| PROLOGUE - Breaking Through |

Breaking Through

Everyone wants a place in society.

I sometimes wondered why people put up with all that stereotype crap, because truly, I didn’t believe in it. You saw those Jocks picking on the nerds, and the cheerleaders outshining the goths. I really couldn’t understand it, or even come to terms with it.

I liked to look at myself as an in-between. A midliar.

But who knew that would be stereotyped as well?

In the end, it was what everyone saw you as that mattered. Not who you were.

I didn’t want to look back at my life like this. It wasn’t fair.

Then Break Through happened.



"Miss Oh Gauge?"

"That's me, sir."

The short man with spectacles looked up at the twenty-two-year-old in distaste. She didn't feel too uncomfortable however, as being scrutinized was an often happening for her. She was different - she knew that. But there was nothing wrong with being a conflicting factor with those around her. It usually made her all the more interesting.

"Mm, and you're the new Geometry teacher?" The younger girl nodded, twisting the end of her sweater. It was most definitely not hard to believe that Gauge could've blended in as one of the high schoolers. She was dressed in ripped jeans and a colorful sweater, vans to match. The principal cleared his throat, "Not as a substitute?"

"No. Full time." She assured him, which only resulted with the older male's expression to darken even more.

Oh Gauge was raised in an environment much different that most. She had learned to fight for what she believe was right, and to be as original as she could. Her intelligence was usually too great for those to handle, and so she faced many hardships growing up. Her mothers used to always tell her to ignore the wrong, and listen to the right. She continued to stick by the satement.

"Ah, well.. Welcome to Paran High." The older man hesitantly handed her the job brochure, Gauge smiling widely at the school principal. "Thank you."



Kim Junsu quietly entered the classroom, tiptoeing his way towards an empty seat. He high-fived Lee Donghae and waved at a clearly bored Shin Eunha. If anything, the room felt more than bare and stark .

Suddenly the three students were interrupted by a loud slam of the door, and in marched Mister Kim Kibum.

"What took you so long, Key?" Junsu groaned, the teacher glaring in response. "Formalities are a must, Mr. Kim."

"Oh oppa, you're only twenty-three. Don't expect us to call you by some silly nickname." Eunha responded to the older male, resulting with a sigh. Donghae only played with his thumbs, smiling his usual dorky grin. Key released one more draw of breath, realizing how useless this bunch would be.

"Ah, that reminds me. Where's-"


Lee Hyukjae bounded through the door, running towards his place in the classroom. He quickly took a seat, "Did I miss anything, Key?"

"Ugh! You'll never change, will you?" The teacher groaned finally, students snickering in response.



"Another beer please!"


Syaeri laced her long fingers around a medium-sized can, placing it on top of her serving tray. She kicked in an empty chair as she stealthily weaved in between the drunken customers. Her ears were already used to the constant howling (if you will) of the singers' karaoke sing-alongs. The song selections were near to dreadful, but Syaeri never minded. Her playlist was much more diverse, ranging from American to Korean pop.

She placed the can on top of the customer's table, silently watching him jump for the drink.

This was the life of Kwon Syaeri, whom grew up working at a karaoke bar her father managed to successfully take over. It was wedged within the darkest alleys of Seoul, where no one dared to explore unless they were looking for trouble. Syaeri was smart enough to know her ins-and-outs, and was a fairly fast runner. The environment she had been raised in wasn't something others could easily adapt to - but Syaeri was different. She was known to be extremely beautiful, with a mysterious taste emanating throughout her splendor.

She was a jigsaw puzzle that hid her own pieces... tucked away deep inside her heart.



Kim Jeeyoon tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, continuing to read the book in her hands. It was her fifth book this week, and her marathon of reading wasn't going to be ending any time soon.

She wasn't the type to speak much. Everyone saw her as the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect person.. but deep inside, Jeeyoon knew she was none of those things. She had spent so much of her life trying to be perfect, that she began to lose sense of what perfection actually was.

Jeeyoon knew that she wanted change. It was something she had longed for the longest time, hoping to someday be her own.. person.

Jeeyoon immediately bookmarked her story, setting it down beside her. She drew in a long breath, picking up a pencil in between her fingertips. It was a good time for a story.


Kwon Seungmi took a seat between her older brothers, slimming down the hem of her black dress. It was another business meeting she was required to attend. Of course, Seungmi had little to no choice in making her own decisions - even though she was fully capable of herself.

"Thank you for this amazing oppurtunity," Her father stood up from his seat, holding out a wine glass. His gaze was cold, something even his daughter was afraid of. "This dinner was arranged for our oldest son, Kwon Seungho, to complete official ties between our companies." Seungho was quiet, as he usually was, and rose to his feet. "It is an honor."

Already, Seungmi was falling in and out of a daze. She was bored out of her mind, and frustrated. She loved her brothers very much, but because of them, she could not reach her full potential. Because of them, she could not follow her dreams. Forever in her life, she was to be burdened with their wishes.. she was to live in their shadow.

It amazed the younger girl herself, on how patient she was with her parents. She had never questioned them, though she wanted to. The girl sat quietly in her chair, watching the three men in her family stand high in their positions. While she was forced to just be their supporter - their face.



Yoo Mihi slowly walked down the school hallway, a smile pasted on her face. Her expression was dulled, however, as her eyes proved an eerie grey. It harbored a type of loneliness. Yet, she was able to strut the school with a grin, not giving a single care in the world.

The other students found Mihi rather odd. They labeled her a name that eventually etched its way under her skin. They gave her uncanny looks, sometimes in nervousness. Her curls bounced as she began to skip by their stares, ignoring their existences.

If anything, Mihi found them rather odd. What with the funny expressions, as if she was circus a clown? It wasn't her fault for what she was, and why she did things the way she did. It wasn't her fault for managing such a mysterious outlook.

When Mihi finally reached her classroom, she took a seat. She knew, deep inside, why the other students gave her such glares. She just pretended not to notice.

Mihi couldn't talk.


"SCORE! SCORE! Oh, damn.." Cho Kyuhyun's face was pressed against his computer screen, sulking as he realized that he had just lost a level. He propped his glasses up to the bridge of his nose, determined to try again.

"I knew you'd be here."

The gamer immediately peered up to see two males with their arms folded. He gasped, shutting the lid of his laptop. "Jinki? Changmin?" Lee Onew chuckled at his name, while Shim Changmin patted the older boy's back. "Ah, hiding in the janitor's closet. Of course only Cho Kyuhyun would result to such.. refineries."

This made the older male glare in response, and Changmin laughed once more. "So you got kicked out of the computer lab, huh?"

Kyuhyun nodded, frowning, "And the library - said I was too noisy. And the hallway - everyone kept stepping on me. And the gym-" Onew held up his hand to motion the older male to halt with his speech, "Yeah hyung, it's cool. I'm just wondering if the Janitor's closet is the correct atmosphere for Starcraft?"

"Duh, anywhere's good for Starcraft."

"Haha, right."


Lee Aerin impatiently waited for her brothers to come and pick her up from the hell hole she called school. It was stupid. No one liked her anyways.

She carefully her bag for the one thing she held precious, peering at its contents. There was a young girl, about the age of three, being tickled by her mother and father. There were two boys in the background, jealously watching the scene. She smiled, trying her best not to cry at the memory.

Aerin was always spoiled rotten by her parents, and after their passing, she was raised by her brothers. Danny was the oldest by two minutes, and he tolerated Aerin's sometimes rude behavior. Aesook, was the older male's twin, and the closest to Aerin. He understood her more, giving her all the chances to just cry and be herself.

"I miss you.." She whispered to the picture, until suddenly, the strong winds blew the picture away from her fingertips. She immediately stood up, frantically running after the image, "Mom! Dad!" She called out helplessly, until the picture was far out of her reach. She stared after it, feeling warm tears slide down her cheeks.

"Mom.. Dad.." The only image left before the fire.

She slid down to her knees, folding them to her chest. She burried her face, sobbing. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder, and she looked up to see a younger boy. His fingers were outstretched to show the very image she lost. "Excuse me miss," He asked softly. "Did you lose this?" Aerin couldn't help but weakly nod, taking the picture with shaky hands. "Don't cry," He continued. "I'm Choi Sungmin. Want to tell me yours?"



Huh Jaewon bowed hastily, weaving past all of the students she bumped into. She was rushing her way to meet up with a friend, until her clumsiness finally made her trip and crash into another student. "Jesonghamnida!" She apologized loudly, crawling off the boy's figure.

Her eyes widened when she saw who it was.

"Ohmygosh! Lee Taemin, jesonghamnida.." She bowed, and the younger boy chuckled in response. "Noona? Why are you use formalities?" He asked curiously. Immediately she felt foolish, and Jaewon forced a smile, "Oh right! Silly me!" It was awkwardly silent for a moment, until she realized the time.


The younger boy stared after the older girl, sulking. Prince Taemin...



Our lives began to intertwine in the weirdest ways possible, making the journey to Break Through crazier than it should have been.

We were all different, I admit. I thought some of the kids were crazy, and I didn't think that they thought the exact same way. In all honesty, we didn't get along.

In the end, it wasn't our differences that divided us. It was our minds.

But that was going to change.

We were going to Break Through.


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it's a really nice story :) keep it up.
/big fan of dbsk/
wooo~~~the prologue is somewhat helpful to know the members past life...
did i just saw my character there??wowoowowowow....<br />
jumping around and dancing happily...
Nyahahah first to comment! ^^v<br />
I knew you'd pull through. :) <br />
Although it's a prologue it is a pretty long one at that.<br />
It gave perfect insight into the lives of each future member of Break Through (without revealing everything)<br />
Jumping up and down. I was so excited when I saw this. ;D<br />
Update when you can! Hwaiting! We'll be waiting. ^^
HinaMomochan #5
yay I can't wait to read more ^_^
lol, I just totally realized that my OC got chosen as a teacher! This should definitely be interesting! And good luck with starting the story! It looks like you put a lot of hard work into everything! :D
O>O<br />
M-me? O-O<br />
-Still in Shock-<br />
Wow. Thank-you so much!<br />
I've been waiting for this, it's currently on the top of my must-read list ^^<br />
Even if I wasn't accepted, the storyline and your writing style would've made me stay. >///<<br />
So excited! Update when you can~ Hwaiting! :D
YBaeVipLove #8
Hehe,I'm in the rival club XD<br />
Super coool!! I liked it! :D