angelicpeach's note to readers.

Breaking Through

Hello GleeKs! ^^ I would like to start off by congratulating my new cast, and apologizing for the long wait. Poster credits to Nixie from Lemonswirls and Undankbar! The character rosters are absolutely amazing, thank you so much!

There were a lot of reasons as to why I wanted to write this story, and the core reason is because of my friends. They are probably the strongest and most amazing people I know - so I thank them for everything they have done for me. I am strong because of them - and it's about time I give back.

I also felt that I owed an explanation to each Break Through member I chose. I looked into the personality and background section, and selected the top 5 most interesting applications. There were so many forms, and so little characters to choose - so I managed to squeeze most of you into the rival club : Vocal Expression.

Now, onwards with my explanations!

HC-ZHEN (Oh Gauge): Your application blew me away. You stood out the most (along with xLittlexAngelx). Not only was your app extremely detailed, but your flexible background of how you grew up with two mothers totally made me want to name you THE role model of Breaking Through. Your character is a person who doesn't care about ual orientation - that everyone's deep rooted and interlinked in some way. That's the sole reason why I chose you to be the teacher of Break Through - you'll be the one guiding the students through the ups and the downs. Thank you so much for applying!

XLITTELXANGELX (Kwon Syaeri): You were my very first applier - and from start to finish, I made absolute sure you were going to be in my story. Your character gave off this mysterious feel - and I loved your explanation on how you became a part of Break Through. Your application was detailed, and I was able to picture your whole life from the very moment you joined in the glee club. There's so much I can do with your character, and your application along with HC-Zhen was amazing. Thank you so much!

RENASYUKKI (Yoo Mihi): Your character's mysterious outlook totally compelled me. I loved how your character liked to sway in the back and blend in... Then you finally stepped up and joined Glee just to prove how much of a diva you are! That's a unique character that I'll have total fun writing about. :) Thank you a billion times!

NINAAZIZ (Lee Aerin): To be honest, your application was kind of brief and not very straight to the point. However, you were original - and that's what caused me to choose you. I liked the idea of how you became spoiled after your parents' passings, and the fact you grew up with your older brothers. I really enjoy oppa-dongseng relationships, so I found your character quite an interesting one to write about! ^^

AZU-NYAN (Kwon Seungmi): Your application was straightforward and to the point. :) You stated that your character was rich, and that she's the competitive type. Your wealthy background made you stand out from the other applicants, and I felt that I could do a lot with your character and her outspoken personality. I also loved how you're overconfident, but deep inside you are a romantic and understanding person. Congrats!

I would also like to state that one of you will begin a relationship with a member from vocal expression. I will not disclose who your partners will be. There will be love triangles and twists - as not all of you have been paired with your first choice. However, I will be sure to write a romantic scene between you and your first bias - though you might not be an official item towards the end of the story.

As for Vocal Expression: You are not the mains of this story. However, you do play an important part in the story - and some of you may get involved with the love triangles, or start romantic relationships of your own. You will be playing a huge part in the story, but Breaking Through will not strictly revolve around you.

Overall, I hope this story will show you that being different is okay - in fact, it's great! (: Thank you so much for choosing Breaking Through and I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I will writing it. Love you all!
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it's a really nice story :) keep it up.
/big fan of dbsk/
wooo~~~the prologue is somewhat helpful to know the members past life...
did i just saw my character there??wowoowowowow....<br />
jumping around and dancing happily...
Nyahahah first to comment! ^^v<br />
I knew you'd pull through. :) <br />
Although it's a prologue it is a pretty long one at that.<br />
It gave perfect insight into the lives of each future member of Break Through (without revealing everything)<br />
Jumping up and down. I was so excited when I saw this. ;D<br />
Update when you can! Hwaiting! We'll be waiting. ^^
HinaMomochan #5
yay I can't wait to read more ^_^
lol, I just totally realized that my OC got chosen as a teacher! This should definitely be interesting! And good luck with starting the story! It looks like you put a lot of hard work into everything! :D
O>O<br />
M-me? O-O<br />
-Still in Shock-<br />
Wow. Thank-you so much!<br />
I've been waiting for this, it's currently on the top of my must-read list ^^<br />
Even if I wasn't accepted, the storyline and your writing style would've made me stay. >///<<br />
So excited! Update when you can~ Hwaiting! :D
YBaeVipLove #8
Hehe,I'm in the rival club XD<br />
Super coool!! I liked it! :D