Concert with B2ST

love begins with friendship


"You're the special guest for todays concert"
[Yumi's POV]
There were many flashing lights, it was as if 
Loud music was played, I came abit too early for the concert so only music was being played and lights being tested, there were lots of fans who also arrived early but it wasn't even close to how many were actually to come. 
My phone vibrated. It was a text from Kikwang
"Come to the dressing room now"
I immediately stood up and made my way to the back stage. Some guards stopped me but it wasn't long when they realised who I was and they led me to beast's dressing room. When I opened the door everyone was getting ready, they're hair and make-up were being done. Then two or three people came over to me and started curling my hair and doing my make up. I spaced out not knowing what to say or do. In a short moment they pulled me to a free seat and I sat down, which made it easier for them to do my make over. I was still cluless. It took about twenty minutes for my hair and make-up to be done. Yoseob came over, he bent down and placed his chin on my shoulder, "You're the special guest for todays concert" He flashed an incrediably cute and charming smile "WHAT?!" I expressed my shockness. He stood up straight, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up, everyone got out the room, Yosoeb held out an outfit infront of me. It was a short white dress which had some sequences at the bottom and as it made its way up the dress the sequences lessend. "Here, wear this" he made his way out of the room. 
Many things were going through my mind. I was completely lost on what to do. I mean I have no idea what order of the song they'll be singing, when will I appear and when to get out stage and everything I could possibly think of at that moment was going through my head. I got out of the dressing room, all six of them were standing outside the door. We went to the stage, but it wasn't time to perform yet, since we still had thirty five minutes to go before the concert start, they told me how the order of the songs will be played, and they also told me everything I need to know for the concert. Now all I needed to do was learn the dance!
[Doojoon's POV]
The concert was starting, so we exited the stage. After a few minutes everyone was was settled and so the six of us appeared on stage. I couldn't stop worrying about Yumi...She hasn't performed eversince that day... well lets not go there... *yet >.<* 
Her costume for the performance really suited her she looked amazing. 
The lights began to turn on, the music started, we stood in place, we were coming from under the stage. All six of us began to rise up slowly, the fans screaming, which motivated all of us. The noise grew louder when we were on stage. First we sang SPECIAL, followed on with I LIKE YOU BEST and three other songs. Then It was Yumi't turn to appear.Her entrance was also from under the stage. She sang two of the songs she wrote from when she was 14, which is still on top of the chart, that's how talented her writing skills are. We sang and danced with her. It wasn't practiced, but because the beast members were a big fan of her, we all know the dance to her songs. When the two songs have finished, the melody became softer and gradually changed into OASIS. 
[Yoseob's POV]
Even though there was a sudden change to the concert everything went well and the fans were louder, I think that they wouldn't be as loud as this if Yumi isn't the speacial guest. She's very popular. I was so amazed that she only had less than an hour to practive and yet theres not a single mistake made by her. Well she does have the blood of a real idol after all.
She dance shock and Soom with us, she is very talented. I tried to focus on what I'm doing but My eye kept on looking towards her. I just wanted to watch her, I wanted to be for once someone who sits at home watching her perform on t.v. I also noticed Hyunseung and Dongwoon who tried to take their eyes off her, but their eyes kept on coming back towards her. 
It was close to the end of the concert. Her last solo song she sang gave everyone chills. Her voice was very high, strong calming and it was just amazing. It was the song she sang which eliminated everyone who was competing against her from the past. 
Before the concert officially ended, we stopped performing talked to the audience. 
"Before this concert ends, I would like to sing a duet with noona" Dongwoon commented. The crowd began to scream. 
"Yah! If you get to then me too" I said along with Kikwang. In the end, Yumi sang a duet with each of us. 
My duet with her we sang "cracks of my broken heart"
Kikwang got to sing 'love story'by bi rain
and the others sang her songs with her. 
*After the concert*
[Kikwang's POV]
I finally got to sing with Yumi on stage, she improved so much. I'm pretty sure that I wasn't the only one who had chills when she sang. 
When we went back stage, many people surrounded Yumi asking for her autograph and taking pictures of her. 
I was too busy looking at her that I didn't where I was going and so I tripped over the objects on my way my mouth opened and a shrieked in shock. Good thing she didn't see that, but the other members who's laughing their heads off did. 
*Next day*
Once again there were reporters outside the building. I knew that once they find out where I live they wouldn't give me any privacy. So I decided to move to a different appartment. But where? 
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f-dowg #1
omo!! Joon!!
MinJiOh #2
Update SOON~~! XD
@helloimse<br />
Yupp! Joon and Hyohyeon are going out XD both are up for a big surprise later on!! XD
@XiaoRizz<br />
i've always wanted to have 2 sisters and 2 brothers..but i ended up having one of each! ahah :P so in this story im making it come true :P hehehe<br />
I'll try and update more since I'm gona be finishing school in two weeks! WHOOO :P <br />
<br />
thank you guys for commenting! please continue to support me :D
its been a long time you've updated this, ahaha its good to have u update again! thanks :) and my goshh all 5 siblings' names starts with "y" LOL ooooohhh lee joon from mblaq?! whoa interesting! aha cant wait for next chapter!