





*click* “Hello?”




“Hi, mom.”




“No it’s okay I’m doing fine…”




“I’m taking the pills don’t worry.”




“Yeah I’m still dating him.”




“I know you don’t like him but can’t you just be happy for me?!”




“You’re impossible! Who’s Jiyong? Seriously how can I date a guy I’ve never met?”


“.. –“


“I already told you that I’m taking the damn pills!”




“NO. I hate that psychiatrist. Plus there‘s nothing wrong with me anyway! Goodbye, I’m done with this conversation.”




Okay maybe that was a bit much, but she shouldn’t be treating her own flesh and blood like its sick. Turning away from the phone I grabbed the strawberry lemonade I had poured myself and sat down on my chair. This hasn’t been my day. Here I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, my mother could relieve some if the stress and confusion I have been accumulating; especially since this morning’s incident.


Especially since then.


Since when did he have a brother? Does he tell this Jiyong about me? Is that why he was all cozy with me like we were friends…


It’s just too weird.


My head is starting to hurt.


A guitar is playing in the distance.


Clutching my head with my hand I walk towards the source of the music. Out into the hallway, and through the only open door. Standing in the doorway all I see is a back with a head bowed over a guitar solemnly playing a sorrowful tune.




As if woken up from a trance, Jiyong turns towards me and just stares. Gosh he doesn’t even seem surprised.


“Hey, do you mind playing some more?” I say hesitantly as I walk towards an open seat next to the bed. “I have a headache and your guitar takes my mind off of the pain. Smiling I sit down and look at him.


Really the resemblance to him is striking. In the shape of his face but not so much the eyes. The way he speaks and how he holds himself is completely different as well. He isn’t as tall but definitely taller than I am. But Jiyong’s best feature might be his smile…


Sometime while I was thinking he began playing his guitar. A soft tune that isn’t really meant to put someone to sleep but is more like a relaxing serenade.


 Closing my eyes I bask in the simple melody that dances around the room as time seems to stand still. I don’t know how long I sat there listening to Jiyong play his guitar; it could have been either a second or an eternity, but soon the music softly faded to an end.


“You aren’t asleep are you?”


Opening my eyes I shake my head and study him. “Do I know you?” after this episode I feel like Jiyong is more of a friend instead of a creep.


“Do you remember me?,” he asks as he gently puts his guitar on the bed.


“To be quite honest not really,” I giggle at his sigh, “but I don’t know you seem…familiar.”


“Well that’s a step if any,” he smiles, “so, how’s your headache?” tapping his forefinger to his head he waits for my answer.


Only noticing now that the headache is gone I sigh in relief. “Thank goodness! I thought I was going to faint again.”


Looking at me in surprise Jiyong asks, “Wait you fainted? From a headache?”


I nod, “yeah it was the weirdest thing. I barely remember it…I think I was trying to remember what happened a few days ago. He asked me why I was crying, and…I can’t remember why.”


“So you don’t remember the fight we had in front of the apartment?”


“We had a fight? Jiyong I barely met you today.”


“But you said that I’m familiar.”


“You seem familiar.”


“Okay ‘seem’ but that has to count for something! Can you try remembering again?”


“I don’t know…”


“C’mon I’ll even play my guitar for you.”


“…” sighing I finally give in. “Okay I’ll try again.”


With a grin he picks up his guitar, starts playing, and, to my surprise, quietly singing.


I lean back in my chair and begin digging through my brain for what happened two days ago.




A/N: Ay yo whats up??? Well here is the latest chapter of music :D if you haven't noticed yet, there's something wrong with our main character~ ^^ ooooo excxiting, no? i hope ya'll enjoy this chapter~! Until next time au revoir!

<3 Jizeeru


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jiyonglurver #1
Chapter 4: jiyong you need to make her rmb you!!!! dont let her get bullied!!
Jiyoung needs to fight for her!