Chapter 42: Questions

because of a bet


"Not horror", Key said.
"But the other movies are all chick fils", Yuri argued Key then checked out the other movies and Yuri's right the others are all chick films.
"Uhm.. well what do you think guys?", Key asked looking at the others. Minho just shrugged, Jonghyun did not say anything and Taemin just looked back at him.
"See, horror it is!", Yuri said. Key paid for our tickets. Jonghyun and Minho got some popcorn and soda for all of us. We entered the cinema, Key and Yuri leading us an Dongho and I are behind them while Taemin, Minho and Jonghyun bringing the rear. We found our seats and settled ourselves. I ended sitting beside Dongho and Taemin. Key insisted Jonghyun to sit with him while Minho sat beside Yuri who refuse to sit with Jonghyun.
The film started and everyone became quiet. Everyone seemed different no one moved unecessarily, and surprisingly no one made a noise.
"Mina are you cold?", Dongho suddenly asked.
"No, not really", I answered but the truth was I was feeling cold. Dongho did not sem to believe me.
"Here give me your hand", Dongho said.
"Huh?', I got confused not knowing what he'll do next. He took both of my hands into his and rubbed them.
"Better?', he asked. I just nodded. Dongho held my hands until the film finished. Yuri was the only one who screamed. Key and Jonghyun kept quiet all throughout the film. 
"I'm hungry", Key said when we got out of the cinema.
"Me too!", Minho said. "Let's eat first". We decided to eat pizza. Dongho and I were talking about the film we just watched and the others became busy talking too. Key and Jonghyun were talking about their new cars and Minho and Yuri were talking about school stuff which leaves Taemin alone with no one to talk to he was quiet even when watching the film maybe he misses Ji Eun? 
Dongho also noticed this and included Taemin in our conversation. They topic went from the movie to the basketball game they'll have soon.
Dongho's phone ran, his mom was the one calling. He excused himself and came back after 5 minutes.
"Hey guys. I need to go. My mom just called me and wants me home right now", Dongho told me.
"Is somethng wrong?", I asked him.
"No nothing", Dongho answered. "Uhm I can still send you home".
"Don't worry I can go home with them", I told Dongho.
"Ok I'll get going now", Dongho said then reached out for my hand and gave it a final squeeze before leaving.
"Thank goodness he left already", Key said when Dongho was gone.
"Hey he's nice Key', Yuri said to him.
"Yes, he is nice 'cause he wants to look good for Mina", Key said. "What do you think Minho?"
"Well we get along just fine when playing", Minho said.
"You're not answering my question", Key said. "Never mind. I just don't lie him. I know he didn't do anything bad but still... well anyway Mina are you and him getting close?"
Why does Key ask awkward questions when everyone is present!
"Close? Me and Dongho?", Key nodded. "Well, we're getting to know each other".
"You do know he likes you right?', I nodded. "Is there a chance that you like him too?"
GREAT! Key and his questions! He waited for my reply and so were the others even Yuri and Taemin. I can tell 'cause they all stopped doing whatever they were doing and just looked at me. Jonghyun was now drumming his fingers on the table.
"Uhm.. well... I do like him", I told them. Key's eyes widened and Jonghyun let out a sigh. Yuri looked at Taemin and Minho just kept on staring at me. It's true that I now like Dongho, he's nice but not the way I like Taemin. I was gonna say I like him as a friend but Taemin spoke first.
"Why don't we all go home now", Taemin said without even waiting for us he stood up. I was the last one to get up. The others already catching up with Taemin.
Yuri wanted to go to the washroom first so I accompanied her while the others wait. I also needed to pee.
"Mina, do you really like Dongho?', Yuri asked. 
"Of course Yuri bit I like him as a friend", was my answer.
"I thought so too", Yuri said. Then I heard her get out leaving me behind. When I got outside the washroom, Taemin was the only one waiting.
This will be my last update today. . . . . . .  ♥ ♥ ♥
comments guys! i love reading them super! it's my motivation 
@taetummy will be patiently waiting for it ♥
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Chapter 60: Awwwww was beautiful story!!! Congrats!!
Chapter 39: Uhm, Ji Eun and Dongho are totally getting on my nerves!!!!
Chapter 34: Excuse me, Ji Eun totally getting on my nerves right now. Why does she have to be the person whi always interrupting Taemin and Mina? And what Taemin cant love Mina, what a funny joke
Chapter 33: For somehow Ji Eun getting on my nerves in this story right after he appeared! Poor my little Mina
KimIsuelMaya #5
Chapter 59: this story is amazing....
Chapter 60: ohhh i saw the sequel about yuri and jonghyun oooh! so nice~ i wanna read it haha!
Chapter 60: aww such a cute story! ♥ i like it! i hope yuri and jonghyun have more interactions! they're just so cute! i ship them lol
Chapter 59: Awesome story ^^ enjoyed it a lot~