Daite Daite, Yamaa! Chapter Two, Please and Thank You.

Daite Daite, Yamaa!

Sighing and glancing at his watch for the 4th time, the man on the bench seat gathered his stuff, ready to leave. Looking around one last time, he still saw a lot of people on the streets, but not the person he wanted to see. Turning away, he walked disappointed down the road. *ring ring~* Glancing down at his phone, he saw that it was Hanna, the girl he met at the airport the day before. The girl he was supposed to meet just now. Taking a deep breath, he picked up. “Hello? Ahh~~~~! I’m so sorry! I got lost! I’m STILL lost! Where are you?” She asked him loudly and anxiously. “…lost? Where are YOU? I’m at the Tokyo train station, as promised.” He replied trying not to sound excited at her call. So she DIDN’T skip out on me…~ But how did she get lost? Everyone knows this place… “Yes, I took the wrong turn somewhere… I’m… I don’t know where I am! Sorry.” She said, sounding nervous. “I’m at… ummm, let’s see… there’s an ice cream shop ahead of me, just called ‘ICE CREAM SHOP’, and uh, there’s a man... wait that’s not important. Oh! There is a Johnny’s shop just ahead; I think I’m going to go in a look around!” Hanna said back to him. “An ice cream shop and a Johnny’s shop? Not very helpful… But I guess I have to go find her now”

Admiring her newly bought “NEWS” CD and poster, Hanna sat down outside by the lamp post. I should probably find out where I am… Hanna thought to herself. I’ll go ask the Johnny’s shop cashier. Walking in again, she saw the man she was supposed to meet earlier. “What? How did you get here so fast?” She asked, confused. He replied with a shrug and “Uhh… instinct? And I’m very fast (:” When in reality, he had searched on the web for the location of every Johnny’s store, and found the one next to an ice cream shop. He then borrowed a motorcycle and sped over. Hanna thought nothing of it, despite the trip being about an hour, at a normal car pace. He had gotten here in 10 minutes. “It’s already really late…” Hanna observed. Bowing quickly, she apologized for all the trouble she had caused him. “If your sorry, then watch a movie with me ^____^” he bribed. Hanna found herself smiling stupidly, What the heck? Get a hold of yourself, it's bad enough already that you agreed to meet him! You met him less than a day ago, and he could be a e. Although the idea seemed unlikely. "F-Fine... a movie... yeah, sure!" She said, trying to sound like nothing was wrong. The movie theater is going to be dark... what if he tries to do something weird?! a tiny voice said. Even though she knew that that could happen, Hanna's instinct told her that this man would do no harm.

**Hey guys, trying something new; different POVs. (What guys? No one reads these...^^;; ) So tell me if you like or not. (Once again, I'm gonna get no response from anyone) Also, it's hard writing 'the man' for everything, and I'm sure you all have already guessed, the man is non other than Yamaa Tomohisa. If the title didn't already give it away. Or the fact that this fan fiction is a Yamapi fan fic for a friend. So I'll be referring to him as Yamapi now, but SHH~, Hanna still doesn't know;] **

-Yamaa POV-
YEY! A MOVIE! He had used this opportunity to see a new movie that he reeeallly wanted to see. And of course, to get to know Hanna better. He couldn't help but be attracted to her... "Movie, movie, movie!" He sang childishly. Grabbing her hand he dragged her into the movie theater. It was dark and no one else was there. Squealing with joy, he raced down the walkway to the front row. "Hanna-chan~~! OVER HERE!!" He bellowed towards her, even though she was only a few meters away. Giggling uncontrollably, he sat down right next to her. "Ah! I forgot the food!" Yamapi suddenly realized, jumping up from his seat. "Do you want anything?" He asked, a bit nervous about being alone with her. She kindly declined and he sat back down. The movie he picked, a horror movie, was just starting, and he could feel Hanna's fear already rising. How cute! he giggled to himself.
As the movie ended, he realized that he was clutching her hand tightly, and she was curled up against him, head buried under his arm. She had fallen asleep while trying to hide from the movie. Sooo cute! He thought. I shouldn't wake her.. I'll let her sleep some more.
"HEY! YOU TWO! LOVE-BUGS, MOVIE'S LONG OVER, WAKE UP AND GET OUT! I DON'T HAVE ALL NIGHT, I HAVE A FAMILY TO GET HOME TO. AND IF YOU DON'T LEAVE, YOU'RE CLEANING UP!" Someone yelled at them. "Unh..." Yamapi grunted as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Suddenly realizing that he was still in the theater, he gasped, wide awake now. Johnny's gonna be piiiiiisseedddd...Not only was I out for so long, I was with a GIRL! I promised him that work comes first... Crap-O. But his fear dimmed and his nerves softened as he glanced down at Hanna, still sleeping after all that. Poking her cheek, he smiled at how cute and young she looked. Hanna was in a deep sleep, and she wouldn't wake up. "I guess I have to carry her..." He said to himself, giggling as his child-side took over. Teehee, I get to carry Hanna! He kept giggling. Carefully pulling her onto his back, he grabbed their stuff and quickly walked out, before they were forced to clean up the theater. Safely outside, he thought about where he was gonna put her. "Nnh... I wonder where she lives...?" And he giggled again, now with an excuse to look through her stuff. Pulling out her baby pink cell phone, he looked through her contacts and found the contact named 'HOME.' Calling her home, it rang, and rang, and rang... Oh, crap. I forgot, it's like, 12 at night. And he quickly ended the call, or he'd have to deal with sleepy,angry parents. He continued to look through her purse, and found the business card with his number that he had given her. He smiled gently at the thought of her keeping it. Rummaging through her stuff again, he found some feminine products, and embarrassed, he closed her purse. No good... I'll have to wake her up. Poking her face again, and whispering , he couldn't bring himself to wake her. She was sleeping so soundly... Crap.. I guess I have to bring her to my place. Looking around, there were no more trains or buses running at this hour. Hmm, who can I trust to take us home and not tell Johnny? No one's name popped into his mind. That's what he gets for having friends who are Johnny's boys. (hehehe, jk<3) He finally decided on calling Ryo. He was the only one that Yamapi could bribe. But the only problem was Tegoshi.. that little blabber mouth would probably find out sooner or later from Ryo. I'll bribe him with sweets. Yamapi thought, almost laughing at how much like a baby Tesshi was. (KYAA~ TEGOSHII!<33) Ring, Ring... Ryo would probably still be up, eating or watching TV. "What the F- ... Um, what the heck do you want?" Ryo asked annoyed. "Hehe, I'm a bit... stranded. Please come pick me up! And I have a guest. THANK YOU!" Yamapi pleaded, even kissing the phone afterwords. (I honestly have no clue where/how these boys live, so I'll make them all live in the same luxurious apartment complex in my story.)

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Really good story. It's great how good you pictured Yamapi :)
Please update soon! I really like it!
I can't wait for more keep it up
Aoi_no_Ai #4
@Avy; Aww thank you!<3<br />
and i will update soon>:D <br />
glad you like it~
I love story's title. ^^<br />
Can't wait to read more from you.
Aoi_no_Ai #6
@Hiwatarii; THANK YOU!<33 I promise I'll write some more... I keep forgetting xD
Hiwatarii #7
I'm into your story >.< Yamapi ftw<br />
I like it~
seiously?? did u have to make her name hannah!? thats my sisters name! god damn, atleast make it my name!!!
Aoi_no_Ai #9
Thank you my (one) subscriber!<3<br />
Thank you my viewers!<br />
Thank you thank you thank you all!~<br />
this really means a lot to me, and i really hope that by each day, my subscribers and views will increase. Thank you for everything you have done so far.~