Chase After Kris

~Cheaper By The Baker's Dozen~ [Interactive Exo Story]

Chanyeol stared after him for a second before hurrying over to you. “Are you okay? What was he doing to you?” He looked around the stall, “Where’s Windstorm?”

Brushing past Chanyeol without even acknowledging him, you hurried out of the barn after Kris. You made it outside just in time to see Kris disappear into the barn across the dirt drive and down a ways, and then continued to follow him. 

"Kris," you called firmly, standing in the doorway of the barn upon reaching the large edifice. However, he was nowhere to be seen. "Kris?"

A rustling sound came from somewhere above you and a couple pieces of hay fell through the cracks of the ceiling.

"Aish, what's with this boy, running away like this," you mumbled, heading up the ladder on your right. 

When you reached the top of the ladder, only hay greeted your eyes; bails upon bails upon bails. You began to search for Kris, but the childish part of you just couldn't let the tall stacks of hay sit there untouched. A grin spreading across your face, you climbed up onto a bail, allowing you to reach the next level and climb onto that. 

"This is awesome," you giggled to yourself, jumping from bail to bail in glee. 

"Yah!" suddenly a voice range out from somewhere in the maze of hay, startling you.

"Ah!" you shrieked, stopping short in your attempt to jump to the next pile of bails across the small opening. The bail you stood on rocked forward underneath you from your foward momentum. You tried to lean back to stop it from falling, but it was too late. The bundle of hay fell from its position toward the ground, bringing you with it. 

You closed your eyes and screamed as you fell through the air. However, before making impact with the ground, you felt something get in your way, breaking your fall.

"Oof!" the thing groaned underneath you when the two of you hit the hard barn floor. 

You slowly opened your eyes to see another pair of pupils staring back at you. You were face to face with Kris once again.

"This better not become a regular thing," Kris mumbled.

"I-I'm sorry," you whispered guiltily. 

"Can go get off me now?"

"Oh," you rolled off of him, feeling flustered. 

"Aiiissshhhh," Kris groaned, rolling on his side and placing a hand on his back. You're heavy." 

"Ya!" you smacked his shoulder.

"Oww!" he exclaimed, grabbing his shoulder and glaring at you. "You're nothing but a load of trouble, huh? I ought to complain to the foster mom and-,"

"No!" you cut him off urgently, dreading the idea of being shipped across the water to a country where you didn't even speak the language. 

A curious look passed across Kris's face, a smirk coming to join it, "What would you do to keep me from telling?"

"Anything!" you replied before you could stop yourself from sounding so desperate. 


You began to wonder just what you had gotten yourself into. 

"Well, how about to start with my chores?" Kris 'suggested,' "And clean the bedroom? And compliment me at least once a day?"

"No way!" you shook your head at him in disgust. "You can't make me do anything."

"But I can make you leave," he smirked. 

"Aish," you huffed, contemplating what to do.






Hello everyone. I kind of left this story in the beginning of the year because I didn't feel like continuing it. However, I've noticed how I've recently been getting quite a few subbers and comments on it to update, so I decided to TRY to add to this. The amount of my business right now would just sound like a bunch of excuses, but to put it in context I hardly have time to even watch an episode of Heirs. [AND I'M OBSESSED WITH HEIRS] So please be patient with me. I'm writing this at 1 am, so there are probably a ton of errors, but I'm so exhausted I can hardly keep my eyes open. Honestly I don't even know what I'm writing right anymore xP So, I'm going to hit the hay and hoipfully proof reading later, but please be patient with me, and I hope I can at least add a couple more chapters within the next few months. Thanks for your understnading~ 


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Hi! Are you planning on updating this at all? I just found it and I am really enjoying it so far. :)
Cemre01 #2
Chapter 31: please update soon :( i'm stuck at dinner too
Chapter 21: Aigoo, please update! >< I'm stuck at "Go To Dinner" option, growl~ ><
Wow ~ This story is interesting !
ddexostan21 #5
Chapter 17: stuck in dinner too -_-'!!
Please update~ :)
update plz
ASDFGHJKL! Please update~