Chapter 15

My baby's father is....EXO-K's KAI !

sehun pov

I put the last suitcase in Jason's car. I walked back into the house to say my last goodbyes. even though i will see them again, i wont be living with them. I looked at sun. She is trying so hard not to cry. But, i see it in her eyes. One more word and she'll break. I walked up to him and embraced her. She squeezed me back tightly. 

me: I only live 20 minutes away, dont worry.

Sun: b-but.. im so used of you being h-here. after all this time.. Bun i n-need you

I  pulled apart from her and grabbing her chin gently. I pulled her face up to look at me. I smiled and gave her a kiss on her nose. I wiped her tears away and held her hand. I walked to the door with her gripping my hand tight. We both laughed and she let go. I have her one last hug. Then i started my way back to the car.As we were driving to the apartment. Jason seemed a little worried.

me: is there something wrong?

jason; well.. umm.. well.. 

me : well, um What?

jason: amber doesnt really...ummmmm

me: im seriously about to smack you

jason: she doesnt know that YOUR going to be her new roommate.

me: wait what? you didnt tell her?

jason:No, i did. She was fine at first, but she called this morning all y. Saying she didnt want you to live with her.

me: and why didnt you tell me this before? Also why are we ING GOING!?

jason: YAH, IM OLDER YOU BRAT! dont worry i got everything under control. She's probably on her time of the month. 

I blushed when he said that. Why do i even talk to this basterd? How can he be a doctor?


> 20 minutes later <


We took the elevator and went up to the 14th floor. Pretty high up.. We walked to the end of the hallway with my bags. Jason punched in the code, which he gave to me earlier. He looked at bit scared walking in. We left my bags at the door, after we came in. I looked around. It was pretty simple.  Black and white throughout. Only the kitchen had red supplies. Pretty modern apartment, really spacious and clean. Just how i like it. I sat down on the couch. Jason seemed to disappear somewhere. 

I heard a door open and close. I turned my head and that?


I couldnt stop staring at her. Amber...Standing there...Wet...Only a towel...Her legs.. god damn ... So beautiful.. She rolled her eyes at me and ran down the hallway. I heard some screaming and things getting thrown. I laughed at how stupid Jason was on this.. after a while They both came out. I was a bit disappointed that She was dressed.. damn my dirty mind.. The both sat opposite from me. Amber looking a bit pissed, while Jason was smiling.

Jason: well.. since you know each other...Welcome to your guys new life with each other. Hopefully all goes well.

amber: sorry sehun you had to see me like that, but i didnt think you would come..

me: i-i ..w-well..

jason: your making her stutter..Yah Sehun if she tries to get loud with you. Show her whos the man. She'll become a little in no time.

I saw Amber elbow him in the stomach. I laughed as jason tried to breathe. 

After a while Jason left, and i was unpacking my stuff in my new room. I had my own bathroom which was nice and a big closet. I placed my hands on my hips and smiled. finally done with my stuff. I walked back out and sat in the living room. Amber was already there watching tv.

amber: So.. do you like your room?

me: yea its really big.

amber: that was mine, but i thought you would be more comfortable in it.

me: thanks, but you didnt have to..

amber: its whatever,  damnn.. I got to go to work.I'll be back around 6. I'll get some take out for tonight? ok?

I nodded, and soon she was out. I sighed. It seems like she doesnt like me back.. Oh well.. I wonder what Sun is doing.. 



me: YAHHHH, KAI dont do that to dohee ! she's a girl!

kai: she looks cute dressed up like a boy!

me: She looks.. UGH KAI CHANGE HER

kai: nope, because like this she looks EXACTLY LIKE ME.

 I laughed and continued to make lunch. As i was cutting the carrots, i started to wonder about sehun.. what's he doing right now?





~hellooo, i was wondering if you guys will like to try out my other stories.... :)

  Confused Love-

     Kai's Ways-

      Sehun's Wish -

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Iminthezone #1
Definitely a good story to be read^^
Subbing to this because it's Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiii!!!
Lalaland_18 #4
Chapter 18: So cute!
Chapter 18: finishing in one go. this is very cute!
Chapter 18: CUTE <33333
Chapter 4: how dare you?!!! are you planning to break my heart into pieces? There's only one thing i can't do.. to watch my Sehun hurting...
Demilee_16 #8
Chapter 18: Awesome story I like how you did the thoughts thing at the end!
Kitty_Zuni #9
Chapter 18: Ioved it !