Chapter 44: Getting home

because of a bet


"Taemin", someone called me and I saw Mina standing in front ofme. "Where are the others?" How long had she been standing there? "Hey Taemin where are they? Why are you alone?", she asked again.
"They left" I told her.
"Left? Where?", she asked looking from left to right.
"They went home ahead of us", I answered. "Come on, we have to be home before it rains".
The others left me there to wait for Mna. It's like they planned it. Key hyung just said they have to go first then the others followed, they ran before I can stop them. Even Yuri left Mina. I have no choice but to wait for her. I couldn't just leave her.
"Here", I handed Mina the helmet but she did not take it.
"I'll just take the bus", she said then turned to leave but I grabbedher hand before she can go a step farther.
"Don't be silly I'll take you home", I told her.
"You don't have to, I'll just take the bus or taxi".
"No you won't", I made her face me then put the helmet for her. "There. Now we're ready". I got on my motorbike but Mina still stood there. "Come on Mina, get on behind me".
"No, I won't. I told you I'd take the bus", she said trying to remove the helmet but she doesn't seem to know how to unlock it. When did she become this stubborn?
"Please remove it", she said giving up.
"I won't, so just ride with me".
"I told you I don't want to!", she said. I could tell she's really getting annoyed which was something new for me. "Just go home without me then".
"Fine!". I said then drove off. I got out of the parking lot and only remembered that I have her bag. I returned to where I left her but she's no longer there. I tried calling her only t hear the phone ringing, it's inside her bag. It's getting late an she's alone without money. Now where am I suppose to find her?
I can't believe Taemin left me. He really did! And he even brought my bag with him. I walked out of the mall looking silly 'cause I still had the helmet on. I tried to take if off but I just couln't figure out how to unlock it. You may think I'm stupid, right? But I just don't know how! It's lilke stuck or something!
I'm glad people don't know me becuase I know I really look stupid with the helmet on. I don't even have my phone with me! Then even before I got to the bus stop it rained. Just my luck. I ran to the nearest shed I saw. I was aloe and it was freezing cold. Where did I go to? I'm really bad with this. I have no sense of direction. Then someone tap me on my back. I was so happy and thought it was Taemin but it was a stranger who smelled like alcohol brewery.
"Lost sweetie?", he said giving me a erted smile. Before he could do anything more I ran as fast as I can. I did not look back at all. I ran and ran not caring where my feet would take me suddenly I bumped something or someone. I don't really 
"Mina", he said my name and I knew I was safe. I hugged him tight, he was taken aback but I felt his arms around me after a few seconds.
"There she is!", someone shouted and the next thing I knew Taemin was pulling me, we were running to who know where. We got to where he parked his motorbike. I did not think anymore and climbed behind him. He drove as fast as the thing would go. I held onto him tighter, praying that I would not fall.
When we arrive at our house the rain had already stopped. He removed the helmet off of my head.
"Are you ok?", he asked. Do I look ok? But I nodded. "You should get inside you're all wet".
'So are you", I told him.
"Is anyone home?", he asked me after ringing the bell several times.
"No my mom's gone with my dad, it's their anniversary. They decided to go on a vacation foe the weekend".
"It's Friday", Taemin said.
"They left in the afternon, they'll be back on Sunday evening", I answered.
"Where's your key?", he asked me. He opened the gate andthe door. I thought he'd leave after but he pulled me upstairs. Wait! What's happening here?
"Get in", he said when we were outside my room. My eyes widened. "Wh..what?".
"Hurry up get in and take off your clothes". he said ten opened the door pushing me inside my room when I didn't make a move. I stood there looking confuse clutching my clothes.
"What are you waiting for?", he said then went in also. What is he planning to do? "Why are you just standing there? Take off your clothes". He look at me as if I lost my mind. He came closer and that's when I shouted.
"Yah Taemin! I'm not ready for this?!!!".
"What?", he said dumbfounded. "What are you talking about? Change into dry clothes before you get sick.
"Oh yes, I can do that", I said. "Hey you should get out first". He look at me one last time the went out of my room.
"Are you done?", he asked me I opened the door and he went inside my room again.
"Do you wanna change too? You can borrow my dad's clothes", I told him.
"No", he answered. "Grab some clothes. You're staying iwth us".
"You're alone here rihgt? You better stay with us for the weekend", he said as if the decision is final.
"I can't. I'm good here. I can take care of myself".
"No you can't. I'm not comfortable leaving you here alone", he said the without warning opened my drawers and took out some clothes.
"Yah Lee Taemin!", I yelled when he was about to open the drawer where I keep my underwears.
"What? Let's hurry before it rains again", I grab the shirt he took. "Come on, I'm giving you five minutes. I'll wait for you downstairs", he said then went out of my room. I stood there doing nothing.
"Mina you have 4 minutes and 21 seconds left", yelled Taemin. "Or else I'll come up there and pack your things!".
"Aish! Why is he doing this!", I stomped then grab my things then I ran downstairs finding Taemin standing just outside the door.
"Great now we're ready to go", he said to me taking my bag, I had no choice but to follow him outside. He put the helmet on for me. "Come on".
"I'm afraid", I told him.
"Well you rode with me earlier", he said to me.
"That's different we were being chased!".
"What you wanna be chased again?", he said. "Come on. Mina I'm tired and I want to go home".
I did not argure anymore and got behind him. "Just hold on tight, ok?", he said. 
"Don't worry. You're with me, you're safe".
sorry guys, i have to stop here for now...  this is getting longer but don't worry i promise it's gonna get exciting.. LOL
hope you do watch out for my next updates...
i'm waiting for your comments as well
sorry for ERRORS guys!
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Chapter 60: Awwwww was beautiful story!!! Congrats!!
Chapter 39: Uhm, Ji Eun and Dongho are totally getting on my nerves!!!!
Chapter 34: Excuse me, Ji Eun totally getting on my nerves right now. Why does she have to be the person whi always interrupting Taemin and Mina? And what Taemin cant love Mina, what a funny joke
Chapter 33: For somehow Ji Eun getting on my nerves in this story right after he appeared! Poor my little Mina
KimIsuelMaya #5
Chapter 59: this story is amazing....
Chapter 60: ohhh i saw the sequel about yuri and jonghyun oooh! so nice~ i wanna read it haha!
Chapter 60: aww such a cute story! ♥ i like it! i hope yuri and jonghyun have more interactions! they're just so cute! i ship them lol
Chapter 59: Awesome story ^^ enjoyed it a lot~