Daite Daite, Yamaa! Chapter Three

Daite Daite, Yamaa!


-Ryo POV-
Jeez, that Yamapi. Always calling him for help. Ryo thought, playing a video game in the dark. Ending the game and stumbling around for the light switch, Ryo tripped. Aghhhh.... Ryo found the switch and flipped it on, almost screaqming at the pain of the sudden brightness. There was a knock at the door and Tegoshi bounced in. "Ryo-kunnn~~~ What's wrong? I heard a thump. Teehee:3" Groaning, Ryo flopped back down on his bed, cradleing his knee. (He hit it when he tripped) "I.. tripped.." Ryo told Tego. "Anyways, what are you still doing up?" He asked. Giggling, Tegoshi put a finger to his lips. "I WAS TEXTING A GIRLLLLLLLL!" He yelled, obviously proud. "Wha...? You know how Johnny feels about that..." Ryo told him, worried. "I know, I know, hehe! And that's why you need to keep it a secret!<3" Tego reolied. Ah... but you just yelled it, I'm sure other people would have heard... Ryo mumbled to himself. "Sure, sure. Anyways, I need to go pick up Yamapi... he's.. lost? Something like that.. I wasn't paying attention." Tegoshi bounced around, wanting to come with. 
Driving along the dark, empty road, Ryo was glad Tegoshi was there to keep him company. Though he'd never admit it. Tegoshi blabbered on and on about his life, talking non-stop. I was a mystery how he was still so awake.
As they neared the place where Yamapi was, Tegoshi stuck his head out the window. "PI! WE'RE HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" He jumped out of the still moving car and ran towards them. 
-Yamaa POV-
A dark car neared and Yamapi prayed that it was Ryo. He had no time to get kidnapped. 
Tegoshi's cute little face peeked out the window, yelling. Oh crap.. now Tegoshi's gonna know about Hanna too. Forcing a smile and trying to hide Hanna behind him, Yamapi slowly gathered their stuff and shoved it through th back seat window. "Thank you...Ryo." He muttered, sleepily. Tegoshi bounced around, helping Yamapi with their stuff. "Who's the girl?" Tegoshi asked, curious. "No one... get back in the car" Yamapi ordered, not wanting to deal with this now. Fortunately, Tegoshi listened, and stopped bugging him. 
Once they were all safetly in the car, everyone but Ryo was asleep. (Although Ryo wasn't exactly awake, either) 
Finally parking in front of the large, Johnny apartment complex, they all stumbled out of the car, walking and swaying like drunks. Yamapi lifted Hanna, surprised that she still hadn't woken. Safetly inside his apartment, he gently laid Hanna on his bed, pushing everything onto the floor. (Somehow.. I pictured Pi's room to be messy:3) Grabbing a blanket and pillow, Yamapi fell asleep on the couch. 
The next morning, he was akawen by a frantic shaking. He opened one eye, and saw Hanna's confused and nervous face. "WHERE AM I?!" She almost screamed at him. "DID YOU KIDNAP ME?!" Yamapi realized what this looked like from her eyes. Strange man that she met for only two days, taking her to his house, without her knowing. "Uhmm... I can explain..." Yamapi said, while yawning.
After explaining, Hanna stifly thanked him and walked quickly out of his room, determined to find her own way back to her hotel. 
Uhhh.. yeah. that's Chapter three. Sorry again, for the boring. = =
and the only way I could advance the story and make it a BIT less boring, was the paragraphs. (the many, many, paragraphs.) Short Chapter, I guess. and... sorry, again. enjoy xP
Also, i was thinking of dropping this one, but I probably won't. I'm starting another fanfic (hopefully a lot more interesting) but I will still try to update this one. I know, I'm a horrible fanfic writer xDD but please bear with me ; w;``
thanks again~
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Really good story. It's great how good you pictured Yamapi :)
Please update soon! I really like it!
I can't wait for more keep it up
Aoi_no_Ai #4
@Avy; Aww thank you!<3<br />
and i will update soon>:D <br />
glad you like it~
I love story's title. ^^<br />
Can't wait to read more from you.
Aoi_no_Ai #6
@Hiwatarii; THANK YOU!<33 I promise I'll write some more... I keep forgetting xD
Hiwatarii #7
I'm into your story >.< Yamapi ftw<br />
I like it~
seiously?? did u have to make her name hannah!? thats my sisters name! god damn, atleast make it my name!!!
Aoi_no_Ai #9
Thank you my (one) subscriber!<3<br />
Thank you my viewers!<br />
Thank you thank you thank you all!~<br />
this really means a lot to me, and i really hope that by each day, my subscribers and views will increase. Thank you for everything you have done so far.~