Chapter 8

Delusional Marriage [ Sequel to We Met In A Cafe ]

    You blinked several times, trying to adjut your eye sight to the sudden brightness. This wasn't your house, you realized. Then all those scenes appeared in your head again. You groaned at the throbbing sensation in your head as you sat up.

But you stopped moving when you noticed Ljoe lying beside your bed, his hands inclined with yours. His hands felt nothing like Myungsoo's but at the same time, there was something comforting about those hands of his.

It took you a while to realize that you were in a hospital ward. You gently tapped Ljoe, hoping that he would wake up and tell you what's going on. Ljoe stirred in his sleep as he looked up at you sleepily. You could see visible eye bags below his eyes and you immediately felt more curious of what was happening.

" Oppa... Can you tell me what's going on?" you asked gently as you arranged Ljoe's hair so that it would be in place. He constantly gazed at your actions and his resolution came into his mind again. * That's right. I cannot let you go back to Myungsoo. I will make you be much happier than you are now.* Ljoe thought as his eyes had this sharp serious look.

You frowned at his expression.

" Oppa? Can you tell me what's going on here?" you asked again.

Ljoe's eyes turned into slits as he said, " I wanted to ask you that."

You blinked at that statement. Ljoe wasn't making much sense again.

" Last night, after my dinner, I found a girl outside my house. And the next thing I know, she fainted. May I know what were you doing there?" Ljoe's cold voice echoed in the silent ward.

" I..." you paused when those horrible memories appeared in your mind again. How Myungsoo was sleeping with Mika. How Mika looked like she enjoyed it so much. And how it felt like everything was taken away from you in one night.

" I'm waiting." Ljoe's voice stopped your train of thoughts.

" Oppa... I... It's just..." you found yourself no way capable of telling the situation to Ljoe. Firstly, you knew that Ljoe wouldn't be pleased. Secondly, it was something embarrassing that you lost Myungsoo just like that. Thirdly, it was something personal. Even if Myungsoo doesn't want to be in a relationship with you anymore, you were sure that you weren't going to let him go like that. And you wouldn't want anybody's help either.

" Oppa, I have my own reasons. I don't have to report them to you, right?" you said with a demanding tone.

Ljoe's face softened. Ljoe realized, that up till now, he hasn't earn your utmost trust.

" I was concerned. You have no idea how pale you were last night." Ljoe frowned. * I can never go harsh on you. Never. Why you? What do you have that makes me so weak against you?*

You sighed, " It's not that. Oppa, I just... When's the filming date?" You changed the subject instantly at the thought of Myungsoo. This was what you wanted and you had to carry it on.

Ljoe's frown faded and he smirked at the thought of being in We Got Married with you. " It's tomorrow." Ljoe said.

You stared at the scenery through the small little square window you had in the ward. All these seems so meaningless. All these were supposed to help Myungsoo and Infinite in their career. But does Myungsoo really deserve your help? But you knew, you would never know the answer to that. You wouldn't want to see Myungsoo any time soon after what he did. Whatever it is, you only thought of Infinite right now.

" Crap. Infinite." you shouted as you reached for your phone and called Sunggyu. It has been a long time since you met up with them. So tomorrow, you shall discuss everything before your schedule.

[ UPDATE FOR TODAY. NO UPDATES TOMORROW. I GOTTA STUDY T.T EXAMS ARE NOT OVER GAH. Okay, so Infinite would be coming in the next chapter. Anticipate~!]

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Kim_TaeV #1
Im scared to read this...cuz u say blood :/ anyway i would read this interesting story ;)
maiquie24 #2
Chapter 33: Its a bittersweet story.... But nice story! :)
Chapter 32: Awwww sad:( awesome story love it :)
Chapter 32: ASDFGHJKL.
What the hell >< I stayed up all night just reading this,and boom! He died... T.T
Nice story, though. (y) BUT WHY LET HIM DIE?! OMAII MYUNGIE~ ><
Chapter 32: T.T Why are you doing this to me T.T AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH POOR MYUNGSOO T.T
Chapter 32: WUAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Why did Myungsoo die? Author-nim why did you let him die ?! WAE?!

anyways, congratulations! The best story ever! <3 I loved it even though Myungsoo died -.-"
saranghaesaranghaeda #7
Chapter 32: I cried so much ! I really love this !
Chapter 32: Aww ;; I cried at the last chapter while listening to Without Words. This is the best fanfic I ever read. (;
Sarahjoyce #9
Chapter 32: Aww...
Why did you die...?

Anyway... Author-nim...
congratulations... :D
InfinitizedYQ #10
Chapter 32: I'm confused x.x so myungsoo never had amnesia or?