The Start.

Two Faced Lover: the Sword and the Rose

[A/N] Kai's thoughts will always be in italics.






The setting sun softly colours the town’s estates and hovels’ roofs, giving Luhan a magnificent view. The boy is lost in his own world, only coming noises from the port time to time wake him up to this land.

He tilts up his face to the sun, to see the object which creates a beauty and brings happiness to earth creatures. The moment is breath taking – Luhan is standing at the ship prow, enjoying the view;
Wind dances among his face: tangles the hair, revealing flawless lineaments, giving some refinement, though. One look into his eyes and you can see all the painful experiences he has been through.

“Drop anchor!” shouts captain, interfering into everyone’s lives.

Commotion starts in the ship: sailormen start rushing to deck, one to drop anchor, next to drop sail or just to wake up drooling companions, who just somehow missed the order.

“My lord, we’re already here.” Secretly a boy with sharper features, dressed in velvet frock coat, light brown knee breeches, white stockings and Hessian boots tugs Luhan’s sleeve and just then kneels down to give the respect.

“Oh, thank you for telling me, Baekhyun.”  A soft smile decorates Luhan’s face. “Come here.” Commands the man checking out his servant.“You’re looking ill these days. What’s wrong?”

Baekhyun carefully strides towards his master, looks around if nobody sees and quietly whispers. “Jesus, Luhan, this journey is wearing me out! I’m so happy that we’re finally here. I’m so sick of sea. Can you see those bags under my eyes? I look awful!”

The older careslessly giggles “I see you’re letting everything you kept inside these past days out.”

Again, the best friend looks around closely, to see if anyone noticed an unusual intimate conversation they’re having. He has a reason for being careful. After all, they’re in different ranks.

“You should be careful, Luhan! With giggling like that you sure will attract people’s attention. Plus, now you must be depressed and sad“ Baekhyun carefully points out, not fully touching the topic.

“Yes, you’re right, Baek. It’s annoying, you know. To be like this, to pretend to be someone you are not.”

The mentioned boy makes an eye contact with Luhan. “For now it’s not for me to understand, Luhan. But I can feel the hardships you are experiencing.”



“You should try harder.” argued Kyungmyun easily making Jongin to drop the sword from his hands. “You will never be able to fence well with an attitude like that.”

“Father, you know I can’t do this. What’s the point of fighting? I don’t like it. I hate when people are against each other. I just can’t.”

Kyungmyun pretended that he unnoticed a dropped hint. “Jongin, you can. You just keep saying to yourself that you can’t. What are you going to do if peasants revolted again and the mayor would ask us to quell them? You won’t be able to tell the mayor ‘I can’t’. You must learn, my son.”

These words make Jongin to fall down on grit in defeat. “Say you can. Or easier show him a few tricks Tao have learnt you yesterday. Convince him.“It’s not like that. I’m sure to Sehun it will appear questionable. Those tricks aren’t those which you can learn from a moment of sitting on grit. “You’ve always been special. I’m sure you can.” “Don’t think I can’t tense your derision, Kai.”

“Father, don’t worry - I can. I will do anything to keep and raise your dignity.” a handsome young man speaks out, arrogance recognizable in his voice.

“I know, Sehun, but I want Jongin to do it” to Sehun’s disappointment it seems that there’s no hint of boast in the father’s voice.

“Let me fight him, please.”

Finally, Kyungmyun shows an approval though makes a fake smile. “Be careful, Jongin” before agreeing to the idea out loud, he thinks to himself. “I agree, do you agree, my son?”

“I don’t think you would give me another choice.”

“Of course not!” youthfully laughs Kyungmyun to dissipate the gathered awkwardness and tension.“Think about delicious lunch Taeyeon has made!”

“As you wish, father” Jongin slightly bows to show respect for his lord.

“Son, what was –

“I’m sorry for now showing disrespect, but can we finish it quickly?”

“You want to be defeated more quickly, huh? “Sehun’s derisive tone makes Jongin shiver.

“Oh god, look, this kid is serious!”  Kai laughs loudly. To Jongin it seems like the whole world can hear it.

“Are you ready? Alright. Now two metres from each other. Let’s get started!”

The boys make an eye contact. Sehun’s gaze is full of hatred.  Jongin can’t help it, but to get nervous. How is he supposed to fight with his step-brother? When they were little there were fights in fencing, but they weren’t serious. And it was natural to Jongin to lose back then, because he honestly didn’t know anything and it wasn’t his favorite thing.  But now it’s not the past. It’s the present.

While he was lost in thought Sehun attacked. The younger’s sword grazed other’s arm and tore apart the young man’s shirt sleeve. As a result, a long thin scratch was visible on the dark arm skin and blood was flowing.

“That’s what you get for sleeping.” Sehun smirked and started attacking again.

But now Jongin was more careful and managed to avoid the attack. Also, rage was building in him, so it made him even colder than he is and think sharper. “It’s not a game, you know. You should get serious.”  He made his hand comfortable with the sword and got ready. “Just make Sehun drop his sword.” said to himself before attacking.

Jongin took a few steps to get closer to his step brother. Now it seemed like Sehun lost his vigilance. Using the chance, the boy’s tip of sword slightly made a contact with younger’s, creating a tinkling sound. That’s when the young man woke up from amazement. He couldn’t believe that his loser brother managed to avoid the attack. And probably because of it when Jongin made a move with more strength Sehun stumbled back a little.

Impulse caught Sehun.  He attacked Jongin without thinking about his movements.

Again, Jongin avoided the attack and Sehun stumbled forward. The older spun around and ground the sword’s tip into fallen boy’s back, forcing him to drop the sword.

“You lost.”






Hello, guys! How are you? Sorry for updating so late and this chapter is kinda short. But I promise others will be longer!

Bye, love you! Lovely Kailu moments to you all!!♥ 

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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 2: Update soon
#2 the discriptions and was pulled in instantly! Update soon^^
darksanctuary #3
Chapter 1: Interesting prologue..
Split personality ‎​(>̯-̮<)‎​
Chapter 1: Interesting ,update soon ^^ <3
Chapter 1: Cute ! <3 And really interesting I can't wait to see what's next ! :D
Chapter 1: LukAi is so beautiful. :) I can't wait for the next chapter. :)
fluffyns #7
omggg i'm so excited with this story >___<
oh i thought luhan was going to be saved by jongin :O
update soon <3
Bearabbitalice #8
Chapter 1: Oh I thought it really was a chapter. XD It's so ignorant of the family members to blame Lunhan when they know how the old guy died. I'm guessing they're just jealous or something? Well anyways, I hope you update soon! :)
Bearabbitalice #9
Well this sounds really interesting! I look forward to an update soon! :)