
Two Faced Lover: the Sword and the Rose

Exo has never been a quiet town. Here always could be heard shouting sellers, who praise their goods, servants, who came to the plaza to buy their masters food and arguing with sellers that their goods aren’t worth the price they’re asking to pay. If the argument enlarges, look, here’s the town captain coming with the soldiers.  When the confusion settles down, silent whispers could be heard, gossiping about what had happened now.  Horses’ hoofs clattering, girls giggling and low men voices laughing. Probably because everyone was in their own world of vision and sounds, they didn’t notice a young handsome man jumping out of a window into a stock of hay.  When the boy landed, quickly a profile of a beautiful woman shows up. She bends over the windowsill and sputters.

“Forgive me for this, but there’s nothing we can do. Please take care of yourself. I hope we can meet soon. I love you.” The words were said and the window closes up in a few seconds.

“Yeah, sure.”  says the young man unimpressed as he stands up with a sigh, taking all the straws from his raven hair. “I don’t think he has any intention of meeting you again.”

“I have never understood why my body has to fulfill your ual needs, Kai. And the one who always suffer is me.” Jongin complains, but as an answer hears just a chuckle.  

After some time he hears a full answer.

“Don’t forget this body is also mine, Jongin.”

At this time, in Beijing, you could see a white angel running from a bunch of soldiers. The angel is actually a young man covered in white wedding clothes.  Even though he insisted it should be black, since it’s not a happy day, no one cared to listen. It‘s not the point though, he really doesn’t care about that right now. The boy is quivering from inquietude and keeps looking around for an escape. Maybe also the fear does its job, because he sees none. Suddenly, a petite woman dressed in black cape, hood covering her face, shows up behind him. She touches the boy’s shoulder with the tip of her finger and the comfort onrush to him. The boy, named Luhan, turns around to face her. At the same time, the woman takes out of her pocket a silver medallion with a sign, which Luhan can’t really descry right now.

 “Wear it, Luhan. It will show you the right path, help in hard times and lead you to the person, who will mean everything to you.”

A hope lights the boy’s angelic face. “Miss, you can help me?” He almost shouts of joy and awards the woman with a beaming smile, but it fades away as soon as he recognizes soldiers’ hats out of people heads, those somewhat emotionless humans are getting nearer him.  Just a couple of seconds was enough to avert Luhan’s eyes from the mysterious woman and she’s gone.  Despair takes over the young man. 

” I won’t marry him!” Luhan shouts to the crowd and starts running again. He feels that the men are close to him, so he runs even faster than before. His suspicions confirm, as a hand tries to grab his, but Luhan jerks it off quickly. The boy is running out of breath and the strength is leaving him, but he tries his best. Luhan’s choking, but the words “I won’t marry him” are still escaping from his mouth.  Out of nowhere a chicken appears on his way. Without thinking the victim grabs a poor chicken and throws at some soldier’s face. The boy hears a scratchy scream. It distracts the others and gives a good opportunity to the boy to run away and hide at some narrow and dark aisle. But fortune isn’t on his side today.

“Do you, Luhan, take Mr.Xi to be your lawful wedded husband?” priest asks.

“Yes, I do.” Luhan spites out the words in disgust.

After a month Mr. Xi dies. Some family members blame Luhan for that and call him a witch. Though they know the old nobleman died because of his illness.

What catastrophe is waiting when these two people, Luhan and Jongin, are put to the same path and meet in the halfway?


[A/N] Sorry, it's just a prologue. I kinda at it.  but I hope you liked it just a bit!
Thank you!<3

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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 2: Update soon
#2 the discriptions and was pulled in instantly! Update soon^^
darksanctuary #3
Chapter 1: Interesting prologue..
Split personality ‎​(>̯-̮<)‎​
Chapter 1: Interesting ,update soon ^^ <3
Chapter 1: Cute ! <3 And really interesting I can't wait to see what's next ! :D
Chapter 1: LukAi is so beautiful. :) I can't wait for the next chapter. :)
fluffyns #7
omggg i'm so excited with this story >___<
oh i thought luhan was going to be saved by jongin :O
update soon <3
Bearabbitalice #8
Chapter 1: Oh I thought it really was a chapter. XD It's so ignorant of the family members to blame Lunhan when they know how the old guy died. I'm guessing they're just jealous or something? Well anyways, I hope you update soon! :)
Bearabbitalice #9
Well this sounds really interesting! I look forward to an update soon! :)