
The Rich and the Poor

after that day when tiffany and sunny told it to her, she started to observe you and dongwoon at the house, sometimes while you and dongwoon is having a tutor time, she would listen to your conversation at your room, mostly is about math but you two will talk about something else too, she would hear laughters from the two of you and the worse for her, is when she heard you two tell good night and i love you everytime the tutor time will end.


"Please make sure to capture everything" your mother told the man she hired just to follow you two.


she heard everything but she really didn't see you and Dongwoon as a couple going out. suddenly, you burst into her office.


"Omma~" you said "Oh, sorry, you were having a meeting" yo usaid

"Its okay, he just asked for a scholarship for his son" your mother said

"Oh, well, you chose the right place" you said and smiled to the man


*Did she really became herself again, the good girl before, i admit those boys did a lot to make her like this agin, but icant accpet them!* your mother thought

the man left as dongwoon came in too.


"What do you youngsters want?" your mother asked

"Well, we will have another tutor session outside of school" you said


"Is it true dongwoon, or are you finally on her side and bringing her to the mall instead?" your mother asked


"Oh, no, im doing my best to teach her everything" dongwoon said and touched the back of his neck.

"Well then, go" your mother said.



you and dongwoon really went to a mall but there was of course a reason, not a date but a real tutor time, but still, you two were holding hands and was near each other.


the man hired got some pictures.



it was you and dongwoon holding hands



you and dongwoon going up the escalator with you infront of him and his arms was sround your neck.



you feeding dongwoon





"Omma were home" you said

"Sure sure" she said as she passed by you two.


'Wonder whats wrong" you said

"Dont worry about it, sleep well okay, good night" dongwoon said


"Oh i forgot something" dongwoon said and went closer to you then kissed your forehead "Saranghae~" he said


"Ne, good night, saranghae~" you said and walke din your room.


you two did this not knowing that your mother was leaning in a wall and she heard and saw everything.

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TeenFiniteL_joe #1
Chapter 55: Great story!!
Heehee I love the confession ^^ he even trespassed into their school :) I want a bf like him too ~^^
cursedrainbowdustx #3
I love the "go straight to the point" ! Finished Reading~ It's very nicee. :D
Thank you all for reading.
deadlysins #5
Awww.<br />
They're so cute~ :D<br />
Juleeyaaa #6
wooohoooo~~~~~~~ and the 'please go staright to the point' thing is so funny xD
gtimemtg #7
awwww i love the story! <3
WAH!!!!!<br />
awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~~~~~~ you ended it so perfectly~~ :D <br />
but I was still so shocked when I saw "FINAL" chapter o__o I nearly cried ;_; why end it so soon ;_; hehe. <br />
anyway, I love this fanfic very much :) <3
@abandonallhope: thanks for reading ^^ dont worry, just wait for it and something good will come ^^<br />
@miss_red: yesyes!! She will stay strong no matter what!! But keep on reading for more fun!!