I can't do this

If You Only Knew

4:00 AM


It was morning. Yuri got up as soon as she woke up. She was packing up her things 'cause she overheard her parents talking last night..




"Yuri goes with me to Seoul. That's final!" a demanding voice caught Yuri's attention

"What about me? I have a right to keep her as well!" a woman's voice could be heard from outside the room

"Why should I? You don't even have a job! How can you provide her needs?!" shouted the man

"Look who's talking? Do you have a job there? Yuri doesn't even have friends there! She'll have a hard time adjusting!" the woman said

"My parents have a house there. My classmate in college offered me a job. We'll live in my parents’ house until we can find an apartment of our own." said the man. trying to tone down his voice 'cause he can see his daughter peeking through the door on the corner of his eyes

"please. just let our daughter stay here" the woman said. tears flowing non-stop from her eyes





I can't go to Korea. My life is here. My family and friends are here.. I'll run away so that dad can't bring me there. I'll go to Hyoyeon's house and tell her I'll be staying for a while. I'm sure she won't mind  Yuri thought to herself




A bunch of big books fell from the shelf as she was reaching for her favorite novel.

"ohw! That hurt! Better not wake them up if I want to run away!" Yuri whispered to herself

Yuri got her backpack and slowly ran towards the living room to get her shoes. Suddenly her stomach growled for she hadn't eaten dinner last night. She walked up to the Dining Room ninja style

"One for the road and one for... uhh snacks! yea that's right SNACKS" Yuri said as she grabbed the bread and biscuits on the table

She went out and took off to her best friend Hyoyeon's house.




When she arrived she pressed the doorbell and shouted "HYO! IT'S ME YURI!"

Hyoyeon peeked through the window and shocked to see Yuri outside with a backpack this early

"Yah! Yuri-ah! It’s too early to go camping!" Hyoyeon shouted as she opened their huge gate

"I'm sorry for bothering you.. But can I stay at your house for a while?" Yuri pouted

"Parents fighting again?" Hyoyeon asked as she hugged the poor girl

Yuri just nodded.. Her face buried on her best friend’s shoulder

"yah~ let's go inside. It’s frickin cold out here" Hyo said as they went inside their also huge house

"Want something to drink? or eat?" Hyo said walking towards the kitchen

"Can i have both?" Yuri said with a hungry expression on her face

Hyo chuckled. "okay. I never knew you were a shikshin.." she started to make her best friend breakfast

"shikshin? yah~! I’m just hungry 'cause I didn't eat dinner last night" Yuri explained

"Okay okay whatever you say.. shikshin" Hyo said with a smirk on her face

"huff. This girl" Yuri whispered.

“How long are you planning to stay here?” Hyo said while getting ingredients from the cupboard

“I still don’t know..” Yuri’s gaze went to the floor

“Well, mom and dad aren’t going to be home ‘til next week. Work again” Hyo said in a boring tone

“Soo you can stay here as long as you want” Hyo continued




"BREAKFAST IS READY!" hyo said while arranging the plates on the table

Yuri who was watching tv, walked up to kitchen. She couldn't go back to sleep 'cause all that was on her mind was her father bringing her to Korea…

"whoa! You may call me a shikshin but this is way too much food!" Yuri said as her eyes widened at the sight of so much food on the table

"Pabo! you're not the only one eating! I also decided to eat 'cause I got hungry while making you breakfast" Hyo explains as she playfully punched Yuri on the shoulder

"Oh. now it makes sense" Yuri said and smiled dorkily at her bestie




*burp* "excuse me! Hyo I never knew you were an awesome cook" Yuri said while rubbing her tummy in satisfaction

"that's cause i never cook. i don't want people to know that I cook" Hyo said placing the dishes in the dishwasher

"wae?" Yuri furrowed her eyebrows

"Well, you know dad wants me to take up medicine in college.. We are a family of doctors. Mom, Dad, Donghae oppa (Hyo's big brother) and Ailee unnie. (Hyo's older sister. the eldest in their family) Even if I want to be a Chef someday, dad won't let me" Hyo sighed

"awww Hyo. Come here" Yuri said while hugging Hyo

"Thanks for comforting me Yul.. You're the first and only one who knows about this. Please don't tell it to mom and dad" Hyo said while looking up to Yuri

"Don't worry I won't" She said with an assuring smile on her face


yuri thought about it and decided that she'll tell Hyo about her-father-bringing-her-to-Korea thing. she went to sit down on the couch beside Hyo who was watching TV. She grabbed the remote right from Hyo’s hand and turned the TV off. Hyo was surprised at Yuri's sudden action so she gave yuri a questioning look.


"Hyo.. I have to tell you something...” Yuri said while holding Hyo's hands

"what is it?" Hyoyeon curiously asked

"uhh. My…. Dad….. Wants to bring me to Korea with him and live there" She stuttered. Yuri closed her eyes and just waited for her bestie's reaction. She knows that hyo will get upset 'cause duhh who wants their bestfriend to move to a different country and live there for good?


Hyo wasn't able to finish her statement 'cause Yuri put her hand on hyo's lips coz yuri knows that hyo will be blabbing non-stop

"Let me explain" Yuri said

"mmm-hmm" Hyo responded with yuri's hand still on her lips

"That's why I came here cause I don't want to go.. I don't want to go to a place that's completely new to me. And of course, I don't want to leave you guys." Yuri said

"can I speak now?" Hyo gave yuri a sign

"oh sorry. just keep your questions moderate. one by one ok?" Yuri said while getting her hand off from hyo's lips and rubbing off her saliva on the couch

“yah~! No rubbing suspicious liquid on my couch.” Hyo said while slapping away yuri’s hands

“that SUSPICIOUS LIQUID happens to be YOUR SALIVA” yuri glared at her

Hyo was embarrassed so she decided to go back to the topic

“uhh. Anyways, do your parents know you’re here?” hyo was now being serious

“No… and I hope Dad doesn’t find me. Please hyo don’t tell anyone I’m here, k?” yuri puppy dog-eyed hyoyeon

“Okay.. No need to use that specialty of yours” hyo rolled her eyes

“Yay! Thanks hyo! You’re DAEBAK!” the tanned girl cheered




While they were watching tv, hyo noticed that the girl sitting beside her has dozed off and is now resting her head on hyo’s shoulders.. “I’m going to miss this choding ALOT if she goes to Korea..” Hyoyeon thought to herself while caressing Yuri’s hair..

Although Hyoyeon’s thoughts were disturbed when a loud noise shocked both of them waking Yuri up


“I thought your parents weren’t home ‘til next week?” Yul said while rubbing her eyes and yawning.

“They’re not my parents” Hyo pointed at the window

Yuri started to get nervous ‘cause she was afraid that it might be her dad. ‘But how could he find out? He doesn’t even know any of my friends.. Maybe mom told him’

Her train of thoughts came to an end when Hyo snapped a finger in front of Yuri’s face to bring her back to reality..

“yah! So what are we going to do now?” Hyo staring right at Yuri’s eyes

“I don’t know... but dad shouldn’t find out I’m here.. Tell him I’m not here...” Yuri said nervously

“You mean lie? Come on yul you know I’m a bad liar! And plus, this is your dad I’m going to lie to. He’s a good friend of father.. My conscience just can’t bear with it” Hyo explained

“Pleaaaaaaase hyo? For me?” now yuri’s using her aegyo

“aish! Okay okay I’ll try my best” I’m going to be doomed If uncle finds out that I’m hiding Yuri here. Aish! This choding  >.<

Hyoyeon walks up to the door. Nervously turning the knob. Tries her very best faking a smile and use her acting skills she learned from her older cousin Shin Min-ah. Here goes! Uncle forgive meeeeee~


---YURI’S P.O.V.---


Gotta hide. Gotta hiide.Gotta hide. Aha! To the bathroom! So went Yuri to the bathroom

Eeee I hope Hyo’s going to sell it. She’s been taking up acting lessons from her cousin lately.


What’s taking them so long? Maybe she did it! Yes! Good work Kwon Yuri! And also Hyoyeon of course XD

“She’s in the bathroom uncle.” What the hell did she do?!

“FORGIVE ME KWON YURI!” She blew up! Ahhhhh that choding I’m going to kill her! Later!

*FOOTSTEPS* hosht I can hear dad’s footsteps.. I can’t just stand here! Think Yuri Think!! *sees a window above the shower* ooh! I can fit there right? Yeah sure. I’ve been exercising lately.

Yuri used the toilet as a ladder to reach the window.. Lucky for her, she’s tall enough.

Ack! My ’s stuck! Can’t… Get… Through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

“What are you doing Kwon Yuri?” A deep voice asked as I heard the door of the bathroom open

Eeeeesh I’m doomed -____-


---END OF YURI’S P.O.V.----




“Oh! Hi there uncle!” Hyo said as cheerful as she can and trying her best not to seem a bit obvious

“Hi hyo. How’ve you been?” asked Mr. Kwon in a low tone

“Oh as usual- Great! Uhh so, what brings you here uncle? Do you need something?” Hyo said. I must say.. She’s doing a great job. Seems like she learned from a professional.

“Just drop the act Hyo. I know Yuri’s here” Now Mr. Kwon’s staring at Hyoyeon making the girl uneasy



Everything’s going fine. Pshh you’ll be fine Kim Hyoyeon. Just remember what Min-ah unnie told you..

“Just drop the act Hyo. I know Yuri’s here” Mr. Kwon said. HOLY CUPCAKES! I’m screwed! What should I do?! Ahhhh I’m panicking! Stop panicking you stupid brain! Uhmmmmm.

“What are you talking about uncle?” Aish I’m sweating like crazy. Just stay calm Hyoyeon. ACT COOL~

“Hyo, I know you’re a good girl. Your father raised you well. So stop it. You’re a really bad liar” Mr. Kwon said in a serious tone. SEE Kwon Yuri? I’m a bad liar! I told you so! Even your dad told me! AHHHHH I can’t take this anymore!

I stood there... In complete silence. Then I got down to my knees and started bowing to the man infront of me.

“Mianhe uncle! Mianhe! Please forgive me for lying! I just don’t want yuri to go ‘cause I won’t have a best friend here anymore! I’m really really sorry for lying! I know it’s bad. I KNOW I’M BAD AT IT. It’s just-“

“I understand Hyo now stand up. You don’t need to that.. really” Mr. Kwon said while helping Hyo get up. He cut her off ‘cause he knows that Hyo will be blabbing non-stop and that will give time for Yuri to escape again.

“Now tell me where she is.” Mr. Kwon started to search the living room using his eyes.. I give up. Mianhe Kwon Yuri.. I don’t have any choice. I’ve already confessed..

“She’s in the bathroom uncle” I said worriedly

“FORGIVE ME KWON YURI!!!!!” I shouted so that she can hear me





“What are you doing Kwon Yuri?” Mr. Kwon said while having a questioning look on his face

“Just enjoying the view! It’s great here! The fresh air and all.” Yuri still managed to joke around at this time

“Yuri..” but before Mr. Kwon could continue, Yuri cut him off.

“I should be doing this lately you know. Enjoying the view. ‘Cause sooner or later you’re gonna take me to Korea. I won’t see anything but buildings there. I’m gonna miss this place” Sobs can obviously be heard from Yuri

*author’s note* The Kwon and Kim families live in the not so crowded part of Japan. There are still mountains and rivers in where they live

“Yuri can we talk?”

“What are we doing then?”

“I mean face to face. Come down here. You’re making a fool of yourself”


Yuri and her dad talked in the living room.. Hyo decided to give them space since it’s none of her business. She decided to make juice for them. To lighten up the mood. She walked up to the living room with a tray in her hands.

“Here’s some juice to lighten up the mood.. I hope I’m not disturbing you guys.” Hyo shyly said

“No you’re not Hyo” Mr. Kwon said assuringly

“Thanks Hyo” Yuri gave a sincere smile

Hyo bowed and went back to the kitchen letting them discuss things again. She could see Yuri crying a little while her dad was comforting her. She was sad to see this. Yuri was usually the cheerful one, but now all she sees in Yuri’s face is sadness. It hurts her to see her best friend like this..

“Hyo! You can come here now!” Mr. Kwon smiled at Hyo

Hyo walked towards them. She saw Yuri with a blank expression.

“Hyo, I guess Yuri told you about us moving to Korea right?”


“Well, we’ll be going tomorrow afternoon”

“Jinja?! That soon?”

“Yes. Sorry hyo but we can’t keep our tickets waiting..”

Yuri didn’t say a thing. I just looked her straight in the eyes and to my surprise, she hugged me. Really tight.

“oohh easy there tiger. Can’t breathe” Hyo said playfully

“I’m going to miss you..” She whispered to Hyo gently.

“I’m going to miss you too shikshin” Hyo said tightening her hug on Yuri

They broke the hug when Mr. Kwon patted yuri on the shoulders. Meaning they have to go and prepare for tomorrow’s flight.

They all said their goodbyes and the two best friends got all teary. Mr. Kwon hate to see this but he didn’t any choice. He can’t just leave Yuri here.




When they arrived home, Mr. Kwon instructed Yuri to pack all of her things up and put the bags in the living room. Yuri followed the orders right away. Yuri and her mom talked right after she finished packing..

“I’m going to miss my baby so much” Ms. Kwon hugged Yuri tightly

“Aniyo~ I’m going to miss you more” Yuri pouted

“You’ll be fine there. And your father said that you can come visit when your school year ends. I’ll be waiting” Ms. Kwon smiled with tears about to fall off from her eyes

“I love you mom” that was the only thing Yuri said to her mother that night.

The next thing she found out, it was morning.. 5:30 AM to be precise. She got up and went straight to the kitchen *Shikshin lol* she found her dad eating oatmeal and a cup of coffee beside his bowl.

“Oh you’re up early” he said before taking a sip of his coffee

“What time is our flight?”

“Oh I almost forgot. We got transferred to another plane ‘cause the previous one had problems about its engine.. We’re going to be boarding 12 noon” Mr. Kwon now facing Yuri

“okay” Mr. Kwon let out a sigh as he noticed that his daughter had been down lately and spacing out.










  • And that’s for the first chapter of my first ever fan fiction. ^^ I know I still got a lot to improve on so please comment on what you think and kindly give me advices. Thanks! Will update as soon as I can! Your rookie author, NiKai :)
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