Daite Daite, Yamaa! Chapter One, Please and Thank You.

Daite Daite, Yamaa!

YamaPi Fan fiction for [info]johnnysgirls  @ Livejournal

Hanna- visiting her sick mother in Japan.

*all spoken dialect or conversation is in Japanese

So uncomfortable… Hanna thought while squirming and twisting on the plane seat. Ugh... I have to deal with this for 3 more hours… Flying to Japanfrom Canada, a trip lasting about 14 hours, Hanna was visiting her sick mother in the hospital. I never knew her sickness would get this bad…

Fed up with the cramped airplane seats, Hanna got up to walk around and loosen up. Waiting by the bathrooms, she started singing News’ song ‘Bambina’ under her breath. “バンビーナ, 素顔のままで… バンビーナ, 嘘つかないで” (Bambina, honest as you are, Bambina, don’t tell me lies…)Hanna whispered. Forgetting the rest of the lyrics, Hanna started humming the tune. “Forgot the lyrics?” Someone behind her asked. Hanna jumped and turned around, shocked. “Excuse me?” She asked politely to the man behind her. “I asked you if you had forgotten the lyrics, little lady.” The man replied with a smirk. The man, dressed head to toe in black, wearing big, dark sunglasses, would have passed as “scary” or “stalker”, but his light, highlighted brown hair seemed to say something else. “Eh…” Hanna replied hesitantly. Chuckling, the man turned and started walking back to his seat, waving behind him. There are so many strange people theses days… Hanna sighed. The person before her had come out of the bathroom, and Hanna entered slowly. I hate these small spaces! Taking a deep breath, she walked in, did her business, and walked out. Letting out a sigh of relief when coming out, Hanna felt much more relaxed. Calmly walking back to her seat, she couldn’t get the man out of her mind. What a creeper! Men should be more gentlemanly towards women. He laughed at me! The more she thought about it, the more anger she had towards that man. As if HE knew the lyrics! Finally falling asleep for the next 2 hours of the ride, Hanna stopped thinking of him. He’s not worth my time and thought.

        Exiting the plane and taking a deep breath, Hanna felt happy that she was finally here in Japan. Brings back a lot of memories~~~ Lost in thought, Hanna bumped into a man in front of her. “Oops! I’m so sorry! Here, let me help yo-” It was the man from before, laughing loudly. Why did it have to be him? Reluctantly, Hanna dropped to her knees and started picking up her fallen objects. Squatting down next to her, the man whispered, “Young ladies should be more graceful, watch where you’re going!” Without answering, Hanna picked up the remnants of her stuff and stomped off. The man followed, still laughing. “Stop following me!” Hanna exclaimed. “We’re all going this way, to the luggage claim!” He replied happily. He’s so immature… Hanna sped up and tried to get away from him. “What’s the hurry?” he asked, matching her pace. Ignoring him, Hanna headed towards the women’s restroom. He can’t follow me here! Rushing in, Hanna sighed and checked herself in the mirror. Taking her time so the man could get as far away as possible, Hanna re-applied her make-up and redid her hair. Cautiously walking outside, the man was no where in sight. Whew, he’s gone. But, there he was, emerging from the men’s restroom. “He he! I had to go too!” He said, giggling to himself. No kidding. Craapppp… I just want to go home! Giving up on trying to ditch him, Hanna walked with him to the luggage claim. Talking the whole way, the man asked her plenty of questions. “What’s your name? Favorite color?” He asked eagerly.

“I’m Hanna; I like pink.” Hanna replied, sounding bored.

“I’m Yama- Oh wait, never mind he he! I like red, black, and white!!” He said. Hanna stopped, glaring at him curiously. “You are waaay too happy, and I told you my name, you have to tell me yours.” He glanced around quickly and whispered “It’s a secret~”, then skipped off ahead of her. What the heck… Hanna thought to herself. He is so annoying. I’ll force it out of him! Running to catch up, Hanna grabbed the back of his shirt to stop him. Glancing back, he laughed and ran on. Losing her grip on his shirt, Hanna grabbed his hand. “Hey! Tell me your name!” she called after him. “Do you want to know THAT badly?” he asked, squeezing her hand so she couldn’t let go. “Wha- no not really...” Hanna replied, trying to let go of his hand. Giggling and pulling her along, the man skipped all the way to the luggage claim. “Ah! There’s mine!” Hanna said, pointing to a large, bright luggage. “No problem!” The man shouted, running towards the luggage. I didn’t ask him to get it for me... I can get it myself! Why is he going so fast, anyways? But, I’ll let him get it for me. Less work for me! Holding the luggage carelessly above his head, the man raced back. “Here!” he announced proudly. “I’ll hold it for you.” Hanna couldn’t stop herself from laughing, “What about your bags?” She asked. “Ha! I already had people get them for me so I could walk around” He said as he squatted down, examining her luggage. “What people? And why are you looking at my stuff?!” Hanna questioned. “People! And I wanted to see what you had (:” Hanna gave up, and walked ahead, calling out “Come on!” behind her.

        Getting on the taxi he had called for her, Hanna bid him farewell. “Bye and… and thanks for all the help…” He winked and handed her a card with a number on it. “If you really want to know my name, call me!” Laughing and skipping away, he waved one last time. …really…? Is this some new way of picking up girls?! God… boys these days… Retiring to her hotel room, Hanna glanced at the card. It was just a small, business card sized card, with a phone number scrawled on it. Flipping it over, Hanna gasped. The card read “Johnny’s Entertainment”, with the logo and everything. He must have just picked it up somewhere… She thought.


I hope Chapter one meets your standards, and is at the very least satasfactory. Thank you thank you thank you, who ever is reading this. I worked hard on it~ Stay tuned for Chapter Two! <3

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Really good story. It's great how good you pictured Yamapi :)
Please update soon! I really like it!
I can't wait for more keep it up
Aoi_no_Ai #4
@Avy; Aww thank you!<3<br />
and i will update soon>:D <br />
glad you like it~
I love story's title. ^^<br />
Can't wait to read more from you.
Aoi_no_Ai #6
@Hiwatarii; THANK YOU!<33 I promise I'll write some more... I keep forgetting xD
Hiwatarii #7
I'm into your story >.< Yamapi ftw<br />
I like it~
seiously?? did u have to make her name hannah!? thats my sisters name! god damn, atleast make it my name!!!
Aoi_no_Ai #9
Thank you my (one) subscriber!<3<br />
Thank you my viewers!<br />
Thank you thank you thank you all!~<br />
this really means a lot to me, and i really hope that by each day, my subscribers and views will increase. Thank you for everything you have done so far.~