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  A body dropped to the floor with a lifeless thud, then there was nothing but silence. Sungmin was good at his job. Fast, efficient, deadly. He used to take pride in it too - that someone as small as him, with an innocent face like him, could be one of the world's deadliest killers. Appearances weren't everything. That's what Sungmin wanted to prove to the world, but lately, a job was a job. He'd plan, he'd execute, he'd move on. It was a never-ending cycle, his employers always seemed to have someone that needed silencing. Sungmin craned his neck until a soft pop relieved some tension, he wouldn't mind handing off a few assignments to Kangin, but his sunbae had plenty of his own marks to kill without taking on Sungmin's load.   A soft buzzing came from his earpiece, “Good job Fox, we have a new mission for you.”   Sungmin nodded to no one in particular and slipped out the fire escape just as silently as he came.  He slid down the ladder rungs and did an acrobatic flip before landing nimbly on his feet two stories below.   His earpiece buzzed again, “Maybe we should have named you Cat instead.”   Sungmin resisted the urge to flip off the building security cameras and muttered, “I thought we agreed that code names were pointless, besides, you would be the cat." Sungmin clicked his earpiece and signed off.   Lights flickered on in the room he had just left, his mark's subordinates had returned much sooner than expected, Sungmin didn't want to be around when the alarm rang. He scurried down the dark alleyway, ready to blend into the crowd of Seoul's bustling nightlife when he suddenly tripped over a foreign object. Sungmin cursed under his breath and turned to give the strange object a kick when it moaned unexpectedly. Sungmin stepped back and brought his arms up in a defensive stance as the deformed black lump whined and moved. A man with a messy mop of raven black hair slowly sat upright while rubbing the small of his back.   Sungmin clenched his fists while he contemplated whether or not he should eliminate this seemingly hapless young man that was lying in the middle of a dark alleyway. He wanted to ask, “Who are you?”, but instead Sungmin blurted out, “You're weird.”   The stranger stood up and slowly dusted off his jeans while squinting at Sungmin from behind black-rimmed glasses. “That's kind of rude. You stepped on me and kicked me; and now you're calling me weird?”   “What kind of person takes a nap in the middle of a dark alley?”   The stranger straightened out his black hooded sweatshirt and adjusted the strap of a large camera that hung from his neck.    “I wasn't napping,” He said with an annoyed tone. “I was working.”   Sungmin eyed the camera with a scowl. His job relied on anonymity and he just ran into – or rather, over - a photographer. He lowered the brim of his black cap reflexively and considered shattering the camera when an alarm went off from the building behind him. . His mark's incompetent minions had finally found the mob boss dead in his own office.    The photographer looked up towards the chaos. There were flashing lights, shouting, and screaming. Large, muscular men were leaning out of open windows and
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mwahaha I occasionally leave hints in the story feed ya know?


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Chapter 23: 🥺🥺
411 streak #2
Chapter 23: rereading this after more than a year, coz why not, it's absolutely a masterpiece <333
411 streak #3
Chapter 21: OH MY GOSH! I read this just for a few of hours! And I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!

I never knew that I would swing from yewon or kyusung, became yemin like now! I mean! I'm new to super junior, and I don't even know sungmin since he wasn't there with yesung when I saw Black Suit MV. Oh gosh! I fell in love with this OTP, thanks to you author-nim! thanks to you!!! #scream <33333
Cenya14 #4
Chapter 23: Great story, hope to get an update
greghs #5
Chapter 23: chapter 23 is really a teaseeee hahaha... please keep writing this fanfic... i like it A LOT! lol
just one thing though... i like how sungmin starting off strong... but at later chapters it feels like he's easily injured somehow... hehehe well that's just what i think... Keep Writting!!! xD
Chapter 23: Ahhhhhhhhh! Finally! Sungmin remembers! He's back in Jongwoon's arms. /ugly sobbing/ Can't wait for the next update!!!
tsha_l #7
Chapter 5: re: author's note: no, you do not at , not at all...

*catching my breath*
Eggums #8
Chapter 23: weehhhh ; 3 ; fiiiiinally

lol finally he kicked siwon in the nuts BUT MOSTLY FINALLY SUNGMIN REMEMBERED ; v ;
Chapter 23: Thank goodness you are back! I love this fix so much! I'm so glad Min got his memory back, but I'm nervous about what deal Jongwoon had to make to in order to get the antidote. Ahhh...can't wait for the next update!
KcuLL22 #10
Chapter 23: finally...sobs been too long but they finally together again sobssa though I'm afraid of jongwoon's deal with geng...ugh there's no point of remember things when yesung will have to leave ming forever ir something like that. nooooo T.T