
Who We Are


Chapter 3. 
Sica unnie is always telling me that love makes the world go round. True, i didn't buy that at first, but I found myself pondering over her words more and more recently. Love makes the world go round... Well maybe it is true in a sense. Love gives us the motivation to carry on with life, even during the darkest periods of time. Even when you feel that hope is all gone. Even when you want to break down and cry so desperately. Because you know that someone special will be there waiting, and you have to pull through all the obstacles in order to be with them in the end. 
Hats off, sis. Finally you are saying sensible things after gawking after jocks for so many years. ^^ 
Anyway, back to me. Thanks to Minho, I finally figured out that deoxygenated blood flows through the right atrium and oxygenated blood flow through the left atrium (or...... Is it?). We had a couple more coaching sessions and I'm glad to say that both our grades are improving. That's something worth celebrating right? 
But there are 2 problems now: 
1. I think I'm in love with him (Thanks to such vivid descriptions of Jessie unnie, I have finally somewhat understood the meaning of love. But... Minho, do you love me back?) 
2. Jiyeon is messing with my life
I shall not be blatant with my love life. Showing off your love life is awkward! When I have the courage, ok? :p However, I shall be very straightforward in saying that I hate jiyeon. I loathe her. I despise her. Blehhhh. You know the feeling when you can practically see foundation powder falling from her face and she sticks to Minho with that sickening sweet voice? It gives me goosebumps to the extent that I will shudder whenever I think of her voice. After the dinner incident, she seems to be always trying to put me in a spot and trying to screw up my life. Geez! Get a life! Putting fake cockroaches into my food, smearing glue on my chair, and cutting holes in my bag isn't going to make me back off! 
(POV change to writer's POV) 
Krystal stood in the toilet cubicle, trying fervently to pin the hole in her school jacket with safety pins. Amazing jiyeon had managed to burn a huge hole in her jacket during chemistry prac lesson-- but there was nothing that Krystal could do because it was "supposedly" an accident and the teacher always have a soft spot for accidents. 
Krystal sneezed and rubbed her nose furiously. The day was horrible. Catching a bad cold and getting burned in the jacket? Wow. As she fastened the last pin in place, a huge pail of iced water was dunked on her from on top of the cubicle. 
Grab the door and leave. That was what her instincts told her to do. However, someone had placed a heavy object from the other side of the door and the door would not budge despite Krystal's efforts of banging the door open. She screamed, but the only answers that she got were the echoes of her own voice. 
Krystal Jung was scared. Really scared. Hurriedly digging out her phone, she realised that the was no signal inside the toilet and she slumped onto the floor in despair. Cold and miserable. Alone and afraid. 
(Back in the classroom) Minho frowned at Krystal's empty seat. It had been an hour half... Where is that girl? Seriously? Taking so long to pin her shirt isn't her style. Is she in trouble or something? Panic surged up but Minho tried to reassure himself and ignore the tint of worry in his heart. 
Soojung... Please be ok. 
Once the lesson ended, Minho dashed out of the classroom in a frenzy to search for his beloved girl. Yes. His beloved girl. And hence, jiyeon's smirk in her powdered face was unnoticed by everyone. 
Krystal-ahh, Jungie-ahh, hang in there, arrassou? 
#yayy my exams are finally over! Sorry for not updating, I will be updating more frequently since I'm free now! ^^ do carry on supporting this story! ^^ 
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Chapter 3: Cliffhanger TT.TT
Chapter 3: Love update soon dear!!!!
Chapter 3: Minho hurry up and save her!!
Oh my God Jiyeon is a ____-_-
I don't like her character neither in this fic and in the real life._.v
Chapter 3: jungieeee~~ :'( i hope you will be okay..
minho, save her quickly~~~

author-nim, update soon :))
Chapter 2: It's a beautiful fluff! Update soon pls
Kekekekeke Minho's so cute and Krystal is so. . HER.
OTL ice princess ftw!
Waiting for your next update ^^
my baby jung is falling in love! haha :D
but looks like Minho is already in love with her. hahaha :DD hmm??
something's fishy about that frog prince. hahaha :DD
they're sooo cute. hahaha :D
keep on updating! FIGHTING! :DD
Haha thank you to all my subbers and commenters! :D

@Justagurl, ty for being the first commenter! Hahah but er, when you saw my username? Don't quite get that there. But it's ok, as a reward for commenting, I will write a otp one shot dedicated to you! Post on my wall your desired otp ASAP and I will be able to start work! The first 5 commenters will all get rewards~