Ready or Not

Shining Stars*



The van reached to a stop, Jonghyun stirred lazily looking out the window. "Where they there yet?" He eyed their surroundings, coming into view with some modern steel doors and large glass walls, this place was definitely Ha Sang Baek sunbaenim design studio. He proceeded to send his last good-night message to Shin Se Kyung noona, kissing his i-phone hastily, hoping the others members didn't catch the action.

Onew choose that very moment to switched on the light on his side of the car, and started tidying the paper mess he still had on top of him, putting them away inside his black bag. Checking his watch with a worried expression he called for the other members.

-"Wake up everyone!...come on, we are there.." He saw Jonghyun was already preparing his things and turning his cell-phone off. "Jonghyun, wake the youngters. I'll go call manager hyung to tell him we arrived safely" The singer nodded and with a frown on his face he started shaking -not to gently- the nearest member:

-"Keeeeey, waky waky!!!" He was reciprocated with a similar frowning face eyeing him dangerously:

-"Baboo! can't you see I'm already awake!! Onew meant those two!!" He said signalating to Minho and  Taemin deeply asleep in what looked like a cuddling somewhat position.

Jonghyun couldn't resist, he had to take a picture of those two, teasing Taemin would make him blush as hell, but teasing Minho was even funnier, the rapper was definitely the kind that didn't like being the teaser's new victim. He took his cell-phone out once again, before remembering the battery was dead. "Daamn batteries" He thought. Then an idea came up. He eyed Key busy looking for, in what he could make out of his mumbles, Taemin's banana milk. After all, there was nothing else in this world that would wake the maknae up as fast.

As swiftly as his hands managed, he took Key Polaroid camera in a rush, aimed at the sleeping 2min duo and snapped. A flashing light illuminated the van for a minute and Minho and Key jumped up of their seats, the first one confused, the second one fumming.

-"What the Dino!! What the hell you think you're doing??!!! Hands off MY camera!!" The rapper said 2 octaves higher than his usual gentle tone, and promptly snatched the plump pink Polaroid of the Dino hands. 

Jonghyun eyed him annoyed at the nagging and looked at the picture now resting on his leg, "Perfect angle" He thought.

Minho rubbed his temple. "Nice way of waking up" he whispered raspily. He realized Onew wasn't in the car and asked to his hyungs about it.

-"Gone to talk to manager hyung" Key served, still roaming around his purse. "Wake Taemin up, would you?" he said still not looking at him. The rapper knew he was probably mad at the Dino and not himself for that matter.

He went to wake Taemin sleeping form, it was a wonder how he could still sleep with the flash and Key nagging from just a moment ago. He then remembered Taemin had gone to school that morning, under went a History final exam, then did two schedules and after all that, advanced dance practice put by SM just for Taemin. 

-"Damn schedules" Minho thought, promotions where starting again, after 'Ring, ding, dong' everything became much more hectic. And now it was time for another come back.

The figure by his side stirred and stretched just like a cat would, his bowled like hair bounce a bit, and Minho couldn't help but notice the maknae's face was thinner than before.

Key notice the younger movement and turned back in time with a full bottle off "was that strawberry milk?" Minho thought instantly, and a big smile plastered on his face.

-"Wake up Minnie, Onew hyung is waiting" he said. Taemin noticed the flavoured change, but didn't say a thing. He just took it in his hands and started chugging it sleepily. Minho ruffled his hair absentmindedly. "Put my jacket on, is cold outside" Taemin looked at him dazed and nooded.

-"Aren't you cold hyung? He said.

-"It's OK, I'm flaming charisma Minho after all" He proudly stated. Taemin chuckled.

-"My name is Min-Ho!" ♫ Jonghyun said refering to their song. Taemin became a giggling pudlle and Key started laughing at the same time he sang -and teased- along with their oldest member.

They all went out of the van, still singing their parts in Shinee World. Onew watched the approaching dongsaes and a warm smile spread across his face, not before he was in to, teasing Minho and using his 'sangtae' to crashed funnily against the front door.

They all entered the studio laughing their lungs out; Key was punching Onew's sore arm laughing hysterically, Onew whose eyes where now smiling slits was holding his mouth funnily, Jonhyung was patting Onew's back and laughing in what sounded like a raptor language, and Taemin was holding Minho's arm and his strawberry milk all together as he laughed nonstopably . He looked at his Minho hyung, still sulking because of the constant teasing, and patted his side softly.

The rapper instantly snapped his eyes at him, and in a matter of seconds a huge sincere smile spread along his face. "Aah, there it was, his hyung gentle smile..." The maknae didn't realized he was responding with a smile has gentle as his hyung's.

The five shining boys, all in their own laughing world, forgot that there in the center of the room, a pair of eyes was observing their loud entrance. What concept was in stock for them all?           

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patchiee #1
shy 2min xD
aww so cute. 2min <3
Ah I love minho's description of taemin <3
-dolce- #4
Hey! I read as I promised!:) It is very good and very descriptive. Aside from a few tiny errors that you can go back to, the story is very promising. Just try to have a variety of scenes in a chap at highlight at least so you entice the reader to watch out for what's next. I hope this helped out a bit, dongsaeng, hwaiting!
IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awwwwww!!!!^_^ I love it SOOO much!!!!!! of course Taemin can always bring a smile to his hyung's face...he is the adorable SHINee maknae, after all!<3