THE UNDEAD!! 언데드!! || Monster Edition || Revamping ||


Revamping and Editing story as well as layout. CHAPTER ONE IS OUT! Hot guys + Zombies apocalypse= ?????? Rated M 


Hello peeps. Im gonna revamping the layout as well as editing the story here and there about THE UNDEAD. So sorry for being out of your live


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Jesusica #1
Chapter 1: I really love how you potrayed kai here. He is livelier noww
Jesusica #2
I cant upvote your story no karma huhu
Jesusica #3
Omggg you finally updatedddd after years agoo.
it has been a year sins your last update :'( please ubdate verry soon i realy want to complete your story so much
Chapter 45: Please update sooooon authornim~
hwaiting~ ;)
btw my answer is..... E
i prefer having lines instead of a name hahahah but well i'll go with the flow anyway heheh :3
Chapter 15: im going to hate u if u make lulu die! -3-
authornim and lulu fighting~ :D
babiiguurl97 #7
Chapter 4: This Story Reminds Me High School Of The Dead , But So Far I Like It ^^
YengYengBabyz0605 #8
Chapter 45: Please update~~~~~ I'm waiting!!!!!!!!!