Unchanging Heart

My Cute (Yet Annoying) Neighbour

Everything became silence except for the sounds of synchronizing heart beats. And both of them felt like there were only two of them in their world. DongHae didn't know how long he'd been staring at the innocent rounded eyes in front of him. All he knew was that he loves them and he couldn't stop drowning himself into those brown orbs.


The little sound broke their staring moment. HyukJae covered his mouth with his hands while pink blush was slowly formed on his cheeks. The brunette smiled at the cute sight and he had to restrain himself from pinching those rosy cheeks.

"You're taking this?"

HyukJae quickly took the pink carton from the older's hand before he looked away from him, hiding his blushing face.

"Th-- *hic* Thank you."

HyukJae said shyly and suddenly SungMin Hyung's face suddenly popped out in his thoughts.

HyukJae-ah, if DongHae tries to approach you, don't give in easily.

"Do you have time now?"

The blonde looked up at the voice and changed his face to cold type.

"I have class now. So, I don't have time for you."

DongHae was surprised at the sudden change of expression and tone of HyukJae who was blushing just now. He was pretty amazed that his blonde neighbour could change into different person in a short time.

"So...do you have time after your classes today? I have something to te---"

"I--I have practical test tomorrow. So, I need to go home early and prepare for it."

Okay, Lee HyukJae. You're doing well.

"Oh...I see."

"I'm going back first."

HyukJae quickly walked towards the cashier, wanting to run away from DongHae. Acting cold towards the brunette was very difficult for him as he'd been falling in love with the other. He almost felt regretted when he saw DongHae's disappointed face. If he stayed there for too long, he would not be able to keep his cold face.

DongHae stared at the retreated figure sadly, wondering HyukJae was really hating him now. He looked down at his feet with sadness before he heard a soft voice.

"Thank you for the milk."

The brunette looked up immediately at the voice and saw that HyukJae quickly ran back to the cashier again. But his sadness suddenly dissappeared when he saw the glimpse of pink blush on those pale cheeks again.

HyukJae does not hate me...


"Then, what happened?"

SungMin eagerly asked his brother who was still holding the milk carton in his hand.

"Then, he asked me whether I'm free after class today. And I declined! I lied to him that I have test tomorrow. But I feel so bad when I see his sad face, Hyung. He looked like a little lost puppy."

"You looked like a horrible abandoned dog which was left in the rain when he hurt you that time, HyukJae. He was not that pitiful compared to you."

"But, Hyung, it's still--"

"Lee HyukJae, he was the one who hurt you with his words. And now you're feeling sorry for him? And why are you still holding your milk? You always drink it straight away once you got it."

"This strawberry milk is different. DongHae took it for me. And he held it for so long."

SungMin stared unbelievingly at his brother who was talking dreamingly to himself. This wouldn't be easy when his blonde brother was still falling head over heels in love with DongHae despite of his hurtful words. But he could not cancel his plan yet.

"Lee HyukJae! Wake up! Do you still remember what I've told you this morning? You cannot give in that easily. You need to play hard to get so that he'll try harder to get you."

"But until when I need to act like a cold hearted person to him?"

"Until he confesses to you."

"B-but what if he won't confess to me? I'm s-still not sure whether he likes me back or not."

"I can see that he has feelings towards you."

HyukJae widened his eyes with surprise.

DongHae has feelings towards me?

He couldn't even believe his own ears. He looked at his Hyung carefully, looking for any trace that he was just joking with him.

"I'm serious, HyukJae. KyuHyun said that your DongHae looked awful last week as he didn't see you. And YunHo also said that he looked depressed and kept practicing after class without any rest. I'm sure that what he's feeling now is more than just sorry for you. If he doesn't have any feeling for you, he wouldn't feel that depressed, my brother."

The blonde was staring at SungMin, registering what the older said just now. SungMin was about to say something as he didn't get any response from the younger when he saw a smile and a blush were slowly formed on HyukJae's face.

"So, DongHae likes me back..."

The older palmed his face with groan when he saw that dreaming face again. With this situation, he was sure that his brother would straightaway forgive and accept that fish once he confessed to him. Lee HyukJae could never resist the Lee DongHae.

So he had no choice. He and KyuHyun would have to become villains for this whole plan.


HyukJae peeked through the curtain, glancing at DongHae's house. He usually played basketball this time and yet the brunette had not come out from his home yet.

HyukJae pouted while remembering a long lecture from SungMin. Finally, he unwillingly agreed to what his Hyung said after the older convinced him the whole evening. He should not be so easy to get as he did hurt because of DongHae's words. He should at least let the brunette learn that love is not always easy.

But why am I stalking him again if I want to give him lesson?

HyukJae sighed deeply at his thought. He knew that this would be very difficult to do as he felt like forgiving DongHae whenever he saw his sad face even though he was the one who broke his heart.

HyukJae looked towards the brunette’s house when he heard the sound of ball hitting the ground. He couldn’t help himself but to admire the other’s cool figure. DongHae was just wearing simple clothes, a white wife-beater and a pair of grey sweatpants, but he was still handsome as always.

The blonde startled when DongHae looked up at his direction and he quickly closed the curtain. He bit his lower lip as a pink blush was starting to form on his cheeks. HyukJae slowly opened a small gap between the curtain, meeting with the brunette’s smiling face which explained that he was caught peeking at him.

He put his hand on his left chest, directly on top of his beating heart which was because of that simple smile.

How can I act cold to you when you have such a big effect on me, DongHae?

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LeeEunhae93 #1
Chapter 17: I hope you can update this author nim!! T-T
Chapter 17: I didn't realize that I'm coming back here... Still waiting for your update... Fighting
Chapter 17: Will you still update author-nim? Kyaaa...I like it..i really am... please continue this fic..jebal...
Erm... authornim.. i hope you will update it
Chapter 17: Update pweaseee :(
I miss this story =( It's been exactly a year since it was last updated omg! =(
Update juseyoooo
MeinAltire #8
Chapter 17: eeeeaaaa what happen. don't tell me they accidently kissed...woaaaa
looking forward
haehyuk143 #9
Chapter 17: I want to read more><plz continue