

The music is too loud.


Are you listening?! Why don't you believe me? I am your best friend right?”


Too bad it's still not loud enough.


“Jiyong, I don't care what you say! He would never do that...I'm the one dating him so I know him best. He would NEVER cheat.”


...but...I saw what I saw... I mean it was obvious... *sigh* what can I do to get you to believe me?”


I could hear it. He's begging now, and I hate it. I don't want to hear it.






And silence. Rubbing my eyes I plop down on my bed and go over what Jiyong had just told me.


He cheated on me.


No no no no no! That can't be right. I know him best just like he knows me best. Jiyong is just jealous I know he's been in love with me since we were children, but I can't see him that way. He will forever be my big brother, and he knows that. He can't accept it. He's jealous.


Shifting to lay down on my side I glare at the phone as though Jiyong might be able to feel just how disappointed I am with him.








Startled I realize that the phone is ringing; tiredly I get up to answer the phone expecting another rant from Jiyong.


Jiyong I don't want to hear it any–”




It's him. “Ah I was um wasn't expecting you to call me...” God I can be so dumb sometimes. Slapping my forehead I pick up the set and head over to my bed.


Chuckling, “it's always nice to be surprised once in a while.”


Just the sound of his voice immediately reassures all of my fears about Jiyong and about everything. This has to be love; I mean what else could ever give me this feeling of walking on air...


Hey? Are you still there?”


Sorry! I was spacing,” coiling the cord of the phone on my finger, “So what is this surprise call about?”


Well I was just wondering if you would like to come over tomorrow?” more chuckling in the background...


Ecstatic I reply, “Of course! I would love to.” walking over to my mirror I look down at a picture of us together, “I'll make us something to eat for tomorrow so make sure you're hungry, okay?”



I love your cooking. Well I have to go now, love, I'll see you tomorrow.”


Mmhmm see you tomorrow!”




Was it my imagination or was there a girl giggling in the background... shaking my head I sit down in front of my mirror. No of course there wasn't. He's not like that. Jiyong has got me thinking up the weirdest things. I know him best, of course, so I know he wouldn't do that.




Hearing a noise at my door I turn around to see it open a crack.


Funny I always close my door...


I get up, open the door, and peer up and down the hall. All there is to see are doors, doors, and more doors. Except one door is open...? Walking over to the open door I see Jiyong looking through the window.


Jiyong! What are you doing here?” placing my hands on my hips I try to look mad. It's hard to tell though if it's working since I can't see my face.


He turns around and flinches.


It's working.


Oh hey. Didn't know you were here I was just... you know... hunting... elephants.” Looking down at the floor in shame he only glances up two times trying not to make eye contact.


Hmm? I didn't know we had a problem like that,” I said icily, “get out.” Turning I point the direction out to the hall.


Wait! No! I mean umm I'm sorry about what I said earlier I was just kidding. It was a bad joke, and it got worse the more I tried to make you believe it.”


...really?” Not like I believed you anyway.


Yeah really.”


You think I'm going to forgive you after you accuse my boyfriend of cheating on me?”


Not really, I was just hoping we could maybe come to an understanding?” He came closer until he was only a foot away from me. Looking up into his face I saw the pain, I remembered his voice, the music. Shaking my head I looked into his face again.


*sigh* “Okay. A compromise nothing else.” I hold my hand out for him to shake.


Thank you,” he looked at my hand, walked past me, and left me standing there staring at my empty hand.


He's jealous.


Going up the hallway and back into my room I couldn't stop thinking about Jiyong, and worst of all the things he said on the phone.


What if he is cheating on me? Maybe I'm just kidding myself thinking that we are in love. Especially since he is so much more mature than I am...




So loud it drowns out any other thought.


Very loud music.


Music that is easy to fall asleep to.



I wake up lazily to the sun shining through my window. Stretching I look at the time, and then i'm running to get ready. God I can be so dumb sometimes. Thank goodness I have everything ready already. Hastily I put on my shoes and almost forget to lock my door. Practically flying out the building I bump into Jiyong.


Gah! Jiyong! I didn't see you there now if you'll notice im in a –"


Don't go.”


What?” I stare incredulously at him, “I'm sorry but you Can't tell me what to do.”


Please.” The pain, but this time I don't try to ignore it. Standing still I stare up at him.




That bastard doesn't love you! Can't you see? He's only using you! I cant stand to see it happen anymore I should have spoken up before, but I knew how you would react...” by then he had my shoulders and he had a frantic look in his eyes.


Jiyong you said you would drop this act.” Fear. That is what I feel right now. I'm afraid of the fact that I might believe him. That he might be telling the truth.




I love you.”


Incredibly loud music.


Sorry Jiyong but I think I've kept my boyfriend waiting long enough,” I walk past him and keep going without looking back because now I'm on the verge of tears. I can't stand it. What he's doing to himself. I'm sorry, I think to wind, I'm sorry Jiyong but it's too late.


Incredibly loud, sad music.


Running I stumble into his house and vaguely feel arms around me. The there's the voice.


Love? Are you okay? What happened? Why are you crying?”


Oh. That's why it's so hard to see. Sniffling I can only cling to him and hope the pain goes away.


Cradling my head he puts it on his shoulder and soothes my fears about Jiyong, about everything, about the truth. Gently he kisses my forehead.


This must be love. What else could it be? He knows exactly how to calm me down. He knows exactly how to make me happy


I love him. He loves me.




A/N: kay so this was kinda spur of the moment so it isn't long :P it was an inspiration and i had to get it down (even if this type of story isn't very original and im still new to the scene) whatevs enjoy it anyway :D~ till next time au revoir!

<3 jizeeru

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jiyonglurver #1
Chapter 4: jiyong you need to make her rmb you!!!! dont let her get bullied!!
Jiyoung needs to fight for her!