awkward. much~~


heh heh field trip tmrw <3 finally, PEACE and no SCHOOL WORK <333 sho i get to update dis xD although it ... >< i'm a bit stuck;; heh.... *scratches back of neck* anyways i think this story will end soon!!!!!! k i rlly don't know ~~~~ it's gonna end MISERABLY fo' sho' -_- maybe this is da last chappie??????? OH IDK MAYBE 1-3 MORE CHAPPIES AND.... boom~!!!!!!!!!! done with da horrible "master piece" .......... xD (?)

sho without further ado... ^^ lets start <33


WOW. did baek just kiss me??....awkward much~!! I was blushing so much and baek starting laughing at me;;;;

He's so cute. I mean, who wouldn't wanna be his girlfriend? I was so blessed with that fact that the skinship was so intense between us... >< WHY AM I SO GREASY?


After endless hours of chatting, and of course, hugging and pecking her on the lips, she felt asleep. I didn't notice that~!!!! It was so adorable. I carried her to her bed, BRIDAL STYLE. ^^ What a nice guy I am? Hee hee (I am not trying to be arrogant here lol)


I decided to just sleep at her place for today. Plus, 2ne1's dorm is divded in 2, CL shares one dorm with Bom and they have separte rooms so why can't I sleep with her? kekeke ^^ I crawled into the bed beside her, carrassing her cheeks... What a sleeping beauty~~~ :*




I was at a club with TAEYEON aka BATCH OF COOKIES

She was so drunk and she decided to make out with me. But I wasn't so comfortable because Chaerin didn't leave my mind... What am I supposed to do? I wish I was with Chaerin, at her favourite bubble tea shop, chatting and hanging out with her. I really don't like to see her with Baek hyung... Made me so jealous... >< I want to die or use Tao's special ability: Time control.


suicide.. that will clear my mind? I hope...


done with this crap... thing!!! omo is kai comitting... s-s-suicide!?\







these gifs ain't mine <3 they belong to their repectful owners :D


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Chapter 10: nooooo. why did kai have to die? :'(
pororopenguin08 #2
Chapter 2: hellloooo guess who i am!!! hint: i love koojacheul
Haha.. Sorry~~~~~ and ur welcome^^
Chapter 11: Why did Kai have to dieeeeeee!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Thank u 4 the story!!!
i'm sho sorry for da sudden things...all of them happened all at like one second... its so rushed...;;;
Chapter 8: Heh heh i will tmrw~~ *yawnnn* im sleepy
Chapter 8: LOL luvin the gifs!!
Thanks for teh update author-nim
lol really!? thank you.. :)
Chapter 8: Good update! I love every chapter!