Chapter 2

Disney Princess Tales (K-POP version)

Tao was walking down the busy market street. She was so happy. As she was walking, she spotted Luhan walking while reading her book.


Luhan looked up and spotted Tao. She ran towards Tao.

"Wassup, Tao."

"Wassup, Luhan-eonnie!"

They both hi-fived each other. Just then someone came in and threw herself onto Luhan.

"Baekhyun-eonnie, don't squeeze Luhan-eonnie like that." Tao pouted.

Baekhyun opened her eyes and looked at Tao. She really adores Tao's aegyo.

"Aww. You're so cute." She said as she pinched Tao's cheek.

"Hey, where's Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun asked.

"What do you think?" Luhan said as she rolled her eyes.

"Those witches again, huh?" 


"I sometimes hate the power of jealousy." Baekhyun sighed.

"I couldn't agree less." Luhan said as Tao nodded in agreement.

"How about Xiumin and Lay?" Baekhyun asked again.

"Uh-" Before Luhan could answer.

"Baekhyun! Tao! Luhan!"

All three of them turned to look at who it was. It was no one other than Lay.

"Potato Chip!" Baekhyun yelled as she ran towards Lay.

"Yah! I'm not Potato Chip!"

Baekhyun just chuckled before pulling her into a hug.

"Aw. You're so cute."

"Psh. You call everyone cute." Luhan retorted as she was reading her book.

Baekhyun turned around and glared at Luhan.

"Beauty and the Beast again! Yah! You've been reading that for the one-hundredth time already!"

"What?" Luhan said as she looked up from her book to Baekhyun.

"It's a good book."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Baekhyun rolled her eyes.

Luhan just ignored her and continued to read the book.

"Yah, Lay. How's your father?"

"Good. How about yours?"

"Yeah. Pretty good. He said after I come back home, he has something to tell me."

"Really? What is it?" Tao joined.

"Um. I don't know yet. But when i found out, I'll tell you guys."

"Yeah. Imagine it is about you getting betrothed with a prince." Luhan said innocently.


"Well if it is possible, then you're Aurora!" Luhan jumped in excitement.

"Someone needs to stop her imaginations." Baekhyun rolled her eyes.

"Lay! Come on. Let's go get some bacon to eat." Luhan said as she grabbed Lay's wrist.

Baekhyun realized what Luhan meant.


Luhan then dragged Tao and Lay with her. Baekhyun started to chase after them. She kept on running until se bumped into a wall?

"Oww." She muttered as she rubbed her fiorehead.

"Yah, Blindie. Can't you watch where you're going?!"

"Mwo?!" Baekhyun exclaimed as she looked up immediately.

"What did you just called me?!"

"You heard me, deafy."

The stopped their tracks and ran towards Baekhyun because they know what she'll do if she gets angry. Baekhyun was about to say something back to him but someone interrupted them.

"Yah, Chanyeol. Get over here!"

"Not know, Kris. I got to deal with some blindie first." Chanyeol said as he cracked his knuckles.

Baekhyun swallowed. Chanyeol smirked.

"What's wrong? Scared?"

"What?! No! Why should I be scared of you?!"

"You really don't know who I am?"

"Psh. Why should I?"

Then Kris came with another boy.

"Yah, Chanyeol. Didn't y-" Kris stopped when he saw Baekhyun, Tao, Luhan, and Lay.

"Who are you girls?"

"I'm Luhan."



Baekhyun didn't bother to introduce herself because her and Chanyeol were busy glaring at each other. The other boy that came with Kris stared at Lay with interest while Kris stared at Tao with interest. Luhan just watch the whole scene in front of her. There was an awkward silence in between the seven of them until Chanyeol decides to break it.

"Yah, you. What is your name?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because i said so.'

"I'm not going to obey you. Not in a million years." Baekhyun declared.

"Oh, really. Are you sure about that?"


"Baekhyun, let's go home." Luhan said.

Baekhyun broke the glaring contest and glared at Luhan.

"Ne." She said as she glared at Chanyeol one last time before leaving.

Luhan was about to leave but someone stopped her from doing so.

"So you're Luhan, huh?"

Everyone turned their heads towards the voice. Luhan stared at him for a moment. He smirked at her once she gasped.

"You!" She exclaimed as she pointed at him.

"Of course. Who else?" He smirked.

"Sehun, you know her?" The other boy asked.

"No!" Luhan replied.

"Just met by accident, Suho-hyung."

"Baekhyun. Tao. Lay. Let's go home." Luhan commanded as she glared at Sehun before walking off.

The were dumbfounded but obeyed anyways. Just as the three were walking.

"So your name is Baekhyun, huh?"

Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol.


"Hm. That name is a beautiful name but it doesn't fit you."

"Then what name ftis me, huh?"

"How about...Bacon."

Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol.

"My name is not Bacon!"

"To me, you are." Chanyeol smirked.

Baekhyun gritted her teeth before stomping away behind Luhan. Tao and Lay exchanged looks before they shrug it off and followed Luhan and Baekhyun. Chanyeol just watch in amusement.

"Looks like someone found their soulmate." Kris said.

"Yah! I'm already betrothed!" Chanyeol said.

"Well. Really can't wait to meet her then." Suho said. 

Chanyeol glared at the two of them before leaving.

"So Sehun. How did you know her name was Luhan?"

Sehun just smirked before following Chanyeol. Kris and Suho looked at each other before shrugging it off and follow their dongsaengs.


Sorry guys. It was suppose to be updated earlier but something unexpected just happened so I had to retype this. Okay hope u enjoy. U guys should know who's going to appear next, right? XD

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Chapter 11: Update soon please!!!!!can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
Chapter 11: Thank you for the double update! <3
I'm already anticipating EXO's performance! >___<
Chapter 9: awww >___<
poor kyungsoo! TTS are so evil in here ~
and I think it's the first time Xiumin appeared here, if I remember it right... Xiumin! <3
I'm really excited for the next chapters!
Thanks for your hard work, author-nim!^^
Chapter 7: I'm waiting for more Hunhan ~ I ship lulu with nearly everyone... lol
though I like baekyeol a lot, too.
so the next chapter will probable be the ball, right? will we see the other pairs, too? x'3

though I must really laugh about the parents of EXO. like... Yoochun and Junsu xD

Maybe you should list all the characters with a note somewhere in the description/foreword so it's a little less confusing with all the characters? ~ just a suggestion^^
luvfics #5
@tharang: cool. i know i sometimes get confused to. XD
anyways thx 4 commenting. :D
Hunhan! <3 ~
With all the characters it's pretty fun, though I kinda get confused, because there are too many introduced at the same time...
lol ~ I'm kinda slow, so I read the chapter twice... xD