
My Cute (Yet Annoying) Neighbour

“Evil gamer and pink bunny” DongHae muttered to himself while he was drawing his version of the two disturbing guys. The grin on his lips widened after he added a devil’s horns and a bunny’s ears on respective heads.

“How can I get rid of both of you?”

The brunette glanced at the calendar and his eyes immediately focused on the circled date, 14th of February. Only two weeks were left for him to get HyukJae’s heart back and he couldn’t help but to feel restless about it. DongHae grabbed his handphone and search for his blonde fish’s number.

Should I call him? What if the pink bunny will pick it up?

With hesitation, he pressed the called button, waiting for the line to be picked up.


The brunette sighed quietly with relief when he heard a familiar timid voice. He breathed deeply before he started talking.

“HyukJae? It’s me, DongHae.”

“I-I know. I s-saw your caller ID.”

“Uhh…Are you busy now? Did I disturb you?”

“N-No…I-It’s okay.”

DongHae smiled at the soft stuttering voice. He could guess that the blonde was blushing right now.

“Are you…uhh…are you free tomorrow?”

“M-Me? Tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I want to hang out with you since it is weekend. So, if you’re free….”

“You’re asking me out?!?”

DongHae chuckled at a sudden surprised voice from the other line. If he was not wrong, he heard a small squealing voice of the blonde. HyukJae was just too cute for him.

“You’re asking me out?”

The blonde repeated with softer voice this time, making DongHae’s heart fluttered a bit more.

“Yes. I’m asking you out.”

“A-Actually, I need to go to the mall tomorrow. So, if you want, y-you can come with m-me.”

The voice turned to shy whisper at the end but DongHae didn’t miss it. The brunette stared at the window where the light was still on. How he wished to talk to the other face-to-face right now.

“I’m fine with it. So…I guess we’ll be meeting tomorrow. Is 2pm is okay for you?”

“Sure. I’m okay with it.”

“Good! So, I’ll hang up now. See you tomorrow.”

DongHae waited for awhile, wondering the blonde had anything else to say to him. But HyukJae stayed silent. The brunette was about to hang up when he heard his timid voice which made his stomach filled with butterflies.

“Goodnight, DongHae…”

He was sure that tonight would be a very good night for him because of that cute voice.


HyukJae squealed into his pillow after he hanged up the phone. He looked at his phone while a smile was slowly formed on his lips again. HyukJae could not believe that DongHae was asking him out. He always wanted to go on a date with the elder but he thought that it was impossible as DongHae didn’t like him a bit.

“A date? Oh my god! I’ll be going on a date with DongHae!”

He happily hugged his already wrinkled pillow thinking about how their date would be wonderful. However, his happy mood was suddenly crumbled when a certain bunny came into his mind.

You cannot give in easily HyukJae. Remember that he hurt you before.

A small pout was formed on his lips when he thought of what his brother said. HyukJae didn’t even remember about it when he was talking on the phone with the brunette just now. He was too happy to act cold to the other since he was still head-over-heels with DongHae.

“One day should be okay right? Hyung will not know it.”

The blonde smiled with joy again, forgetting about what his Hyung had taught to him. Tonight would be a very good night to him as well.


A soft hum was heard from a smiling boy who was happily checking himself out in the mirror. HyukJae smiled with satisfaction once he had done styling his blonde hair. He quickly grabbed his phone when he heard a message tone from it.

I’ll be waiting at the mall because I’m sure your Hyung won’t be amused to see us going there together. Call me when you get there~ See you :)

HyukJae grinned at the message before he sent the short reply to the other. He grabbed his bag before he looked himself at the mirror for the last time. The blonde quietly opened his room door, peeking through to look for his Hyung. He slowly walked down the stairs while his eyes were searching for his big brother.

With a sigh of relief, HyukJae was about to walked out from the house when he heard a stern voice.

“Where are you going, my little brother?”

The blonde closed his eyes as he was caught by the bunny. He slowly turned around with sheepish smile on his lips.

“I’m going to the mall! I need to buy something.” HyukJae said, praising himself that he could talk well without stuttering.

“Then, why are you sneaking out like that? You can just walk out like always.”

“I-I thought that you’re taking a nap, Hyung. I don’t want to disturb you, that’s why.”

HyukJae laughed awkwardly when SungMin looked at him with suspicion.

“Are you sure you’re going alone?”

“O-Of course, I am! By the way, are you going out, too, Hyung?”

HyukJae asked when he finally noticed what his Hyung was wearing.

“Wow, Hyung. Your fashion sense really improved these days! Are you going on a date with KyuHyun Hyung?”

“Yah! What date? I-I’ve already told you that h-he’s still courting to me.”

“Aww…my Hyung is blushing right now. So cute! Is he coming to pick you up? ”

SungMin’s face became redder when he heard his brother’s question. He knew that HyukJae would be teasing him like this when he knew about their date.

“Wahh! So romantic! He will bring a bunch of flowers for you when he comes, right? Just like in movies!”

“Yah! W-What flowers? Lee HyukJae, just go!”

“Hahaha, just kidding, Hyung. Your face is priceless! Anyway, enjoy your date, Hyung” HyukJae cutely poked his brother’s cheek before he quickly rushed out from the house before SungMin would throw something towards him.

HyukJae smiled with satisfaction. He always likes to see his brother’s blushing and shy face as SungMin was usually a serious person. His Hyung was always worrying about him and sometimes he forgot to take care of himself. And now, he could see other sides of his brother instead of serious and worried face, thanks to a certain gamer. HyukJae was so thankful that his brother met with someone like KyuHyun.

He broke his thoughts about SungMin and looked at his watch. He gasped and widened his eyes when he saw the time.

Very good, HyukJae. You’re going to be late for your own date.


Should I apologize to him right now? Or will it be too awkward? Or should I---


DongHae turned towards the voice, seeing a blonde boy running towards him with rapid pants.

“I--I’m so-sorry…I’m a bit late.”

HyukJae gave him gummy smile which made DongHae’s heart fluttered. The blonde was too different from others. He has no hesitation to apologize if he thinks that he did something wrong. Guilt was formed again when the brunette recalled that he had hurt this kind boy once. How could he have a heart to say those words to HyukJae? It was no surprise that SungMin did hate him. He had been such a bad guy to his baby brother.

DongHae smiled sadly while he wiping the sweat that was forming on the younger’s forehead.

“You don’t have to say sorry to me, HyukJae. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

HyukJae blinked his eyes with confusion when he saw DongHae staring at him apologetically. He flinched slightly when the other caressed his cheek gently.

“I’m the one who should say sorry to you.”

“Huh? But you’re not late. Why should you say sorry to me?”

DongHae chuckled at the blinking blonde boy before he retreated his hand from the warm cheek.

“I’m apologizing for scolding you on that day. I was too harsh towards you. I’m really sorry about that.”

“Yes. You really are a bad guy, you know.”

HyukJae said with a sad face before slowly gave him a forgiving smile.

“But if I’m really mad at you, I wouldn’t have agreed hanging out with you today.”

“So, it means I’m forgiven?”

“Hmmm…sort of. But you have to promise me that you won’t scold me like that again.”

DongHae laughed lightly at the blonde before he nodded at him. He was relieved that HyukJae was not mad at him. Now the problem was his Hyung. Will he forgive him like HyukJae? He didn’t think so.

“So, let’s go!”

“Where to?”

HyukJae smiled brightly before he grabbed the brunette’s wrist, pulling him towards certain direction. DongHae smiled at the contact that made his heart skipped for a while.

“You’ll know it later. I’m sure you’ll love it!”

So, he’s back. His annoying blonde boy is back to him again but this time, he looks much cuter for DongHae. 



A/N: Hello guys!!!! I'm still alive xD Sorry for disappearing for soooooo long *blame my writer's block* Hope you guys still read my fic O_O And thanks to all the subscribers and readers who wait patiently for it!!! Sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy :D

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LeeEunhae93 #1
Chapter 17: I hope you can update this author nim!! T-T
Chapter 17: I didn't realize that I'm coming back here... Still waiting for your update... Fighting
Chapter 17: Will you still update author-nim? Kyaaa...I like it..i really am... please continue this fic..jebal...
Erm... authornim.. i hope you will update it
Chapter 17: Update pweaseee :(
I miss this story =( It's been exactly a year since it was last updated omg! =(
Update juseyoooo
MeinAltire #8
Chapter 17: eeeeaaaa what happen. don't tell me they accidently kissed...woaaaa
looking forward
haehyuk143 #9
Chapter 17: I want to read more><plz continue