Chapter 3~


         The walk to the dorms was excrutiatingly slow. I could feel my forehead and palms prick with sweat as a shuffled my feet against the wood floor leadin to what would be my new home. "So how old are you?" Not this question again. "Fifteen." I said with a smile and a nod. "Wow. You look so much younger." Yongguk responded with slightly wider eyes. "Yeah, I get that a lot." "Never the less," he smiles "I'm sure you will be able to attract a wide fanbase, for yourself, and the rest of TS Entertainment. It seems people are more into the younger idols these days." He nodded looking slightly puzzled. "I will try my hardest." I replied with a smile as we approached the wide doors to the dorms. 

      Yongguk opened the doors to reveal a messy space. It obviously belonged to boys. I'll fix this. I need to stop talking to myself, jeez. Your room is right over here, and sorry about the mess. You know how boys can be, right?" No. I saw Yongguk scratch the nape of his neck, well he obviously doesn't spend a lot of time with girls. I chuckled and nodded. "Of course I do." Smiling, Yongguk led me to my room, which was actually clean. "If you need any help unpakcing, just call for me, okay?" He flashed one of his famous gummy smiles and I nodded. "Thank you, Yongguk- ah." "Oh, and Bomi, once your done, Manager Kang would like to meet you." "Ne." We exchanged a quick glance, nodding at each other, and Yongguk went off to do whatever it is he does.

         I immediately pulled out my phone and called my mom. "Mom I'm so nervous. You have no idea." She reassured me and told me it would be okay. I told her how the dorm looked, and how the three, well four, people have been since I've been here. She wasn't showing much interest, which surprised me. I hung up the phone, and just as I set my phone down, six boys bursted through the door. Damn. I quickly smoothed my hair and wiped any smudged makeup from under my eyes and turned around, smiling slightly. "A- annyeong!" I said sweetly as I bowed. Just be yourself. Himchan turned to the rest of the boys which were obviously choked up. What? Have any of them spent time around a girl... at all? Grinning like a child, Himchan giggled. "What did I tell you guys? I told you she was cute!" Zelo pouted and crossed his arms. "Yah! Hyung! I already saw her. I knew she was cute." He nodded and immediatly flushed a light pink color. Well, I guess that slipped. "Me too!" Yongguk smacked Himchan's arm and Himchan pretened to cry. "That's my hurt arm!" He grabbed his right arm and sniffled. "It's not your arm that's injured, stupid. It's your fingers." A new boy chimed in. This would be Daehyun "And quit hitting on her." The dark haired boy stood at my side protectively at my side. Um.

              "I- I'm Su Bo Mi." I managed to stutter out, a bit stunned at all the arguing. I bowed my head and tried to move away from Daehyun. "And I'm Daehyun. Jung Daehyun." Don't be creepy. "Quit hogging her!" Zelo pouted. "I'm Choi Junhong! Better known as Zelo." He nodded and smiled. "I would be Yoo Youngjae." Said a smooth voice behind the tallest boy. They're all so good looking... I chuckled at my thought. "Don't forget about me!" The shortet sang out. "Moon Jongup." He smiled and patted my head. So I take that back. I was the shortest. By a lot. 

           The other two had no reason to introduce themselves, but of course, Himchan did. "Kim Himchan, but you knew that." He winked and smirked at me. "Cocky much? We've already become accquianted." I said and quickly shut my mouth. Stupid. You don't act like that in front of idols. I realized the other five boys were staring at me, all chuckling. "You'll fit in great here." Jongup patted my head once again and smiled. This is going to be a long night. I thought to myself, thinking of all the introducing still to be done, I sighed.

           Quit being such a downer, you're gonna love it. This voice in my head needed to make up it's mind. Did it want to put me down or help me? I'll go with help me... for now. 

            Interruping my thoughts, Youngjae took my right hand, and Yongguk quickly slapped it away, leaving Youngjae staring at him in shock. "I just wanted to show her around." He huffed. "Leave that to me." Daehyun smiled and patted my back. "Quit! Arguing!" The leader's husky voice said. "We'll all do it. And if you guys don't agree, I'll do it myself," he argued. "Now, all in favor, say 'I'." The room filled with six "I's". "What about you, Bomi?" Himchan smiled and poked my cheeks. "I- I."

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Chapter 4: It's a good fanfic to read, when ever there is an update i want to read it right away when this fanfic is updated.