
If You Only Knew

It's morning and it's time to go to school. The ever so nervous Yoona went to her room to get her bag and catch a ride to school.

"Omma I'll be going now!" Yoona went down the stairs and headed to the door

"Okay. Be careful" Mrs. Im said while washing the dishes

"Nae omma" Yoona went outside and she got in her Black BMW. She decided to ride to school with her car 'cause she feels lazy to wait for a bus

Yoona drove to school and when she arrived, the students' attention went to her. As usual


While on her way to their classroom, she stopped in her tracks when a girl stood in front of her with a smile on her face

"Hi Yoona" the girl greeted yoona with her aegyo.

"Hello" Yoona said bluntly

"uhhhh. I'm HyunA. I know we're not that close but-" she didn't get to finish her sentence 'cause yoona cut her off

"Sorry but I have to go." Yoona walked quickly so that the girl wouldn't catch up with her

But little did Yoona know that Yuri was behind them when they were talking


--YURI'S P.O.V--

Yuri was walking to her classroom when she saw a familiar figure stand ahead of her..

"Yoona..." she whispered. She was clearly nervous

"Wait... Is she talking to a girl?" She felt a stab right in the heart when she saw the brunette girl talking to her. She was petite but really pretty. Had nice long flowy hair. She could see that the girl had a nice body judging from the curves of her uniform. She felt jealous even though there was nothing between her and Yoona

When Yoona walked away Yuri then continued to walk. She was standing there for a while looking at the girl. If glares were able to kill people then the brunette girl would've been dead by now



A lot of students were already in the classroom but Ms. Lee was still not there.

"Yoooooooooooonnnnnaaaaaaaaaaa!!!111" Sunny shouted and then gave yoona a big hug the moment she went in the classroom

"OWH! Easy there bunny. My stomach hurts" Yoona rubbed her stomach pretending to be hurt

"Oh My sorry yoon! I didn't mean to hurt you-" Sunny was stuttering

Yoona raised her head then smiled widely at Sunny telling her it was only a joke

"Yah!!11 I thought you were really hurt! I was about to cry 'cause I felt guilty" Sunny sat in her seat, arms crossed and pouted

"Heehee sorry sunny bunny. It was only a joke. I'm sorry" yoona stood next to sunny and hugged her sideways

Yuri had already got in the classroom and she saw the whole thing. How sunny and yoona were so sweet with each other. She was jealous again. Man! It's still morning!

"Huff. Why is she always flirting like that? It's still early and she already flirt two girls. Unbelievable" Yuri whispered to herself

Taeyeon on the other hand heard Yuri murmur something

"Who're you talking to Yul?" Taeyeon said

"Huh? Uhhhh n-nothing. I was just singing something" Yuri said nervously. Hoping that taeyeon would buy her lie

"Oh. Okay" Taeyeon put her attention to her phone


"OKAY CLASS SETTLE DOWN" Ms. Lee went in the classroom. Everybody went back to their seats

"I won’t be giving you guys a lecture today 'cause the principal gave me something to do... So, I'll just leave you guys here and work on your project. Discuss something with your pair. okay? And don't be noisy" Ms. Lee was getting her stuff from her table and went out the classroom


"So we don't have class today?" Tiffany asked Jessica

"I guess" Jessica replied. She seemed to be looking for someone

"Looking for someone Sica?" Tiffany grinned

"Yuri, perhaps?" Fany continued to

"SHHH! Someone might hear you" Jessica put her finger on Tiffany's lips silencing her

"Don't be paranoid... I wasn't talking loudly" Tiffany smacked Jessica’s finger away

"Tsk. Is it obvious?" Jessica said

"What?" Fany was scrolling through her phone

"That I like Yuri..." Jessica whispered

"uhh YEAH" Tiffany smiled

"Aish really?" :/

"Don't worry. It's better that you make it obvious so that people would know and they would stay away from Yuri. Making her all yours" Tiffany smiled at her bright idea

"Huff. Funny how you're so good at giving advices about love when even you yourself haven't confessed to Taeyeon... Come on Tiff, It's been years. It's time to confess" Jessica said

"Stop changing the topic" Tiffany glared

"Oh don't you glare at me. You know you can't win when it comes to this kind of contests" Sica gave her bestie her Icy glare

"Sorry sica" Tiffany felt something cold down her spine. She knew she wouldn't win but tried it anyway XD


Everyone went to their pairs and discussed what they would do for the project… Everyone, except YoonYul.

Yuri just sat there, staring blankly. Yoona went up to her and then

“Yah some research said that you’ll kill your brain cells when you stare blankly” Yoona said while taking a seat next to Yuri

She may act so cool in front of Yuri but to be honest, she’s screaming mentally. She felt it again, them butterflies in her stomach.

“Huff. Since when did you care?” Yuri said coldly. Like they said, a jealous girl is an angry one

“Okaaaaay. I see you’re not quite in the mood, I’ll just come back later when you’re all cooled down” Yoona was taken aback at how cold Yuri was. She never saw this side of Yuri before, she usually sees a bright smiling girl even though she’s not in the surrounding she’s used to


“Huff. Since when did you care?” Aish Kwon Yuri!! Don’t be so jealous! WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO?! YOU SCREWED UP YOUR CHANCE ON MAKING FRIENDS WITH HER!!!

Think you pabo, think! *thinks hard* AHA!!

“Wait yoona.” Darn whenever I say her name, it gives me the shivers



“Wait yoona” Yuri held yoona’s wrist when she was about to leave

“Uhhmm. Uhhhh” Yuri stuttered

“What?” Yoona eyed her curiously

“I’m on my period so that kind of explains why I’m acting this way” Yuri hung her head low… She’s blushing



“Uhhmm. Uhhhh” She’s stuttering! OMO KYEOPTAAAAA~~ ^_____^

“I’m on my period so that kind of explains why I’m acting this way” Oh so that’s why… Wait, is she blushing? OMOOOOOO she’s sooooo cute I can die. Really. Ahhhhhhhhh! >____<

“Oh. I understand. Well, shall we?” I said smiling ear to ear while handing out my hand to her

“Where are we going?”

“Let’s go to somewhere more peaceful” I said while looking around and seeing all our other classmates playing, talking, yelling and dancing

“Okay” She gladly took my hand and we went outside. Again with the butterflies! Shoot! These butterflies are starting to get the hang of my tummy



When yoonyul went out the room not to mention Yoona HOLDING Yuri’s HANDS this surely got the attention of Jessica and her clique and of course Taeyeon and her buddies

“Okaay am I seeing things? Tae slap me” Sooyoung said facing Taeyeon


“Yah! That was too hard!” Soo rubbed her cheecks

“You’re welcome” Taeyeon turned back to Tiffany *coughs* “Now where were we tippani?”

Sooyoung was left alone. Well, she wasn’t alone a while ago when her partner Jessica needed to go to the bathroom

“Sheesh I’ll never understand people who’re in love” -___- she murmured

“I’m Back!” Jessica went to sooyoung

“That was pretty fast… Did you even get to pee?” Sooyoung blurted. She really doesn’t care what she says. Anything that comes to her mind she automatically says out loud

“It’s none of your business” Jessica *tongue out*

“K” Sooyoung rolled her eyes


Meanwhile, YoonYul was roaming around the school looking for a quiet place

“Yah Yoona maybe we’ll get caught by someone” yuri was blushing HARD. Yoona still hasn’t let go of her wrist XD

“Shhh! Here… Let’s go upstairs!” Yoona had this expression on her face like a kid that met Santa in a department store

“Okay okay. Where are we going anyway?” Yuri was walking up the stairs followed by the ever-so-excited Yoona

“You’ll see” Yoona *wink*

*.* -- Yuri’s face

>:) –Yoona’s face after she saw Yuri blush


Aish this girl really likes to tease me!!! >_< but I like it ^_^ --Yuri

When they arrived at the rooftop, Yuri’s eyes sparkled at the sight. It was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious <3

“KAWAII~” Yuri was still looking at the view of the rooftop

Yeah but not as beautiful as you~ Yoona whispered to herself

But, unfortunately… (Fortunately)

Yuri was able to hear it. Well you know Yoona whispered it while looking at her

“Really? Gomawo~” Yuri was flattered to the highest known level in the universe when she heard those words from the person she likes. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! <33333 ^_^

Yuri looked at Yoona and then gave Yoona her sweetest smile so sweet that you could see sugar forming on her lips lol XD

“Oh. Uhh-uhmmmm” Yoona stuttered! She was embarrassed as hell bwahahahaha >:))))

“Hahaha you’re so cute when you stutter” Yuri added. Yoona blushing like there’s no tomorrow.

It’s my turn now to tease you. Bwahahaha~ Evil little Yuri thought



Aishhhh! She heard me? Way to go yoon! SO EMBARRASSING >_<

“Hahaha you’re so cute when you stutter” Ahhh fudge! I think all the butterflies in the world is in my stomach now… They’re extinct because of this girl in front of me -_-

Gotta think of something to change the topic. Think think think!!!!!!!!!

“uhhhmmm I think I need to introduce myself properly to you” Yeah that’s good B-)



“uhhhmmm I think I need to introduce myself properly to you” Yoona changed the subject. Hahaha couldn’t handle it anymore X)

“Okay. Go” Yuri said paying serious attention to Yoona

“ehem ehem. Greetings my fellow homo sapien. Im Yoona here infront of you. Pleased to meet you” Yoona put up her dorkiest smile looking like well, a dork

Yuri laughed at how dorky Yoona can be. Then it was time for her to introduce herself.

“Hello my name is Yuri Kwon. A pleasure meeting you Im Yoona” Yuri spoke fluently in English. She sounded like she grew up there. She even put up an American accent but it was just an act to impress Yoona >:)

“waaaahhhh. You’re good” Yoona’s jaw dropped

“Better close that alligator mouth of yours or else you’ll catch a fly. No, FLIES. HAHAHA” Yoona closed immediately and both of them laughed.

They enjoyed their time together and got a long perfectly like they knew each other for years already

“Okay so it’s settled. So you’re gonna be singing and playing the piano and I’m gonna do a hiphop contemporary dance.” Yuri said holding the pen and putting the tip of it at her chin

“Nae but we have to compose a song that’s a ballad with a strong beat. There’s no problem what language right?” Yoona said

“Nae~ It could be in any language you’re comfortable with” Yuri scrolled through her phone

“Okaaaay. So, It’s getting kind of late. Shall we?” Yoona stood up and held out her hand in front of Yuri.

Yuri happily grabbed it and went down stairs. It was already 6pm and Yuri didn’t go to school with her car. She took the bus earlier this morning.

*authors’s note: Let’s skip luch okay? Kekekeke~*

When they were walking after getting their stuff from the classroom Yoona faced Yuri

“So where do you live?” Yoona asked while they were walking towards the gate

“Why? You planning on going there? Miss me already?” Yuri joked XD

“Huff. Me? Going to miss you? Yeah right!” Yoona said in a defensive tone. Yes I’m gonna miss you.

“Oh. Okay…”  Yuri put her head down and walked down the street

“Hey wait! You’re just gonna walk? Are you crazy? It’s already dark and it’s dangerous for you to walk alone” Yoona ran towards her

“I’ll give you a ride home.” Yoona grabbed Yuri’s wrist and went to the direction of where she parked her car

They went in and Yoona drove. Yuri on the other hand was spacing out. Whenever Yoona asked questions, she would only give very short replies.

“Here. Stop” Yuri said while looking at their gate

“Wow you’re rich” Yoona said while loooking at their mansion

“mm. Thanks for the ride” Yuri spoke lifelessly

When Yuri was about to close the door of the car, Yoona called her

“Yuri Bye! Good Night, Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite! I was lying about what I said earlier. Please don’t get mad” Yoona said with her genuine smile and then drove off after Yuri closed the door

“She’ll miss me?” Yuri held her chest as it was beating fast

She went in the mansion and greeted everybody

She washed up first then went down to have dinner with them. After that, she already felt tired then went to her bedroom.

She scrolled through her phone and read messages from Sooyoung, Taeyeon and Seohyun who were apparently worried where she was


From: Sooyoung J

Yuri-ah! Where the heck are you? Are you home already? We didn’t see you earlier! TEXT BACK or else


From: Taeyeon J

Yuriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ Where did you go earlier? Are you mad at us? TEXT BACKKKKK


From: Seohyun J

Yuri! We’re going now… I think you’re busy with something so we’ll just go ahead. Stay Safe okay?


From: Yuri

To: Sooyoung; Taeyeon; Seohyun

Sorry for not going with you guys earlier, I had something to do. I’m home now so don’t worry. And thanks for the concern by the way! Goodnight see y’all tomorrow! ;)


She thought about what yoona said earlier. She’s really going to miss me?

Aigoo yuri! Don’t’ assume things! Maybe she’s just normally sweet. Well, yeah she was pretty sweet with Sunny earlier  -3-


She then felt angry and jealous at her thought.

Yuri then put her phone on the table beside her bed. She rolled around her huge bed remembering everything that happened with her and yoona earlier at the rooftop


“Who’s gonna write the song?” Yuri asked

“I will!” Yoona said raising her hand like a little kid waiting for her teacher to call her to answer

“Well, I’ll help!” Yuri suggested



“Uhhh, I’ll just let you hear it after I finish writing” Yoona winked

“Aish. Fine. What’s it gonna be about btw?”

“Well, I currently like someone right now and I immediately liked that person the moment I first laid my eyes on-“

“Why did you stop? U ok yoona?”

“Yeah yeah. i think it’s gonna be about puppy love” Yoona put up a weak smile after somehow thinking hard



“Why did she stop? Who does she like right now?” These were the questions that roamed yuri’s head that night. I like you yoona, I’m just afraid that you might not feel the same. I don’t wanna get hurt. AGAIN


Yuri then drifted to dreamland after thinking about a lot of stuff that happened that day




  • Gah! What did Yuri mean with “I don’t wanna get hurt. AGAIN”? Wanna know? Maybe I’ll reveal it on the next chapter. Teehee Sorry for not updating lately, I’ve been busy with school and all. So here it is, hope you like it! Your author, NiKai J
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