Ten: On Hani (Part 1)

18th Street


(Third person's POV)





They ride in silence, every one of them minding their own mind. There is not much to say though, they didn’t see each other that often now, as they have their own life to live. They promised each other to meet the same day as today every year, it is the seventh year of their tradition. Although they should be ecstatic to finally get the time to spend together, the mood is gloomy. On that day seven years ago, they lost their Hani.


Junhyung is now a teacher. If he told you that he’s going to be a teacher one day back then, you probably thought that he had lost his mind. He hated school, he only went there because he had to. But who are we to determine our future. He went to an educational university, majoring in Language, and now he is Mr. Junhyung to his students.


Kikwang on the other hand works for his parents. They have a construction company, so he majored in Engineering in college. He is as busy as his parents were, it’s a family business, so he felt like everything about the business is personal. He is much calmer now, he still cracks silly jokes, but somehow the jokes are not as funny as before.


On the contrary, Sunmi is as bright as ever. She still carries her big smile around, she still have the most absurd things to say. She’s still in college, finishing her Master’s Degree in Foreign Studies. She said she has no plan to work yet, so she probably going to stay in college until she gets her Ph. D. And then she’ll be Dr. Sunmi. How cute.


“We are here.” The silence is broke by Kikwang, who is at the driver’s seat. They step out of the car, breath in the somewhat familiar air, and brave their hearts.

“Let’s go, Hani’s waiting for us.” Sunmi is already a couple of steps ahead of the guys. They walk uphill, their strides are heavy, and they walk in slow pace. It is so hard for them to reach their destination, only to find the cold motionless tomb greets them instead of their bubbly friend. Silence lingered in the air again.


They stand in a line, Sunmi’s in the middle. Junhyung bends down, putting his pink and purple tulips in front of her smiling picture. Seeing that sweet smile, his heart breaks into pieces. He had tried to forget that unfateful night, tried not to think about it, but all the memories of that night are rushing out in his brain right now.


Hani chose him.

She let go of Kikwang, went pass Sunmi, and grabbed him. She didn’t think twice, she enveloped him in her arms, protectively shading him from getting hurt. They landed safely without getting hit from the truck, but Hani hit her head on the sidewalk, she lost conscious, she was in a coma for three weeks, and she then left him.


She left him.

It was all his fault. It was his game, he suggested it. He had apologized to her parents, to Sunmi and Kikwang, and he earned their forgiveness, but he could never forgive himself.

“I’m here, my love.” He forced a smile. He could feel his voice choking in his throat, his tears threatening to get out, but he’s going to hold them in. She needs to know that he is happy. But who is he kidding to, this is his Hani, she knows him through and through. He let his tears flowing down.



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Chapter 12: This is beautiful~
I love how you made the characters act like how they would in real life^^
Chapter 12: this is beautiful, heartwarming, and somehow bitter, I m glad I found this beautiful story ♡
catkay: ... and I am so fortunate to stumble upon yours! I'm glad!
LJDAKSHKSJSKLHEW YOU WROTE 18TH STREET? :O I read this a few months ago and I cried at Hani's death ;____; Ah, this was ahmajing! <3
thank you so much for reading this story, TiffyRawrsJjong! :D
TiffyRawrsJjong #6
This was so sad! But your story was TERRIFIC! Loved the detail and emotion. (:
thank you purpleboo! :)
:) thanks a lot for reading this, marukev!
I really didn't think that Hani would die O.O This is a heartbreaking yet a wonderful story.