Toys or Idols?

hyukjae_'s one-shot collection

Title: Toys or Idols?
Description: SM Entertainment released a limited set of doll figures of Super Junior and it's up for auction! Who'll be able to buy it?!
Genre: comedy

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News reporter on tv: “After a long wait, what people have been waiting for, is finally up for auction today! SM Entertainment, well known for their famous and talented groups, released toy figures of the famous boy band, Super Junior! Thousands of fans gathered here in this stadium, willing to pay as much as they can, for these toy figures. Since there’s only ONE SET in the whole world, who knows how much this figure will end up costing! Here are crazy fans who have been screaming non stop, waiting for s…
Leeteuk: “Sungmin, turn the tv off. Everyone needs to prepare already. Everyone’s waiting for us~”

Sungmin: “But hyung... Kyuhyun is still using the bathroom, still not finished taking a shower~”


Leeteuk: “WHAT?! He’s been there for nearly 30 minutes now~ Go and check if he’s ok… Aish, we’re going to be late…”
(Sungmin walks towards the bathroom and knocks)
Sungmin: “Yah, Kyuhyun. Teukie is starting to get angry…*Sungmin tries to open the door* We should hurry u…
(Sungmin successfully opened the door, and sees the shower is but no one is inside. He turned the shower off and quickly runs to Leeteuk)
Sungmin: “Hyung~! Kyuhyun’s gone~!”
Leeteuk: “I knew it. That kid woke up early today. You know what it is today? They release Call of Duty Black Ops today, right at this very hour. He asked me if he could quickly go and buy himself a copy of the game, but I didn’t allow him because you know, we’ve got something on today, and told him to get a shower… probably got out through the bathroom windows… That little..
Sungmin: “Ahh…Well, I’ll call him so we could just pick him up on the way to the stadium.”
Leeteuk: “OK.”
(Siwon passed by)
Leeteuk: “Siwon! Go and take a shower already~ We’re late~~”
A few hours later…
(Screaming of fans is all they could hear as the lights turned off and the Bonamana song started playing. Super Junior performed Bonamana and ended it with their own charismatic poses.)
Super Junior: “Urineun…Super Junior~!”
(Fans screamed wildly.)

Leeteuk: “Ah, we all know why we’re here today, right?


Fans: “YEAH!”
Leeteuk: “The one and only, Super Junior toy figures is made and it’s here today. At the back of the stadium…”
(Fans screamed louder)
Heechul: “Yes, now, we’ll pick a random fan to start the bidding!”
(The spotlight stopped at a teenage girl)
Heechul: (grabbed the girl’s hand as fans screamed) how much would you buy the toy figures for?
Girl: “A MILLION!!!!”
Heechul: “Wahhh! That’s a lot of money! Are you sure?”
Girl: “YESSSSS!!!”
(Heechul looked back at the members, seeing Kyuhyun talking on his phone)
Heechul: “Well, is there anyone who wants to get it for more than a million won?”
(A girl screamed)
Heechul: *walks towards the girl who screamed* I see… how much do you want?
(the girl seemed to be talking on the phone)
Girl: “3 MILLION WON!”
(Everyone gasped.)
Heechul: “Yah, Donghae. Please take over the mic. I can’t take this. These fans are probably richer than us~”
Donghae: “Okay, anyone else wanting to get the toy figures for more than..3 million won?”
(There was silence. The girl screamed)
Donghae: “That must mean this girl owns the super junior toy figure set now. Congratulations!”
A few hours later, the stadium was empty and all the super junior members already got home.
(Heechul saw Kyuhyun, still talking on his phone)
Heechul: “Yah, Hyukkie, who’s Kyuhyun talking to?
Eunhyuk: “I don’t know…”
Kyuhyun: *talking on the phone* “Okay, I’ll see you in 30 mintues. Bye~”
(The members gasped in curiosity.)
Sungmin: “Kyuhyun-ah, are you seeing someone?”
Kyuhyun: “Yes. I mean…Yes! I’m seeing someone right now. I mean, just to get something. But we’re not dating. No, not what you’re thinking! Yeah, ok, hyung, I have to go now… I’ll be back soon.”
Leeteuk: “Uh huh. Well, you better not be seeing anyone without telling me…”
(Kyuhyun left)
Kyuhyun saw a person at the end of the street and walked towards him/her.
Kyuhyun: “Do you have it?”

Person: “Ah, it’s you. Yup, it’s in this bag. Do you have the money?”


Kyuhyun: “Of course. Here.”
(Kyuhyun gave the bag of money to the person, and the person gave his bag to Kyuhyun)
Kyuhyun: “Thanks.”
(The door banged close as Kyuhyun entered the dark apartment)
Kangin: “Hyung, Kyuhyun’s home~”
(Leeteuk opened the lights and gave Kyuhyun an angry look)
Leeteuk: “What took you so long to get home? It’s already 12:30…”
Kyuhyun: *hid the bag behind him* “Ahh, well…”
Hangeng: “What’s behind you, maknae?”
Kyuhyun: “Nothing.”
Heechul: *walked towards Kyuhyun* “What do you mean? You’re carrying a big bag. Your skinny body can’t hide it, you little… What’s in the bag?
(Eunhyuk made his way behind Kyuhyun and quickly grabbed the bag off him, ninja fast.)

Kyuhyun: “YAH~!”


Eunhyuk: “What’s wrong? We never hide stuff from each other~ Calm down, my intentions were good.”
Leeteuk: “Kyu, we’re not angry, we’re jut curious…you know?”
Shindong: “Open the bag, open the bag!”
Sungmin: “Let me open it…” *Sungmin opened the bag and saw what was inside.*
Yesung: “Well, what’s inside?”
Sungmin: “ :O ”
Heechul: “Talk, dammit! I’m not patient, you know.
(Sungmin took out what was in the bag)
Super Junior: “It’s the… Super Junior limited toy figure set…”
Leeteuk: “Kyuhyun… Why do you have these dolls?”
Siwon: “Hyung, don’t call them dolls. It’s sounds like a girls toy…”
Ryeowook: “But it is a girls toy…”
Siwon: *Sigh*
Yesung: “Look! My hair looks so soft~”
(Everyone looked at Yesung, as Yesung brushed the hair of the Yesung doll.)
Ryeowook: “Yesung…you’re brushing the hair of the doll like a kid…”
(Yesung stepped away from the doll)

Leeteuk: “So, why do you have these dolls, Kyu?”


Kyuhyun: “I just… I don’t want girls playing and dressing me up okay? It’s freaky~! And I think you guys feel the same too.”
Heechul: “are we really keeping these dolls?”
Kyuhyun: “YES!”
Heechul: “Well, I guess it’s ok to keep them. I mean, look how much the doll looks like me… But of course, I look much better.”
Leeteuk: “Alright, enough of this. We need to sleep, it’s already 1:00 and we still have activities tomorrow.”
(The members left the dolls in the living room, turned all the lights off and went to sleep.)
(The dolls seemed to have come to life.)
Heechul doll: “That Heechul guy was me?! He’s so…so…arrogant! I definitely look better than him!”
Yesung doll: “It was freaky when I suddenly felt these small hands touching my hair…”
Kyuhyun doll: “Kyuhyun saved me from those crazy fans~ I am eternally grateful”
Hankyung doll: *speaks in chinese*
Heechul doll: “Aigoo…his setting is still in chinese… we’ll have to press the reset, press press the reset from the bottom of his shoe.
(A door suddenly made an opening sound)
Leeteuk doll: “Everyone, someone’s coming! Just lie down and don’t move!”
(Everyone did what the Leeteuk doll said. As soon as they heard a flush from the toilet, they started moving and talking again).
(the Hankyung doll started talking in chinese again.)
Heechul doll: Oh just shut up for now, ok? Just till we’ve fixed you up.”
Ryeowook doll: “ah, hyung…”
(Everyone turned to the Ryeowook doll and looked at where he was pointing. Kyuhyun, the actual person, looking at the doll with mouth wide open)
Kyuhyun: *slapped himself again and again* “I must be dreaming, I must be dreaming. I’m too upset that I spent 3 million won on these dolls that I’m dreaming about them…I’m just dreaming… But the slaps hurt. Why?!
(The dolls stopped moving as the lights .)
Leeteuk: “Kyuhyun…Why are you still awake? & were you talking to someone on the phone? I heard you talking…
(Kyuhyun ran towards Leeteuk)
Kyuhyun: “Hyung. I know you wouldn’t believe me. But those dolls ..are alive! They can talk! And move by themselves!”
Leeteuk: “Of course those dolls could talk! Didn’t you know? You press their left hand and they talk. Look. Who do you want to try?”
Kyuhyun: “But..”
Leeteuk: “Let’s try your doll.”
Kyuhyun doll: “ah he he he he…Me and my popularity.”
Leeteuk: “See? Again?”
Kyuhyun doll: “Saranghaeyo.”
Leeteuk: “See? Now, lets sleep. I know you just wanted to play your new game, but we got a live performance tomorrow…Goodnight.”
(Leeteuk went in his bedroom and went back to sleep)
Kyuhyun: “I swear I saw you guys talking and moving.”

(The dolls suddenly moved)


Kyuhyun doll: “Well, no one’s going to believe you.”

Kyuhyun: “Omo, it’s like talking to myself. Is my voice really that deep??”


Heechul doll: “Look, you don’t want us here, and we don’t want it here too. So why won’t we make a deal. You drop us off at a safer and more fun place and you’ll never see us again.”
Heechul: “So the dolls CAN talk.”
(Everyone looked at Heechul, as Heechul’s eyes grew big)
Kyuhyun: “Hyung! Good thing you saw! So I’m not crazy and illusional after all!~”
(Heechul grabbed the Heechul doll with his hand and looked at it very closely.)
Heechul doll: “Put me down~! I feel small, wrapped around your hand…”
Heechul: “Yesung is right. The hair looks so soft…”
Kyuhyun: “Alright. All dolls line up and lets talk.”
(The dolls lined up in the table and stood up straight.)
Heechul: “Wait. Someone’s missing…Where’s the Shindong figure?”
Kyuhyun: “Hyung, can you smell that?”
Heechul: “Well, the perfume I’m wearing IS strong…”
Kyuhyun: “No, not that…In the kitchen…”

Heechul: “Smells like something burning…”


(Kyuhyun and Heechul went to the kitchen, seeing the Shindong doll cooking something in the kitchen but it was burning and the smoke caused the smoke alarm to make the loud beeping sounds.)
(Kyuhyun woke up, hearing the alarm sound from his clock. It’s 7:00 in the morning.)

Kyuhyun: “What the…Was that a dream?! …That was freaky…”


(Leeteuk opened Kyuhyun’s door and started yelling)
Leeteuk: “Kyuhyun-ah, wake up! We’re going to be late~”
Kyuhyun: “Yeah, coming!… I don’t know if I’ll be fine in today’s performance…”
(Kyuhyun got up from his bed and went to take a shower. Getting out of the bathroom, he could hear the tv from the kitchen.)

News reporter on tv: “After a long wait, what people have been waiting for, is finally up for auction today! SM Entertainment, well known for their famous and talented groups, released toy figures of the famous boy band, Super Junior! Thousands of fans gathered here in this stadium…” 

Leeteuk: “Sungmin, turn the tv off… Everyone’s waiting for us…”
Sungmin: “But Kyuhyun is still in the bathroom…”
Kyuhyun: “This can’t be.”
{Comments are very much appreciated.(:

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ijjimaseyo_07 #1
i miss hee-chul... so much... let's all wait for him, neh?! ^________^ update soon!
Even though he has already been in the army, I still can't get over it. :(
ijjimaseyo_07 #4
♥♥♥ love it.. LOL hope that the kyuhyun doll is as evil and cute as the real kyuhyun.. updates please...
ineedyou #5
Ahh~ your fanfics are so funny..<br />
update soon please!!<br />
hyukjae_ #7
@myalteregoCMist AW, THANKS! <3<br />
@sKyu328 glad it did~ (:
hahaha... i love your works! :)
milkyberry #9
hahaha this totally made my day! <br />
Update soooooonn :)