Tell him you’re okay and it was no big deal.

~Cheaper By The Baker's Dozen~ [Interactive Exo Story]

Chanyeol stared after him for a second before hurrying over to you. “Are you okay? What was he doing to you?” He looked around the stall, “Where’s Windstorm?”

"I'm fine," you adjusted yourself, regaining your composure. "Windstorm got spooked and ran off. I should probably go look for her."

"I'll help you-,"

"No," you cut him off, still shaken from the incident. "I can do it myself." You didn't want to be mean, but you were embarrassed by what had happened and just wanted to be alone.

"Oh, okay," Chanyeol said, slightly hurt.

You hurried out of the barn, trying to stop the tears stinging behind your eyes. You felt like such a wimp, but you couldn't help it. Your feet carried you down a pathway into the woods.  

Birds tweeted in the tress above you and squirrels played in the leaves along the way, but you ignored them. Whenever you cried, it felt like everything was coming back; the kids teasing you and saying your parents didn't want you. Growing up in abusive foster homes. Starving some nights for punishment for not being on time. If people really knew your past, they'd understand just why you were so emotional. It would explain why every time you cried, the emotions all just spilled out. But you kept it to yourself, knowing that people had their own problems.

You stopped when you came to a clearing in the woods, revealing a small, peaceful pond. There, you sat down, pulled your knees to your chest and cried into your arms. "I just want to be a normal girl." Tears rolled down your cheeks, bringing a salty taste with them as they passed over your lips.

"Are you okay?"

You looked up, startled to see a young man standing a few feet away with a fishing pole in his hand.

"I'm fine," you sniffled, wiping away your tears.

"You don't look fine," he remarked.

"Thanks," you replied sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that," he sat down next to you. "My name's Suho. What's your name?"

"_____," you answered.

"That's a pretty name," he smiled. "But why are you crying?"

"It's nothing," you shook your head.

"Come on," he scooted closer, putting a comforting arm around your shoulders. "It's definitely something."

You looked at him with quivering lips for a brief moment before falling into his embrace in another round of tears.

"Awww, it's okay. Shhh," he comforted you, running his hand through your hair. "Whatever it is, it'll be fine."

Once you calmed down a bit, you finally spoke, "Do you know how it feels?"

"How what feels?"

"To feel like no one wants you? Like you're all alone in this world?"

"Oh, are you our new foster sister?" he questioned.

You nodded.

"That's why," he sighed, running his hand up and down your arm, still in your comforting hug. "Listen, I know life is cruel. nobody deserves the things we foster kids have to go through. I can tell you're a special girl who especially didn't deserve what life gave you. But we have to make the best of it."

"I know, but it's so hard."

"Well you're here now," he pulled back in a smile. "And I'll make sure that you have the best time while you're here."

"You don't have to worry yourself with me," you protested.

"It's not worrying myself," he laughed. "I get bored simply fishing all the time. Sure there're chores, but after that things get pretty boring. With you here, I have someone I can spend time with and have a good time with!"

A smile spread across your face, "I'm really glad we met."

"Me too," he returned the smile. "Now do you want to go fishing with me?"

What about Windstorm?


Go fishing with Suho.

Tell him you have to look for Windstorm.

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Hi! Are you planning on updating this at all? I just found it and I am really enjoying it so far. :)
Cemre01 #2
Chapter 31: please update soon :( i'm stuck at dinner too
Chapter 21: Aigoo, please update! >< I'm stuck at "Go To Dinner" option, growl~ ><
Wow ~ This story is interesting !
ddexostan21 #5
Chapter 17: stuck in dinner too -_-'!!
Please update~ :)
update plz
ASDFGHJKL! Please update~