The Revealed Truth

Two Moons, One Destiny


AN: As promised, here's a much longer chapter~! I hope you don't find it too long, or boring ;u;  Also, sorry it's taken so long~ I hope it was worth your wait!  ^_^


“So what did you mean by not for long?” You asked as you struggled to keep up with Zitao’s long legged pace. It was frustrating, trying to keep up with him, but you didn’t mind. Something about his laidback matter-of-fact attitude settled you, even if you weren’t exactly happy.

You heard him snigger a little before he spoke.
“You know how Jongin just disappears?” You nodded because yes, you did know and it was something you were very curious about. “Well, I can stop time. Not for long, but long enough.”

You felt your eyes widen as you struggled to compute the information. He can freeze time? Does that mean I’ve lost half an hour of my life?
As if he could read your mind, he hastened to add “It doesn’t affect you though, you freeze when time freezes. At least, I think so.” He hummed slightly, as if he was confirming his theory to himself. “Runs on instinct, y’know?”

No, you didn’t know, but you nodded anyway. It was easier that way, you figured. Quietly, you continued to trek through the suddenly thinning copse, appreciating the fact that every so often Zitao would pause and knock back any dangerously protruding branches.  

“When did you stop it?” You asked suddenly - the silence had been driving you mad and you had the sudden impulse to fill it. “The time I mean.”

He didn’t stop walking, but his pace slowed to a deliberate stride.

“When you ran into me.” He chuckled again. You couldn’t help notice his tendency to laugh at things that weren’t particularly amusing.  “Not my usual reaction but I had a feeling it might you.”

Used to fact that these mysterious men already knew you, you didn’t ask why. Instead, an entirely different question leapt out from your lips.

“And what is your usual reaction?” 

As the words met his ears, Zitao’s lips pursed into a smug smirk. His eyes pinched slightly, crinkling around their dark edges as he chose his words.

“You’d probably rather not know.”  He told matter of factly, now-familiar cocky expression plastered to his face. You let it lie; returning your focus to making sure you didn’t fall or cause yourself any more injuries.  The cut beneath your eye was still stinging, but it had cooled down considerably. That, you assumed, meant it must have stopped bleeding by now - as well as the fact that you could feel the dry blood, that had slipped down your face, crack whenever you spoke.

Before you knew it, you were nearing the other side of the forest.

The whisper of blue sky that tantalisingly poked through the dense canopy had significantly grown, in fact the ratio of blue-to-green had pretty much reversed. Through what was left of the thinning tree trunks and foliage, you could see yet another field but it was by no means as bleak as the last. Rolling hills, the odd tree here and there and flowers of all colours bloomed and thrived under the vast clear sky. Most intriguingly, however, on the horizon sat what appeared to be a large mansion, surrounded by ornate wrought iron gates.

As you emerged from the forest, you took a deep breath, comforted by the soft floral scent that hung on the air. It was nice to walk without every step crunching on dead leaves and crispy twigs too. The silence was oddly satisfying, you thought to yourself, stretching your arms above your head as you followed Zitao in the direction of the manor.

Well, until you found yourself suddenly yelping again.

 You had begun to expect the unexpected, but never in your wildest dreams did you imagine a man dropping from the sky as if from nowhere.  To cap it all off, he landed perfectly on his feet, clothes and hair immaculately unruffled.

His eyes, piercing and narrowed, surveyed you briefly before a deep bow curved his unnaturally large spine. When your heart beat recovered from the shock of a man falling from the sky, you returned the gesture, in the form of a nod, with a tight lipped smile and sideways glance at Zitao to check everything was okay. He didn’t see however, instead he was chuckling as he strode past you with a hand extended toward the stranger.

 “Hey Yifan, I was wondering when you’d show up!” He called, large hand slapping him roughly on the back. As he straightened out, the man you understood to be Yifan shrugged away from the touch with a pursed expression of annoyance.

“Don’t call me that.” His voice was flat, until he turned to you with a much softer face. “Kris. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Mihyun.”

You nodded once more in acknowledgement. What’s up with his name? you thought as a curiosity you couldn’t speak aloud flooded through your head. He was already proving to be a bigger mystery than anticipated but, as with everything else that happened to you, you didn’t expect a clear explanation. Saving the effort, you didn’t even bother asking.

“Mmm, I can’t say the same, but it’s nice to meet you too.” You mused, hand dwarfed by his when you accepted the offer of a handshake. Everything about Kris, from the way he gripped your hand to the way his tea coloured hair sat coiffured atop his head was firm and sturdy. Without explanation, you could feel yourself trusting him – just as you had when you met Jongin, Kyungsoo and Zitao.

“Well,” He added in a deep hum. “Time is of the essence, we shouldn’t waste any more of it. Let’s go.”

There was little conversation, a fact that seemed to bug Zitao somewhat, for the majority of your passage through the unsettlingly calm green lands, but you enjoyed it. It meant that, while you still didn’t really get anything that had happened to you, you didn’t have to add anything else to your ever expanding pile of worries. No, it was nice to take a stroll through what could only be described as an immaculate meadow, simply breathing in the crisp air. The sky was blue and lightly dusted by cotton-swab clouds, painted cutely here and there. It was as if a child’s drawing had come to life, but you weren’t complaining – after the dreary city, bleak plain and suffocating forest, it was nice to be in a fresh, colourful landscape.

Before you knew it, you were stopping at the ornate black gates that had once seemed far off in the distance. Now that you could clearly see them, the amount of work that must have gone into their creation really became apparent – metal twisted into all sorts of graceful curves and decorative designs, and the manor that sat behind them appeared to have tripled in size. It’s more like a castle than a mansion… you thought to yourself, drinking in the detail.

“This is it. Our destination.” Kris announced, as the gate swung open as if by magic. Things like this had stopped surprising you by now.

“Yep, home sweet home.” Zitao laughed, crossing his hands behind his head as he sauntered up the path ahead of you. Kris motioned for you to walk in front of him, and so you did, cautiously following the dusty route Zitao had taken up to the grand front door of the estate. It was ominously large but you were more than curious to know what lie beyond it, never mind what answers you might finally find.

Again, as if by magic, the door swung open. A heavy, deep creak resonated through the air until it was as wide as it could be, unveiling the interior inch by inch. You were already astounded and you hadn’t even stepped inside.
Catching sight of your expression, Zitao chuckled and placed a shepherding hand on your shoulder to guide you inside. Kris still remained resolutely behind you, walking slowly and carefully. Then again, so were you, as your eyes scanned everything they possibly could to absorb the most detail in the shortest time possible. The floor was wide and marbled with a long strip of lavender carpet trailing from the door you had entered through, to another at the far end of the room. The walls were white, just like the floor, and two curved staircases, with silvery banisters, lined either side of the room, leading to a second floor that overlooked the first.

You didn’t need to be told to know that the door across the grand hallway was your destination. It stood there rather obviously and seemed to call to you, though you were probably just imagining it. A backwards glance at Kris confirmed your suspicions and the three of you crossed the hallway, footsteps muffled on the carpet.

When your hand rested tentatively against the door handle, Zitao nodded encouragingly.
“Go on in. They’re waiting for you.” His catlike smile was in place again, curving the corners of his lips in feline content. You couldn’t help but oblige, pushing the door open and stumbling slightly, into a large circular hall.

Again, it followed very much the same colour scheme – entirely white, other than the soft lilac carpet and silver furnishings. There were no windows, but the cool light was natural and dazzling, falling especially brightly on what you assumed was a platinum throne stood at the far side of the round room.

All eyes fell on you; you didn’t even have time to register faces before you were greeted by nods and acknowledgements from the figures – all male apart from one – stood around the room. One in particular stood out to you – a tall man with a very small and handsome face, who seemed to carry himself differently to all of the others.  He broke off from his conversation, and approached you, stopping a few feet away. He wasn’t as tall as Kris, but even so, he seemed to demand so much more respect… His presence alone was slightly intimidating.

“Mihyun, I’m glad that you could finally join us,” He began, bowing. Immediately, you copied. “My name is Yunho.” He added as he straightened out to his impressive height once more. You swallowed and nodded.

“Yunho. Right.” You responded, taking time to match his name to his face. It seemed to fit well, both were commanding and yet gentle, in their own ways.

“I oversee most of what happens here and in due course, I will answer as many of your questions as I can. However, I would like to wait until everyone is present, if that’s okay with you?” He asked, eyebrow raised into a questioning curve. You had no choice but to nod.

“Th-that’s fine. Thank you.” Stuttering, you blushed slightly as embarrassment coloured your cheeks. Something about his accommodating words were pleasantly unsettling, but unlike the others you had met, there was no instant connection. You trusted him, but you weren’t as ready to blindly accept him as you had with the other four you had met so far.

“Please, make yourself comfortable in the mean time.” His hand swept in gesture to the large yet bare room before he continued. “If you would like something to eat or drink, or perhaps a chair then please feel free to ask.  We want to do everything we can to make you comfortable for the duration of your stay.”

You nodded and murmured your appreciation as he wandered away, back to his original conversation partner. Before you could speak, Zitao chuckled and stage whispered in your ear.

“He’s far too modest. By ‘oversee most of what happens’ he means he runs everything that goes on around here.” He laughed, light and almost teasing, before slipping away to speak to someone else – another man, much shorter than him, and much slimmer too.

Kris rolled his eyes, apparently tired of Zitao’s ways.
“Yunho is a good man. He was elected our leader several years ago and while he fulfils that role, he is fair on all accounts.” He smiled stoically through his words, folding his arms as the two of you stepped quietly to an unoccupied space. “He’s modest though, he feels his position is intimidating.”

“I suppose it is.” You mused in reply, neck craned a little so you could speak directly. Kris laughed softly through his nose at your comment, small smile broadening.  Before he could continue the conversation, however, you were interrupted by a figure, breaking away from his own conversation and coming towards you.

He was slim, and undeniably beautiful, with features caught somewhere between masculine and feminine. Even his hair seemed contradictory, waving gently but parted severely on one side of his head. He didn’t address you, instead he extended a hand that gently cupped your cheek.

“Wh-What are you-?” You flinched as the words gasped out of your mouth, but Kris’ large hand against your shoulder held you still.

Heartbeat racing, you stared the stranger in the eye. He, however, did not return the gaze and focused purely on where his skin met yours. You were about to fight out of Kris’ grasp and accost the pair of them in demand of an explanation but you were stopped by the blanketing sensation against your cheek. A light glowed, white and gentle, in the corner of your eye as a soothing combination of cool and warmth washed over you. You blinked at him with wide eyes as he stepped back and smiled sweetly at you.

“Sorry, I noticed you were hurt.” He sheepishly grinned, eyes thinning into half moons. Your hand moved to where his had been and gasped as your fingertips graced healed skin. The cut from the rogue tree branch no longer stung or burnt… It had disappeared entirely, though the dried blood still sat, cracked against your skin.

“I should have introduced myself first. I’m Yixing.” Once again, you were met by bows and an extended hand all of which you were about to accept and return when the door opened and stole the attention of everyone gathered in the room.

The first thing you noticed was the slender giant stood a head taller than the pair that accompanied him. Next, your stomach dropped when you realised that he was supporting a doubled over figure that you recognised. It was Kyungsoo, supported on one side by the golden haired giant, Jongin on the other though he didn’t seem to be of much need.  
While his face was bruised slightly, and his left hand side was clearly paining him, Kyungsoo didn’t appear severely injured, which set you at ease.

“Oh,” Yixing said suddenly, turning his attention back to you. Again, he smiled innocently, lighting his whole face sweetly. “It would appear I’m needed elsewhere. I will see you again soon, Mihyun.”

And so he hurried over to the injured Kyungsoo, who seemed entirely unworried – even amused – by the whole situation. Resisting the urge to follow, you fell silent and serious as Yunho moved towards the large silver seat, surveying you all as he cleared his throat.

“Everyone.” All heads turned towards him, conversations meeting swift ends. “As everyone is present and accounted for, it’s time we begin.”
His eyes met yours from across the room.
“Mihyun, would you like to ask your questions now, or after I have spoken?”

Taken aback by the consideration and the heat of eyes suddenly boring into you, you stuttered. “I- Um… After. Please.”

Nodding, Yunho continued, pacing slightly.

“Very well. As I am sure all of you are aware, the twelve of you – Luhan included – are endowed with certain gifts. You have grown with them, developed them, even come to understand them… Only recently however, has the knowledge of how they came to be become apparent. Regardless of your suspicions, some of which may be correct, the only answer is far more disturbing than I first anticipated.”

You gulped, hanging on every word. He must mean their abilities… Like Zitao said.

His pacing ceased and his hands crossed at his navel.

“Some time ago, the Tree of Life was divided into two.” A murmur of shock whispered around the room. “The intention was to provide itself with a defence mechanism, a form of protection from the darkness encroaching upon it, which it would call upon in times of dire need. In other words, by splitting itself, the tree created you.”

The air was thick and tense, even the seemingly cool Kris appeared troubled.

“There was, however, an unforeseeable error – the power expelled by the tree travelled to a world beyond Exo. Earth.”

You shuddered, suddenly cold as you struggled to understand. Tree of life? What the hell?!

“Song Mihyun was also crafted by the tree, as more than protection.” His eyes met yours once more as he addressed he spoke about you, rather than to you. “She herself is an alarm. While your existences have always been linked, I’m correct in thinking that you haven’t been aware of Mihyun until recently, a year at most?”

A nod rippled around the room. Your stomach twisted with each piece of information you learnt.

“Until recently, Exo has maintained its own balance and fought its own battles. Unfortunately, that time is over, and Mihyun’s presence here only confirms that. Her arrival is the signal that Exo can no longer protect the Tree of Life on its own. It needs your help, we all do.”

Slumping heavily into the silver seat, his fingers formed a pyramid, clearly distressed. You were shaking, confused as you tried to make sense of it all. A cold sweat even slipped down your back and greased your palms.

“Mihyun, while unlike the others, you do not believe yourself to have any gift beyond those of your homeworld, it is my theory that there is something more powerful than you could ever imagine lying dormant within you.”

You shook your head, mouth filled with a bitter taste. It didn’t make sense, but you knew you weren’t dreaming…. There was no denying that this was true, it was actually happening and there was nothing you could do to stop it.

“Together, you must journey to the Tree of Life and reunite its two halves, destroying the source of evil in the process. What it is, I do not know, but you must be prepared for whatever danger may face you. It will not be easy.”

You didn’t care if he was done or not, your question slipped from your tongue. It was sickly and choking, but you couldn’t deny it.

“But my parents, I have to…. I need to go home!” You cried, voice stronger than you imagined, but all strength faded when Yunho’s sad eyes graced you once more.

“Mihyun, you cannot go home. The only passage between our worlds was created by the storm that brought you here.”

You whimpered and your stomach shot to your throat. But….?!

“I am so sorry, truly I am. As for your parents, I have no idea. You may be lost, presumed dead, you may never have even existed.”

And then, just the question on your lips had been unstoppable, the following sequence of events was equally inevitable.

“I…” You murmured, shaking even more. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

Without a second word, you raced from the hall, through the hallway and out of the front door where you promptly vomited onto the neatly kept grass. Your throat burned and tears spilled as your hand wiped at your mouth. You weren’t alone for long though, light footsteps quickly following you.

“Mihyun, are you okay?”

It was the only other girl that had been present in the room. Petit and fair, her porcelain face was contorted with concern.

“Sorry, I…” You trailed off, unable to explain yourself. Instead, you sheepishly smiled, tight lipped as you brushed away any remaining tears.

“Don’t be silly, you’re in shock. It’s perfectly normal.” She took your hand gently, and lead you inside. “I’ll take you up to see Jinki, he’ll know what to do with you.”

There was a bell of laughter to her voice that relaxed you. It was also nice to be in the hands of another girl for once, there was something much more friendly and caring about her feminine manner that you appreciated massively. You felt less lonely already.

“I’m Taeyeon by the way.” She smiled, eyes twinkling as she helped you up one of the spiralling staircases.

And there you were, surrounded by people but terribly alone.
Life on Exo was only just beginning… 


AN: A lot of information there \o/ the next chapter will be slower paced, but the first of the 'bias' chapters ^^

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thelametriangle #1
Chapter 12: Ooooo can't wait to see what Yunho has to say :)
And my bias would have to be Chanyeol, and then tied for second would be Lay and Xiumin, and everybody else after that because they're all so loveable ^^
Chapter 12: Lay then Luhan..I think. Lay is definitely one of the two but I'm gonna say him since I can't think of Lay without Luhan by his side causing trouble. hehe EXO can be so amazing and childish and wonderful all at the same time, I love it OTL~
exoticallyinlove #3
Chapter 12: I love Luhan and Chanyeol. Those would have to be my top to the majority of the time. Next to them it'd probably be.. well.. just all of them lol. My bias switched constantly with EXO
Chapter 12: I am a hardcore Chanyeol stan. Like akdhfkashfdkjghfdjhgfjdhf I named a stuffed animal after him... Seriously though, he is #2 on my bias list.
Chapter 11: ....In bref, Wonderful authornims love to torture their readers ....Update againT.T !!!! I mean it's been update in ages.....
exoticallyinlove #6
Chapter 11: I really like this fic :) It isn't all about romance, but it's still there mixed in with adventure and excitement! Great job! I can't wait for more!
thelametriangle #7
Chapter 10: Ahhhh so this is a bias chapter? I like it. ^^
And I like Chen's character, he doesn't seem as "playboyish" as he does in other stories
babycakes #8
Chapter 9: This. What is this sorcery? This fic has left me hanging with so many unanswered question. Each sentence draws me so far into it that I'm actually in it.
This. I like this.
thelametriangle #9
Chapter 9: I love this so much! I like meeting new characters, like Kris and Lay ^^
I hope you aren't given too much work to do, so we can have a new chapter soon XD
Btw what do you mean when you say a 'bias' chapter?