Girlfriend for Hire

A/N: Hellooo again, i'm back with chapter two! ^^

here you go.. enjoy! <3



Park Hyunae’s POV

“YOU!?!?” I almost shouted as I pointed my finger at him

“You know each other?” Choi-hee asked

I ignored her and just shook my head irritated. I continued to glare at Jonghyun.

He raised his right eyebrow and said “What me?..  Are you one of my fan girls?” he asked as if trying to irritate me more

I stared at him in disbelief “HAH! You wish!” I said

“Excuse me!?” he asked taking one step forward and glaring at me as well. “What did you just say?”

“I’m not one of your crazy fan girls or neither will I be” I said harshly

“Hyunae-ah calm down, what’s wrong?”  Choi-hee interrupted again whispering in my ear

 “What's wrong, is that this guy is the reason why I have orange juice-stained uniform” I said not bothering to avert my glare at Jonghyun

“What are you talking about?” He asked narrowing his eyes at me

“I’m talking about you, bumping into me early this morning and stained my uniform.” I almost explode

“Tch. That’s it? What’s the big deal?” he said as he smirked at me

“What's the big deal?" I said repeating his question "The BIG deal is that you didn’t even bother to apologize!” this time I exploded, I balled both my fists at my side

I saw Key smiling at my peripheral vision ‘what’s wrong with him’ I thought

“Yah..” Jonghyun said in a low tone that sent chills up my spine “Get over it, I won’t apologize, and besides I didn’t even notice it and I can’t remember.” He said

I opened my mouth in disbelief again, but closed it as soon as I realized.. Seriously it takes a lot of will power to prevent myself from punching this guy

“He’s very stubborn” this time it’s Key who interrupted us crossing his arms.

I was about to say something when somebody shouted “OMO! ISN’T THAT KEY AND JONGHYUN?”

I turned my head and saw one group of girls staring at us with obvious excitement in their eyes. I noticed that they’re wearing neckties instead of ribbons which means they’re from the high school department. They were about to run and approach us when one girl put a stop to them “Wait! But who are those girls they’re talking too?” I heard her say

“Oh no. Not again” Jonghyun whined “Run!” he whispered loudly to Key as they both took off.

“C’mon! C’mon!  LET’S GO!” Choi-hee grabbed my arm as we both started running too. I looked back and saw the girls running after Jonghyun and Key screaming their lungs out “OPPAAA!”

 After a few minutes of running, we stopped and sat by a tree trying to catch our breaths.

“Wha- why did we run?” I asked eyeing her, tired. I rested my arm on my knees

“Because… woooo” she inhaled “because you don’t want to be harassed by those girls.. Trust me”

I made an “o” face..  We stayed silent for a few seconds inhaling the fresh air.

“Too much closeness in your first meeting, huh?” Choi-hee said sarcastically

I looked at her confused “What are you talking about?”

She grinned and nudged my elbow “You and Jonghyun oppa” she said raising her eyebrows up and down. I rolled my eyes and stayed silent.

“You know, you kind of over reacted a while ago about the whole orange juice thing…. First day of school you should be making friends ” she said giggling. This time I glared at her.

“Ooppss” she grinned “I was kidding.. Except about the last part”

“Cut it off” I said scratching the back of my head.

“Alright, alright. I’m on your side, don’t worry” she said with a smile

I stood up and looked down at her “Stand up, we need to go”

“But the bell didn’t ring yet” she complained

“Yah! We’re five minutes away from the highschool building. I don’t want to be late and so do you” I said pulling her hand to stand up.

“Aigoo!” she said before standing up and we both headed to highschool building.





-After School-Dinner time-


Jonghyun’s POV

I chewed slowly on my bibimbap that Key cooked for dinner, the other members eat quietly enjoying Key’s cooking. A DBSK song is playing in the background from the living room.

‘Finally first day of school is over’ I thought. I puffed my cheeks and shoved another spoon full of bibimbap in my mouth. I’ll be flooded with homeworks, quizzes, project, and exams for sure.. Oh and of course fan girls, fan girls and mooore fan girls. I sighed quietly as I remembered one girl pulled my backpack and hugged me a while ago. That almost caused me a heart attack.

Seriously, it’s not that I hate them or anything, in fact I appreciate it that they admire us, I really do. But please I also need some space and time alone. I mean c’mon, I also have some needs as a person.

I know that someday they will really be a part of my life since I choose this path, I accepted that and I’m happy about it. But for now, while I’m still a trainee and not an official star yet maybe I could get away with it and leave in peace until my debut..

I sighed again as I thought of a way to start this school year peacefully. And by that I mean less fan girls..

Maybe I should show more of my bad-boy self.. Oh no, some of them will find it very manly and, who knows what they will do. Maybe I should act weird or something, but how will I do it. Aigoo, erase that. Aisht..  I ‘am weird I thought.

“Taeminnie.. Juice please” I was distracted with my thoughts when Onew hyung spoke and stretched his arm out giving Taemin his glass as Taemin poured orange juice in it.

‘Orange Juice’  right, the girl from before flashed in my mind, she’s different from the others, she doesn’t show any interest on us, maybe because she’s from Busan, but who cares.. I don’t. There’s too much for me to handle today I don’t want to think about--. WAIT!

A smile crept on my face as I thought of the best way to avoid fan girls as much as possible.

“Ehem!  I thought dinosaurs eat fast” I blinked and saw key staring at me, I looked around the table and notice the empty seats, they’re already done eating and is now singing along with the music in the living room.

“YAH! I still have to wash the dishes. Finish your food” key complained as he started gathering the empty plates, I finished mine, still smiling.

“What are you smiling at mister bling?” Key asked curious

“I have an idea” I told him


------------------------------------------------- <3

A/N: Sorry about this short chapter, i wanted to make it longer but school is distracting me.. LOL! test is coming up soon.. I'm only starting chapter 3 so pleeeaassee stay with me! ^^





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ahh..this is cute, but i couldn't read all the chaps now..gonna subscribe..theheehe
update ! D:
ohhh my god- hae won seriously pisses me off; how blind are you jonghyun??<br />
and really...after what shesaid to onew oppa i can never forgive here...she needs to find her way back to the US or anywhere else but there really<br />
...i hope you can update more often now!
-.- Haewon...Needs to go somewhere...<br />
Just not here ;( Jonghyun is such a pabo`!<br />
SO Is Onew He should've been likee "NU UHH GIRL!" <br />
okay well key should've said that! ;(<br />
Whatever`! She's just gonna mess up everything for the 2!!;(<br />
I don't like that and I never say bad words really <br />
Update soon
Tsk... What a ...
i want to kill haewon -.-"" >:((((<br />
anw~ update soooon!!!!!
Update plzzzzz
mybananamilk #9
YAY!! AN UPDATE!!<br />
I'M SO HAPPY ^_________^<br />
ohhh i bet Key won't get along with Hae Won that well<br />
i like that ᄏᄏ<br />
<br />
please update soon!!
gahhh..OKAy 1st off~ NEW READER<333<br />
When She said she became a she wasn't kidding!<br />
she's gonna ruin everything T^T<br />