Prince meets Snow White (SIBUM chapter)

A Match made in Heaven


(sigh) On my way to the school's auditorium for my English & Drama club. I love acting so much so it's time for me to breakout my shy comfort zone. Walking by, I realized the place is getting darker and darker and then in front laid the most beautiful stage I ever laid eyes on.

"So this mut be the auditorium" I thought. "WOAH!! It's so big and the stage and lighting is so BEAUTIFUL. It's like the place where people watched Opera's during late centuries.. AWESOME!". While walking, I saw a group of fangirls in the other side of the stage. They were whispering and others were giggling while holding their phones and cameras.

"Ooohhh... is there a celebrity going here in our school? WOW! First day is gonna be awesome. I hope he/she will be famous as Lee JunKi or Ha Ji Won or maybe they will go here in our school and give acting lessons in our first day. It will be awesome!~kekeke. Since those fangirls are busy talking about their "celebrity", I just sat in one of the chairs, pullout my reading glasses and continued to read the novel version of "Snow White".(A/N: Not the animated Snow White, like in "Snow White and the Huntsman) while waiting for the others and sunsangnim to come.


(sigh) First day of school and I'm already surrounded by people mostly girls. Mostly I would just smile and politely walk away but they still kept on following me. "Are they a sasaeng fan or what?". Well it's literally not my fault if I'm always chosen as the lead male role in every school play, sometimes I just wish if they would just tell other guys to do the lead role while I spend time with my friends and also JESUS and NOT wasting my time memorizing those stupid scripts that I really have no interest at all. (sigh) and also, I haven't made new friends while joining the Drama Club so maybe now is the perfect time to meet a friend and NOT be a celebrity for a while. I already went inside in the auditorium and as expected, fangirls are there. I know, I'm used to all of this, flashing lights and shuttering sounds of their wretched phones and camera and what I did NOT expect they all ran up to me and began tugging on my shirt.

"Oppa, can I have your shirt" said one

"No, can I have it?said the other one

"No, I'm first get lost"

"No you get lost" and they began fighting one another. While those two were fighting, other girls began hugging me in the back.

"UGH!!! Will they JUST STOP IT!"

"Oppa, look here in the camera please" said one girl.

"No, oppa look here pwetty please" said the other one.

"No thanks girls" I politely said and walked away but they STILL FOLLOWED ME.

"Oppa please just one picture please." 

"Me too Oppa pretty please"

and they continue to persuade me... UGH WHERE'S SUNSANGNIM!!!

"OH MY GOODNESS" said Mrs.Kwon and the fangirls didn't seem to see or hear her but I do.

"SUNSANGNIM.. PLEASE HELP ME" I pleaded at her.

"Oh-goodness gracious Siwon, wait" and she immediately shooed the annoying girls with cameras and they immediately went out. The other two girls who were fighting over my shirt stiil can't get over and Mrs.Kwon already seperated the two girls but they still kept on fighting.

"Ladies, LADIES! Stop the commotion" said Mrs.Kwon

"No, I will not stop until I fight what is really mine" said the two of them in chorus and they still kept on fighting. I saw the look on Mrs.Kwon's face like she wants to give up and I felt bad for her so I have no other choice. I was about to take off my shirt and I saw the most beautiful thing in the world....

The guy who was reading a book near the edge of the stage really caught my eye. He's so beautiful and I'm like seeing an angel who just came down from heaven. His hair is of ivory black, skin is as white as snow, lips red like blood in other words.. BEAUTIFUL. While reading, he smiled and his smile is so perfect like a glass. Hypnotized by his looks, I went to him leaving Mrs. Kwon with the two girls. I forgot that I should help her, only him is in my mind. I approached him and he looked up to me, GAAAAHH! Those eyes are really beautiful.If this just a dream, Don't wake me up.


The two guys stare at each other like they're the only two people in the universe. They were so mesmerized with each others looks and their minds were washed white because of their looks.

"OMO, A prince is in front of me, Eotteoke!" Kibum thought.

"Hello, I'm Choi Siwon, what's your name?"

"K-Kim Kibum, nice to meet you Siwon"Kibum replied while blushing.

"Eh-hem"and the two snapped back in reality when they saw Mrs.Kwon between them.

"I think we should cancel the first meeting for a while, I need to go to the nurse's office." Mrs.Kwon said leaving the two of them in their seats.They looked at each other before sitting down.

"So, uhmm.. What's that book you're reading? Siwon asked.

"Oh this.. It's Snow White and the Huntsman by Brothers Grimm" Kibum said.

"Really? That's like my favorite book of all-time"Siwon exclaimed.

"Really? Mine too!" Kibum exclaimed.

"Cool, so you like mysterious novels with a bit of horror, is that right?" Siwon said.

"Yes, I LOVE them so much"Kibum said.

"WOW! This guy is so awesome and beautiful"Siwon thought.

"OMO! He's so handsome and loves books too!"Kibum thought and after that, they spent their whole period talking about drama's, books and soon about themselves too. They really can't hide their joy of finding a person that they're really longing looking for and now they found each other. Soon both of them realized that they have feelings for each other after meeting for just one hour.

"OMO! Time's up, I have to go to my next class"Kibum said.

"Wait, I'll walk you there" Siwon said.

"Are you sure? Aren't you gonna be late?"

"Doesn't matter if I'm gonna be late as long I'm with you"Siwon said and Kibum blushed at his answer.

"O-okay, let's go"Kibum said and they went out of the auditorium and saw people rushing to their next class. One person ran and bumped in between them resulting they fell on top of each other, Kibum on top of Siwon. Both of them didn't say a word and just stare at each other for a moment. They were both mesmerized by their looks again and falling for each other all over again.

"Kibum, I think we should get up now" Siwon said.

"Oh right, sorry"Kibum said and both of them got up holding each others hands. They were already in front of Kibum's next class which is Math.

"So see you later again Kibum?" Siwon said his grip on Kibum's hand tighten.

"Sure, I'll see you later again"Kibum smiled and he also squeezed Siwon's hand in return and both of them let go and parted ways.

"I'll see you later again, Snow White" Siwon said as he looked back at Kibum's classroom and went to his next class/

"Can't wait for lunch, See you later My Prince" Kibum said and he sat at the near the door staring where Siwon left him.

Both of them were still thinking about each other and both of them can't wait to see each other again.


A/N: Haaiiiiii guyz! Here's Sibum chapter.:)) Nxt up is the lunch scene. All of them will appear but mostly that scene will own by the KYUMIN couple and also a bit of Kangteuk, EunHae and Sibum. So KYUMIN shippers, better watch out. :) Don't worry YEWOOK and HANCHUL shippers. I will be updating soon okay? Comment and Subscribe guys. Thank u guys so much! MWAHHH! *gives cookies to everyone* :DDDDDDD ^_^V


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kangteuk, sibum, eunhae and kyumin are already here. who do u guys think is the couple will go nxt? ;)


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Chapter 2: Adorable Kangteuk~~~
Chapter 1: This story is exciting! :)
hebteuk #3
Chapter 7: (P.S Which chapter do u like so far? :DDDDDDDDD)
my favorite parts till now r kangteuk's of course <3 <3 <3 XDDDD
Chapter 7: KYAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!
Chapter 7: Yewook is wiiiinnnnn!!!!!! >w<
Hi author-nim! :D
after 10 years, finally.. an update.
hahahaha XDD

LOL Wookie so cute! :D
update soon \m/
Chapter 7: aww Yewook is so cute!
hebteuk #8
i liked that lunch time...ur story is so fluffy ^^ ...i wanna more kangteuk <3