Me? (bonus)


I care about her?


Yes, I do. That’s not even a question.


Do I love her?






The relationship I have with this girl is a joke in my perspective, but I can only guess that she takes it seriously. Well, she is the one who confessed to me.


Why did I say yes?


That’s easy to answer too.


You see my brother is head over heels for this girl, and she chose me. That, my friend, is what I call comedy! It was hilarious, you know, the face he made when his precious friend told him the great news.


Hahaha God was he pissed. More mad than I had ever seen him, and that’s saying something considering his personality.


Things have simmered down finally, and I was thinking about breaking off this joke of a relationship. See? That’s why I invited her to have lunch two days ago.

Something went wrong though…


She came to me in tears and fainted. That’s not normal. She doesn’t cry when she’s with me. All smiles and sunshine, that’s her personality.


What could I do? I called her mother and told her what happened, and I put her to bed.


What?! Of course I didn’t do anything to her while she was out. Im no sicko, okay?


Anyways, I wake up the next morning and lo and behold! Sleeping beauty still hasn’t woken up. So I went to the kitchen and fixed myself some coffee. I mean, what else could I do?


Then this idiot walks all the way to kitchen.




Is she stupid? I mean she was out for a while so of course she wasn’t looking too hot.


Me? I like to think of myself as a curious person in general. So I get to asking her what happened, and she starts complaining about a headache and BOOM! She’s out cold again.


‘Screw this’ is what I thought. I put her back in my bed, I went out.


I’m kind of seeing this friend of mine on the side of this joke of a relationship, but of course she doesn’t know that. In fact my lover was in the room when I invited her for lunch.






So I go out to see her, and I have the greatest time. I vaguely remember a note I left at home…


Ah yes, I’m getting groceries. Saying goodbye I buy some groceries on the way back and head home.


I get into the kitchen and look up to find the girl standing there. Of course I flash a smile, and what does she do? Grins back stupidly.




Coming up to me she hugs me and we exchange a few words with me giving her a slight peck on the lips.


Hey I’m still her boyfriend.


Even if I don’t want to be.


Of course, I still want to know what happened so I ask. Then this girl runs straight through the front door.


I rolled my eyes, now that I remember, and I went after her.


Something’s seriously wrong with her. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want some mental psycho running around the streets.


Okay that was a bit harsh, but that’s what I was seriously thinking when I went after her.


When I find her guess who’s there, to my surprise, grabbing my property.


That’s interesting.


So I stand back and watch what’s happening, and it sounds like she has completely forgotten about him.




Comedy! Cruel cruel comedy.


I walk up beside her and I basically lay my overwhelming claim on this childish girl.


You know, just to see what happens. Oh and what happens is just great!  If you were there I’d be able to explain it just right.


Of course I win this round, and Jiyong is just going to have a grand ol’ time trying to figure out how to get this girl back.


Me? I see myself as a person that only good happen to. I usually always win.


I assure you.


I’ll win.




A/N: Bonus~! \(^_^)/ woot woot. well you know i was just wondering what the mysterious boyfriend/ brother character is like and BAM this is what came out :P sorry if he isnt exactly livin up to yer expectations butg i beleive he fits this mold quite nicely quite nicley indeed

until next time. au revoir~!

<3 jizeeru


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jiyonglurver #1
Chapter 4: jiyong you need to make her rmb you!!!! dont let her get bullied!!
Jiyoung needs to fight for her!