Chapter 3

Disney Princess Tales (K-POP version)

Kyungsoo was walking down the market and buying the things that are on the list. Soon, her arms are filled with groceries. She bought the last item and head back to the house. She groaned on how heavy they are. So she decided to walk slowly. When she looked up, she almost bumped into a guy but luckily both stopped their tracks.

"Oh. Mian. I didn't mean to block your way." Kyungsoo said.

"It's okay." The man sighed.

Kyungsoo looked up and discovered a very dark skin, handsome boy standing in front of her. He also stared at her.

"Um. Are that your groceries?"

"Huh." Kyungsoo said lowly as she looked down at her arms.

"Oh. Yeah." She said as she looked back up.

"Do you need any help? Those look heavy."

"Ah. Anniya. I can do it." Kyungsoo smiled as she started her tracks past him.

Unfortunately, she was groaning at every step she took. The boy heard it so he turned around. He saw how Kyungsoo tried to drag the groceries. He grinned and walked towards her and grabbed a couple of them. Kyungsoo stopped and looked at him.

"Here. I'll help you."

Before Kyungsoo could protest, the boy just took off. Kyungsoo sighed before following him. Finally, they reach her house. He scanned the house before scanning Kyungsoo.

"Is this where you live?"

"Ne. Wae?"

"This is a mansion though. If you're rich then why are you dressed as a peasant?" 

"Oh. Um. I am a peasant."

He mouthed an "o" before walking towards the house but was stopped by Kyungsoo.

"Hm. What's wrong?"

"Uh. I can take it here. Thank you." Kyungsoo said as she grabbed the groceries out of his hands and ran towards the house before he could protest.

The boy just stared at her.

"How can a girl be so strong?" He asked himself.

He smiled at Kyungsoo's cuteness.

"Got to admit. Although she's a peasant, she's still pretty." He smiled.

He scanned the house one more time before walking away with a smile. Kyungsoo and him were unaware that someone was watching them with jealousy. 

Kyungsoo went towards the kitchen and put the groceries away. She was humming to a song as she was sorting them out.


The voice made Kyungsoo stopped what she was doing and turned around and looked at the girl behind her. The girl was glaring daggers at her. 

"Who was that guy?"

"What guy?"

"The guy who came with you earlier!" 

Kyungsoo flinched.


"Oh really. Then why was he holding the groceries for you?"

Kyungsoo and the girl looked up and saw another woman on the stairs with another girl who was smirking.

"Well..." Kyungsoo started as she tried to explain.

"Well what, huh?!"

"Shh. Calm down Tiff. No need to be so loud!" The girl at the stairs said as she cupped her ears. 

Tiffany glared at her.

"Shut up, Seohyun." She turns back to Kyungsoo.

"I want an explanation, NOW!"

"Well, I was on my way back here then I met him. He wanted to help me but I protested but he just grabbed the groceries out of my hands and walked away." Kyungsoo finally spit the words out.

"Really? Do you know him?"

Kyungsoo shook her head. Tiffany sighed.

"Next time, invite him here."

Tiffany and Seohyun stared at their mom.

"Taeyeon-umma!" Both exclaimed in unison.

Taeyeon smiled at them before staring at Kyungsoo.


"You seem to know him, don't you?"

"No. It's not like that."

"I know you don't know him but he would make a perfect boyfriend to Tiffany here." Taeyeon explained as she hugged Tiffany with one arm. Tiffany returned the action.

"What about me, umma?!" Seohyun complained. Taeyeon looked at her before chuckling.

"You don't remember Prince Sehun?"

Seohyun looked confused at first but mouthed an "o" after she found out what Taeyeon meant. Her and Tiffany started to giggle. Kyungsoo couldn't believe her eyes. 

"Lady Taeyeon." She called.


"You mean that stranger is a prince?" Taeyeon chuckled.

"Of course, my dear. Now go rest because we have somewhere to go tomorrow." She ushered Kyungsoo to her room, which was the attic.

"But what about the groceries?"

"No need. Tiffany and Seohyun will take care of that for you."

Kyungsoo just went up to her room. 


"How can you do this to us?!" Tiffany exclaimed. Taeyeon chuckled.

"Just this time dear. You two should know that if I allow Kyungsoo to stay here, she'll hear my plans."

Tiffany and Seohyun giggled. Taeyeon leaned in and whispered the plan to them. 

Kyungsoo sat on her bed. It was obvious she was thinking about the stranger. She couldn't believe he was a prince. She continued to think about him until her name was heard.


It was Tiffany. She sighed as she went downstairs.


Xiumin was dancing while she was cleaning the steps. Of course her stepmother, Jiyeon, was watching. Suddenly, a voice was heard.

"Um. Excuse me."

"Oh." Xiumin exclaimed as she stopped immediately and looked at the guy behind her.

"Oh. Sorry to frighten you. But I want to ask you where the castle is at?" The boy smiled.

"Castle?" She said as she looked at him.

"You mean the castle named EXO?"

"Yes. That one."

"Oh." She said as she turned her head towards the castle that was miles away from her house and pointed at it. 

"It's over there." 

The boy followed her finger. He smiled once he saw the castle. He turned back towards her.

"Thank you um..."


"Oh. Um. Thank you, Xiumin."

"No problem, sir." Xiumin smiled.

"I saw you dancing earlier."

"Oh. I know I'm bad at it."

"Anniya! You're very good. At least you can dance."

"You can't dance?"

"Yep. I can only sing."

"Wow. At least you can sing. I can't."

"Hm. Maybe next time."

"Next time what?"

"Oh. I got to go. See ya someday, Xiumin."

With that, he left. Xiumin watched him with a puzzled face.

"What does he mean by 'maybe next time'?" Xiumin tried to think about it but shrugged it off and continued her chores. 

Jiyeon was watching. She saw everything and she was not happy about it.

"I'll get you later, Baozi."

She swore as she glared at Xiumin.


There you go. Now all of the EXO members/couples are introduced. As you can see I added TTS in here as the Cinderella's Stepmother and her two stepsisters.

NOTE: I have nothing against them. I'm also a fan ok. But they're like the perfect trio for this fic, don't you think? Also other SNSD members with appear in this fic soon. So be alert.  :D

Sorry for not updating for a while. School that's why. Ok. You see they're in our time period and plus there will be no such thing as magic like Sehun turning into a beast, no. Things like that, isn't going to happen in this fic. Yep. This is sorta my version. Hope you guys enjoy. Thank you all for reading. And welcome the new subbies guys. Kamsamida~! Subcribe~! Comment~! Saranghae~! XD

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Chapter 11: Update soon please!!!!!can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
Chapter 11: Thank you for the double update! <3
I'm already anticipating EXO's performance! >___<
Chapter 9: awww >___<
poor kyungsoo! TTS are so evil in here ~
and I think it's the first time Xiumin appeared here, if I remember it right... Xiumin! <3
I'm really excited for the next chapters!
Thanks for your hard work, author-nim!^^
Chapter 7: I'm waiting for more Hunhan ~ I ship lulu with nearly everyone... lol
though I like baekyeol a lot, too.
so the next chapter will probable be the ball, right? will we see the other pairs, too? x'3

though I must really laugh about the parents of EXO. like... Yoochun and Junsu xD

Maybe you should list all the characters with a note somewhere in the description/foreword so it's a little less confusing with all the characters? ~ just a suggestion^^
luvfics #5
@tharang: cool. i know i sometimes get confused to. XD
anyways thx 4 commenting. :D
Hunhan! <3 ~
With all the characters it's pretty fun, though I kinda get confused, because there are too many introduced at the same time...
lol ~ I'm kinda slow, so I read the chapter twice... xD