Chapter 55: After the bet

because of a bet

After 1 month...

All of them are in the canteen except for Mina. Taemin together with Key, Onew, Jonghyun, Minho and Yuri were all gatheredin one table waiting so they could all have lunch together.

"Finally I'm free today", said Taemin stretching his arms.

"Hey you still have not finished cleaning my car", said Key.

Taemin looked at Key. "I've cleaned all of your cars hyung, you had like a dozen cars".

"Well, I just bought a new one", said Key looking away.

"That's not counted then hyung", said Taemin his girlfriend just arrived just then she sat beside him.

"What's wrong?", she asked no one in particular.

"Taemin here had not finished his task as my slave", Key said.

"But I thought he'd be free today", said Mina.

"Hyung we have plans later", Taemin added so Key would let him go.

Key looked at Mina. "You have?". Mina just nodded.

"It's a new car why clean it?", asked Yuri.

"I just want Taemin to clean it, for fun", answered

Key as they started eating their lunch.

Taemin lost the bet since Mina became his girlfriend before the year ended but he won her heart and that's all that matters now. His hyungs
 would not let him forget the other condition though, they get to name his firstborn child.

"Hey what are you two doing later?", asked Onew not looking at anyone since he is busy with his chicken.

Taemin replied right away. "Uhm... we're gonna watch some movie".

"Really? Oh I was planning to do that to! Since you won't clean my car can I come? Just like before", said Key.

"But hyung it's our date", said Taemin. He pleaded the other with his eyes and thought they'd side with him.

"Key's right it would be fun to watch together", said Onew. "Right Mina?"

"Yes...", Mina said and grabbed Taemin's hand under the table as she felt him about to lose his temper. His hyungs really like bothering their dates.

So after class all of them went to watch a movie, still they wathced horror they always end up watching horror movies.

Taemin looks so happy and content just like Mina. They know they'll have problems in their relationships but as long as they have each other they can withstand anything. He found out a lot about his girlfriend in just a few days, he had to since Mina knows almost everything about him. He now know that Mina does not really have a favorite flower as long as it came from him. She can't sleep without a blanket on and she likes washing the dishes 'cause she does not think of anything while doing it so it clears her mind.

Taemin's hyungs are really happy for him especially Key and Onew since they love asking Mina to cook their favorite dish.

Dongho and Ji Eun also moved on. They remained friends with Mina and Taemin though not as close as before. They even became friends with each other. It all started when Mina got bullied by Maya, Julie and Shin Rae. These three never gave up.

Mina was once again left inside the classroom and that's when the 3 girls came. Of course Mina knew they're gonna cause trouble the minute one of them speaks.

"Look at who we have here girls, the boyfriend stealer", said Maya.

The three of them laughed. "I never knew you had it in you little Miss No Good. Stealing someone's boyfriend", Shin Rae added.

Mina was about to say something but Julie spoke first. "Shh... we know what you're gonna say, that you did not steal Taemin. But come on Mina, everyone knows he was Ji Eun's boyfriend for crying out loud! Whatever way you put it you stole him from her".

"Now tell me Mina how does it feel?", Maya said advancing towards her.

"Leave me alone", Mina yelled not liking what she heard from them.

"Oh so you're acting tough right now 'cause you're Taemin's girl?", Maya said.

"Maybe she thinks she's better than us", snorted Julie.

"That's bull, she stole her friend's boyfriend. How low can you get?", said Shin Rae rolling her eyes.

"What's going on here?", Ji Eun had just went inside the classroom.

The three girls looked happier seeing Ji Eun.

"Oh we were just talking about you" Maya answered. "You know that her - ", she points at Mina. "stealing your boyfriend thing".

"She didn't steal anyone and if she did it's none of your business", said Ji Eun firmly.

"I see, so you're still friends with the traitor?", Julie said.

"I don't know who you're calling traitor here", Ji Eun said. "But you do know I'm good friends with the president of cheerleaders right? You're applying again, I saw your applications".

"So?", the three girls chorused.

"Nothing just remembered it. Try outs starts next week and if you want to have a change to get in don't piss me off", said Ji Eun. Luckily the three girls got the message so she turned to Mina. "I saw Taemin waiting for you at the school exit".

"Thanks", Mina smiled at Ji Eun before she left.

"You know what Ji Eun? You're a loser", Julie said when Mina was gone. Ji Eun faced the three of them. "You came all the way from Japan but you lost the one reason you came back for".

"Right, and you lost him to someone you'd never thought could be your rival. You're prettier, smarter, popular and rich but when it comes to keeping your man you're nothing", said Maya.

"And you know why Taemin left you?", Shin Rae said.

"It's because he does not love you. Oh wait let me rephrase that he was not in love with you. Come to think of it, did he even get jealous? Look at the two of them right now they look so happy together, Taemin is so protective of her. Always holding her hand always smiling when she's around. Was he like that with you?"

"Shut up", Ji Eun gritted her teeth.

"Why? Does it hurt that much?", Julie said. "Poor you... now you're all alone. Let's go girls!"

The three of them left before Ji Eun let go of her tears. She had accepted that Taemin loves Mina but still it hurts. She came back to get her pen if it was not so important she wouldn't have returned but since it was the last gift her grandpa gave before he died she had to get it. Hearing them taunt Mina made her feel bad as well since she knew that Mina meant no harm they just love the same man. Ji Eun is going through her bag right now looking for her hanky but can't find it.

"Here use this", said someone from behind her.

"Thanks", she said and when she looked back to see who was it she was surprise to see Dongho.

"That was nice of you", he said sitting beside her.

"Really? Then why do I feel like ?", Ji Eun said.

"Hey it's ok", Dongho said as Ji Eun continued crying. "I know exactly how you feel and you're suppose to use this to dry your tears not stare at it". He took the hanky from her and dried her tears. "I know it's hard but you have to let go. Don't cut yourself off but know that you can't control another person".

"Why are you doing this?", Ji Eun had stopped crying and was now listening to Dongho.

"Because I see myself in you and because I admire you for what you did earlier. I might not have known Mina for a long time as you had know Taemin but I loved her just the same. But I had to let go but it does not mean I stopped caring. It's just that I can't do it for some else".

Ji Eun smiled for real this time. "Thanks".

"That's better", said Dongho.



sorry to keep you waiting guys,,, if you're from the Philippines you must have heard or seen news that Davao City suffered from flash flood...  i'm ok though but a lot had died and a lot of familes lost their homes and loved ones.. please pray for them.


I'm posting the last chapter in just a few minutes ^____^

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Chapter 60: Awwwww was beautiful story!!! Congrats!!
Chapter 39: Uhm, Ji Eun and Dongho are totally getting on my nerves!!!!
Chapter 34: Excuse me, Ji Eun totally getting on my nerves right now. Why does she have to be the person whi always interrupting Taemin and Mina? And what Taemin cant love Mina, what a funny joke
Chapter 33: For somehow Ji Eun getting on my nerves in this story right after he appeared! Poor my little Mina
KimIsuelMaya #5
Chapter 59: this story is amazing....
Chapter 60: ohhh i saw the sequel about yuri and jonghyun oooh! so nice~ i wanna read it haha!
Chapter 60: aww such a cute story! ♥ i like it! i hope yuri and jonghyun have more interactions! they're just so cute! i ship them lol
Chapter 59: Awesome story ^^ enjoyed it a lot~