks!" Youngjae shouted, feeling guilty the fact that he might be one of the reasons they died.

"We are, most probably, the last few benders, maybe 100+, and since none of us can manipulate the other elements, you must be the next Avatar. Well, unless there's some lucky benders out there," Daehyun said depressingly.

"Truth be told, the Avatar was missing for very, very, very, long. And the white lotus (A/N: white lotus is a secret society of bending masters, with an aim to bring peace to the bending world, and train the Avatar till he or she have mastered all 4 elements) couldn't find the Avatar anywhere. And a century ago, they got wiped out," Himchan spoke again. Well, he's in charge of admin anyway.

"So.... You guys... Think that I'm the Avatar and I must save the lives of the last remaining benders?" Youngjae questioned them, and all of them nodded.

"This is a sick joke.. How.. The.. What... I.. I can't even bend anything!" Youngjae finally broke down. "So I may or may not be the Avatar?! My parents died because of... Maybe a small misunderstanding?!" Youngjae screamed, opening his cap of bottled feelings. "It's not just the benders. The world too! Apparently those... mean people are deciding to take over the world since they are somehow rich and powerful now," Zelo cried along, hoping that the elder will understand them.

All of a sudden, everything became quiet. Daehyun, who still have Youngjae in his arms, called for Youngjae's response. But to no avail. The others walked up to them, to see what happened. It seemed like Youngjae just fainted.

Just when Daehyun decided to lift him up and bring him back to his bed, Youngjae's eyes shot open, eyes glowing white, his face stern, and before they could react, they were thrown away by the strong gust of wind created by the blonde, and the wind destroyed part of the shelter. Before the wind decided to expand its strength and width, Youngjae's eyes stopped glowing and he flopped back down on to the destroyed floor.

**Okay I shall rest for a few days. And to those who haven't watch the show yet, glowing Avatar eyes are ing kickass. Yeah that's all I have to say. Thanks to the people who commented and @daejaes and @lolgurl100, who helped me! Kamsa~
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Chapter 9: Seriously authir-nim, are you.a machine or something? I can't even update a chapter within a day. It will actually take a week for me. Well, school work etc.
It's not that it's bad, i'm actually admiring your... 'writing machine'ness. Just ignore me.

Back to the story, Daehyun's past is soo sad x(
But on the bright side, DAEJAE is formed!! <333
Chapter 9: wow u r fast o.o i can still see my cmt below omg lol xD
Daejae is formed!!!*puking rainbows* as if they r officially a cp now~*i hope* n Jae finally has a friend!!~...who probably admited he likes Jae more than that~
Chapter 8: oh well its half rated xD omfg Yongguk bottomed!!!!how the heck?????lolll so this is what he does to make Himchan forgive him?omg yes i mean Yongguk must loves Himchan so much since he always tops...omg this is hilarious xD
n Daejae interactions!!!lol Dae u should rly consider of making Jae "feel the pain"...innocent Jae pls be prepared xD how did he have such a hot dream yet doesnt even know those basic words?*wow im a per now...*
fighting :D*how great is that if Daejae rly do sth next chap..hehe*
Chapter 8: Hah!! You've updated again? That's cool! I love you author nim! XD oh my, poor youngjae have to witness 'that' scene.
Daehyun is a tease! X)
My life.is perfect!!
Chapter 7: LOOOL! Youngjae's in love with daehyun! <3<3<3
Onew's the bad guy? Seriously? XD it reminds me of Shinee's harry potter parody xDDD
Chapter 7: wow wait when did u post chap 6??yahh Dae y didnt u just say it alrd??n Jae how did u know that lol,too much dramas?xD
so Jaes power is unveiled...n the anti-benders know now?*y must it be Onew i cant think of him being evil lol*
forever amused at the _________ing Jae...which got caught by Dae xD
anw fighting!
Chapter 5: Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daehyun is being jelly~
Daehyun gave youngjae a kiss~ <3
yes! I totally agree.with LoveNaNa! Teach him blood bending!
... teach him blood bending... /evil smirk