Girlfriend for Hire



A/N: OMO! Ok i know this chapter should be posted like 2 days ago since that's what i told you on my previous author's note, but then, i wasn't able to update since I'm not yet finish writing it! LOL! ^-^ 

It's spring break but I still have to do my household chores >.< I'm being a good kid =))

Ok now, imma stop talking.. Go on with Chapter 7, enjoy~~!!!!


here's a Key gif first! KYOPTAA!!~~


Jonghyun’s POV

I went back to our dorm only to be greeted by three sets of glaring eyes: Onew hyung, Minho, and Taemin.. I could hear Key’s voice singing ‘Gee’ of SNSD from the bathroom while taking a shower.

“Hi guys!” I greeted them as I sat by the couch and the television

“Sooo. Have fun dropping your girlfriend at home huh?” Taemin said, looking at me with a sad expression like a child

“I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you guys” I smiled at them, hoping they’ll let it go tonight.

“Aren’t you supposed to be happy for me?” I asked showing my puppy dog eyes although I know it’s not good as Taemin’s aegyo.

“We are happy for you hyung but also a little bit disappointed for not telling us” Minho said crossing his arms, I looked at him with apologetic eyes. It took me a minute to think of a way to make it up to them.

“How about I treat you all tomorrow?” I offered knowing this would work, their expressions changed the minute I said it.

Taemin’s eyes automatically lit up as he gave in “Oh hyung,I’m totally fine with that”

I looked at Minho “Sounds fair” he said with a shrug as he smiled

“CHICKEN! CHICKEN!” Onew hyung shouted clapping his hands..

 ‘You are one clever boy Kim Jonghyun’ I thought. I grinned at them as they all grinned back.

The night passed by quickly, we all went to our beds to sleep.



Hyunae’s POV
During breakfast


“Choi hee-ah, I’ve already accepted Jonghyun’s offer” I said as I ate my bowl of cereal

“Omona! Jinjja?”

I sighed and nodded

“You don’t look so happy” she said tilting her head to the side

“Duh. I have to spend the entire school year pretending to be his girlfriend”

“Entire school year?” she asked, I answered her with another nod

“Omo, you might develop true feelings for him” she said with a teasing smile as she wiggled her eyebrows  

“Yeah right, true feelings of hate” I rolled my eyes at her. I shoved another spoon of cereal in my mouth

“Tch, you can never tell, and what if he would feel the same way? Aigooo so sweet” she said excitedly as she clasped her hands together

“Aisht! YAH! Choi-hee stop that non sense. I promise you I’ll never fall for that guy” I told her

“Mmhmm. Whatever you say” she said still smiling at me.

I ignored her and finished breakfast. When we’re done we stepped out of the building and headed to school.


At schoolJ


The news about me and Jonghyun dating spread like wild fire in school. I walked through the corridors with Choi-hee, oblivious to the girls whispering to one another as they point their fingers at me and rolled their eyes

I wonder how Key managed to spread the news in just one freaking night, oh well whatever.

“Oh my gosh I can’t believe our Jonghyun oppa is not single anymore” I heard one fan girl cried

“That’s the girl he’s dating? But, I’m so much better than her”

“Omona! She’s so lucky” another girl squealed

“I won’t believe it unless there is evidence” a girl with long hair rolled her eyes at me

Ignoring the whisperings and the glaring eyes I made my way to my locker and get some of my books. After a minute the school bell rang which made me jump; the books I’m holding fell carelessly from my hand. I heard some girls laughing at me as they slowly dispersed.

I sighed “Aisht! Early morning and I hate this day!” I shouted then automatically covered my mouth. Me and Choi-hee were left in the corridors.

“Ignore them, you can do it” she said as she raised her balled fist and made a fighting sign, she helped me pick up my books as we started walking again, heading to our room which is located on the second floor.

I was about to turn for the stairs when i bumped into someone making my books slipped from my hands. Again. But this time I landed on my .

“YAH!” I didn’t hesitate to shout this time.

“Hyunae-ah, are you alright?” Choi-hee asked offering her hands for me to stand up. I grabbed it and blew some of my bangs away from my eyes, I saw Jonghyun looking at me with a shocked expression.

I was about to shout at him when I saw Key and the other three beside him looking at me with weird smiling faces. I realized I have to act around the other three so I put on my sweetest smile ever ignoring my frustrations

“Omo! Hyunae-ah!” he said as he gave me a hug, I hesitantly hugged him back “Kwenchana?” he asked

 “Oh ne, I’m fine.”  I said. I kneeled down to pick up my books, until I saw another pair of hands helping me, I lifted my head to see Jonghyun.

Wow, this man can act’ I thought then we both stood up

“Be careful next time, araso?” he said as he handed me my books

I nodded saying thank you. “Well, we’ll go now, we’re already late” I said as I waved goodbye to all of them..

“Alright, we’ll see you later” he said as they all waved back and started walking away.

I sighed as soon as they we’re out of sight

“You look like a real couple, that’s so cute” Choi-hee squealed beside me.

“Aisht. Let’s just go, we’re already late”

We arrived in the classroom apologizing for being late before the teacher let us sit down on our places. I could feel eyes staring at me whether I’m writing down notes or looking straight on the board. Isn’t that rude? I can’t help but feel very distracted and uncomfortable.


I cursed under my breath as I continued to write down our lecture.

‘OH MY GOSH. Stop looking at me and listen to the freaking teacher’ I wanted to shout at them but forced myself no too since the teacher is in front. What’s wrong with this teacher anyway, can’t he see that most of his students are not listening.

The day passed by just like that until its lunch time. I’m holding my tray when someone tripped me..

What the--’ I thought as I dropped my tray of food luckily it didn’t land on my uniform. I’ve been dropping a lot of things today.

I glanced back to see the person who tripped me intentionally. And saw a girl smirking at me.

“WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM?!” I shouted at her

“YOU. You are my problem” she shouted back at me. The students in the cafeteria started to gather around us.


She took a step closer to me “You’re so pathetic for spreading those rumors about you and Jonghyun oppa dating.”

I glared at her “I’m not spreading those rumors”

“Oh yeah right. You think everybody would believe you with your fantasies? Tch.” She was about to slap me when a hand stopped her form doing so. We both looked at the person and saw Jonghyun

“OMO!  its Jonghyun oppa” a girl from behind said. Their full attention was on us that they didn’t even notice when SHINee entered the cafeteria.

I noticed Choi-hee standing beside the other SHINee members with a concerned expression on her face, I gave her a reassuring smile, to let her know I can handle it.

 “O-oppa” the girl stammered, she slowly put her hand down as Jonghyun released it.

Jonghyun looked questioningly at both of us “What’s going on?” he asked confused

The girl answered immediately “Oppa, can you believe this girl is spreading rumors about you and her dating?” she said giving me disgusted smile and looking back at Jonghyun

He looked at the girl “It’s not rumors” he said simply. “It’s true”

“Eh?” the girl said surprised on Jjong’s answer “Oppa, don’t be like that, we all know this girl is just fantasizing you don’t have to cover for her” she said, her expression obviously showing that she’s expecting Jonghyun to agree with her.

“There’s nothing to cover, I told you it’s true” Jjong said with a smile and a shrug

The girl stomped her foot and looked like she was about to cry. ‘haha, weird girl’ i thought

“Aniyo oppa! If you want me to believe you... Prove it!” she shouted in a high pitched voice

I heard the students gasped and whispered more to one another as Jonghyun grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him putting one of his hands under my chin in the process as he leaned in to kiss me… 




A/N: Aigooo, I'm not satisfied with this chapter but i know i have to update, i don't want to loose you my precious subscribers! XDD.. and again too lazy to re-read so sorry for any typos ^-^ haha! 

Chapter 8 will be up soon! LOL! =))

And about the love *ehem* triangle.. You have to wait to find out! =)) LOL! i think it's already obvious eh?









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ahh..this is cute, but i couldn't read all the chaps now..gonna subscribe..theheehe
update ! D:
ohhh my god- hae won seriously pisses me off; how blind are you jonghyun??<br />
and really...after what shesaid to onew oppa i can never forgive here...she needs to find her way back to the US or anywhere else but there really<br />
...i hope you can update more often now!
-.- Haewon...Needs to go somewhere...<br />
Just not here ;( Jonghyun is such a pabo`!<br />
SO Is Onew He should've been likee "NU UHH GIRL!" <br />
okay well key should've said that! ;(<br />
Whatever`! She's just gonna mess up everything for the 2!!;(<br />
I don't like that and I never say bad words really <br />
Update soon
Tsk... What a ...
i want to kill haewon -.-"" >:((((<br />
anw~ update soooon!!!!!
Update plzzzzz
mybananamilk #9
YAY!! AN UPDATE!!<br />
I'M SO HAPPY ^_________^<br />
ohhh i bet Key won't get along with Hae Won that well<br />
i like that ᄏᄏ<br />
<br />
please update soon!!
gahhh..OKAy 1st off~ NEW READER<333<br />
When She said she became a she wasn't kidding!<br />
she's gonna ruin everything T^T<br />