she's not that bad

The Rich and the Poor

you were ready to go home but the driver said to wait for dongwoon, so you stood up outside the car and waited, Tiffany and Sunny passed by


"Girl, what re you still doing here?" they asked

"Waiting for that helper, gosh, instead of him waiting, im the one waiting!!!!!" you said

"If i was you, i would fire him immediately" Sunny said

"I WOULD THAT TOO, But..... like my mom would let me!" you said


suddenly there was noises


"Alright alright girls, we'll see you tomorrow, Dongwoon needs to work." Junhyung said


"Eww, who are they?" Tiffany asked you

"Like i have any idea" you said ans rolled your eyes.


"Hey, sorry for waiting" Dongwoon said

"Whatever" You said


"That the girl he works for?" A girl shouted

"Yah, i heard she's a and those two girls too" Another girl said

"No she isn't but they said she's a brat" a girl said


you looked at them

"What the hell, you low level people, dont you dare gossip about me when im in front of you, gosh, silly and poor peolple do believe in gossips, and they are the one who makes them too" you said


tiffany laughed


the girls looked at you with a face


you smirked "You" you poitned to Dongwoon

"Atleast teach your friends some manners" you said


"Yah we have much much more manners than you" A girl said

"Hey stop it" Doojoon said

you looked at him "Thank you"


"See, she's not that bad" Gikwang said

you looked at him and said thank you again.


"Now, just be like them who is nice then that way, i dint have to tell my mom to stop your scholarships" you said


dongwoon touched your arm "hey, dont be mean to them and say that, they love their studies so much" he said


you looked at hi hand in your arm and he immediately let go.

"At least you girls have this guy friends who are nice, so next time, try to be like them" you said and turned around


"Take care of our dongwoonie" Junhyung shouted

"Yeah, help him in some chores too" Yoseob said


Dongwoon looked at him and yoseob was clueless

Hyungsueng elbowed him "Yah remember... the girl doesn't even know any chores" hyungseung whispered


"Oh right" Yoseob said and laughed


"Bye girl" Tiffany and sunny said and waved.


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TeenFiniteL_joe #1
Chapter 55: Great story!!
Heehee I love the confession ^^ he even trespassed into their school :) I want a bf like him too ~^^
cursedrainbowdustx #3
I love the "go straight to the point" ! Finished Reading~ It's very nicee. :D
Thank you all for reading.
deadlysins #5
Awww.<br />
They're so cute~ :D<br />
Juleeyaaa #6
wooohoooo~~~~~~~ and the 'please go staright to the point' thing is so funny xD
gtimemtg #7
awwww i love the story! <3
WAH!!!!!<br />
awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~~~~~~ you ended it so perfectly~~ :D <br />
but I was still so shocked when I saw "FINAL" chapter o__o I nearly cried ;_; why end it so soon ;_; hehe. <br />
anyway, I love this fanfic very much :) <3
@abandonallhope: thanks for reading ^^ dont worry, just wait for it and something good will come ^^<br />
@miss_red: yesyes!! She will stay strong no matter what!! But keep on reading for more fun!!