You want your phone back? come find me

love begins with friendship

"Find me... 30 minutes start."


[No one's POV]

Their old manager had offered the three siblings a contract to go back to the music industry. 
"Na-ah, no way" They strongly refused, even if it didn't sound it. 
"I'm only gonna sign it if Yui and Yuki have" You walked away and went back to B2st's dorm. 
*B2st's Dorm*
"So what happened?" Kikwang asked as you made your way to the couch. 
"She wanted me to sign a contract with the douch bags thats what happened..." You sighed in exaustion.
"Did you?" Yosoeb joined in and sat next to you. 
"No way!" 
"I heard Yuki signed the contract" Doojoon also butted in. 
"Who's Yuki?" The rest of B2st members asked. 
"Yumi's eldest brother" Kikwang answered, while you just sat there with your arms crossed. 
"Wait wait wait! Yuki signed it?" You suddenly stood up looking for your phone. 
Doojoon nodded as he observed you freaking out cause you can't find your phone. 
While you look for your phone, Hyunseung questioned "I thought Yuuta is your brother, so Yuuta's not your brother?"
"Do you not read the Choi magazines?" Everyone shook their heads including you. 
"According to this magazine noona have two sisters and two brothers, " He took out a magazine which appeared out of nowhere. 
"Noona is the second youngest and is the most successful out of all the five siblings" the maknae continued "The order from youngest to oldest is Yuuta, Yumi noona, Yuna, Yui and then Yuki" He closed the magazine. Junhyung, Yoseob and Hyunseung was about to open their mouths to ask questions, but before they could start "WHERE IS MY PHONE!!" 
Meanwhile *at the place where you and the manager met up earlier* 


"OMG its the phone that I've always wanted but I was never close to getting..." Guy1 suddenly went from calm to hyper. 
"What're you so happy about?!" guy2 asked. The phone was held out.
"So?" guy2 saw no point of why his friend should be this hyper. 
 "Yah.. This is.. Miss choi's phone!" guy1 already looked through the phone and was starting to spaz. 
"Who?" his friend questioned
"Are you kidding me?!"
"Dude I'm not up to date with these kind of things!!" guy2 scratched the back of his head.

*phone rings*

"w-what should we do?!" Guy1 panicked and they both gathered around the phone.


"Have you not been listening to me? This is miss Choi's pho-" Guy2 snatched the phone of his friend

"Hello" He didn't let his friend finish the sentence and answered the phone. 


Doojoon: My friend seemed to have lost her phone, can you please return it

Guy2: Well if your friend lost her phone shouldn't she be the one speaking?

Doojoon hands the phone over to you

Guy2: Meet me at the park outside the SM entertainment building. 

You: Description of what you're wearing please?

Guy2: Find me... 30 minutes start.

*hang up*

"W-what were you thinking?!" guy1 was freaking out...

"Don't worry, it's called having some fun" The two made their way to the park.

After he cut the conversation, you complained. "How am I supposed to find him if I have no idea what he looks like or what he's wearing?! uuggh!!" You stomped your way out the building tailed out by the the six guys, and took a taxi (it was hard to fit in all 7 of you though >.<). 

Finally arrived at the park, and you only have 20 minutes left. You all split up asking different  people regarding your phone. 

Watching from up a tree, a smile formed on the two faces.

You sat on the grass, looking tired. Right infront of you was an ice cream van. You looked side to side, no beast members in sight. You sneaked up to the van and treated yourself. You enjoyed your ice cream instead of looking for your phone, you were about to go back to looking after you treated yourself, but there was another thing that distracted you...balloons... 

The 20 minutes was nearly over. You sat on a bench under the tree which the two guys were up on. You looked to the side finding your phone, and under it was a note. "It was fun, let's play again next time k?" after reading that you looked side to side, finding the park suddenly deserted, a leaf fell on the ground, which caused you to look up, only the beaming sun met your eyes. 


[Hyoyeon's POV]

*'calling someone*

"Hyoyeon-ah, what is it?" A familiar voice was on the other side of the phone talking to Hyoyeon

"Joon, have you met her yet?" Hyoyeon asked amusingly. 

"Yumi Choi..she's an interesting girl..." 

"Yah! LEE JOON! You better not cheat on me with her!" Hyoyeon teased. 

"hahaha, don't worry B, she's no where near you"


Aigoo~ it's been so long since I last updated this !So sorry I haven't updated! heheh I've been busy with writing my other FF ! check them out too! ehhehe

Hope you liked this chapter :D sorry its a bit complicating?..GUY2 is LEE JOON... btw :P

Hmm I decided to add Joon from mblaq! this will make it more interesting! ehehe

and also I tagged shinee.. so they'll appear in the future chapter!


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f-dowg #1
omo!! Joon!!
MinJiOh #2
Update SOON~~! XD
@helloimse<br />
Yupp! Joon and Hyohyeon are going out XD both are up for a big surprise later on!! XD
@XiaoRizz<br />
i've always wanted to have 2 sisters and 2 brothers..but i ended up having one of each! ahah :P so in this story im making it come true :P hehehe<br />
I'll try and update more since I'm gona be finishing school in two weeks! WHOOO :P <br />
<br />
thank you guys for commenting! please continue to support me :D
its been a long time you've updated this, ahaha its good to have u update again! thanks :) and my goshh all 5 siblings' names starts with "y" LOL ooooohhh lee joon from mblaq?! whoa interesting! aha cant wait for next chapter!