Poster Request: ilovetaemin4ever

→Second Invasion Graphics Shop [Closed]

Poster #1 / Poster #2 / Poster #3 | Story Link | made by myungbabe

I made 3 versions of different colors, I tried to keep away from red since that color represented more of the devil as oppose to somewhere in "heaven" which I'm guessing "paradise" is in. I hope you like it ^^ if there's a dfferent color scheme you want, please tell me asap. 

Please remember to credit us properly and comment with your feedback!

posted: September 9th, 2012

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Chapter 22: your posters are so pretty ;U;♥
Chapter 20: OMO! thank you so much! It's so nice:))
imveryloser #3
1. Story Title: the genesis of hysteria
2. Story link:
4. Characters you want on the poster: yeonhee ( uhljjang; park 'hana' hwanhui ) - hyerin ( u; song ahri ) - eunmi ( u; lee dasom ) - minjung ( u; baek sumin ) - seomin ( u; jang 'chom' chommi ) - ahreum ( u; kim 'joo' seukhye ) - hua ( u; huang yilin )
5. HQ Pictures: please look for them for me ; u ; /slapped/
6. Genre: applyfic, cute-ish, happy
7. Additional details: it's an applyfic... &; i've been looking for a graphic shop that doesn't /really/ have a character limit so i'm sorry about the many people ; u ;
8. Made by: i don't mind c:
9. Password: kekemato ♡

asdf; sorry again about the many charas ; A ;
EXOTIC_05 #4
Thank you very much for the poster I really like it <3 KAMSAHAMNIDA. I've also credited the shop. :''>
Story title: Stalker Boy Is My Prince Charming
Story link:
Characters: CL and any guy with his face not so visible or obvious.
HQ Pictures: Please help me look for it :)
Genre: Mystery
Additional details: A quote that says "Stupid Stalker Boy"
And could you put the character's name beneath the picture?
So below CL's picture you could write Park Jihye and below the guy's picture write Stalker Boy. If you don't think its nice you can skip it. And I'd appreciate if the poster wasn't so dark ><
Made by: -byungiehunnie
Password: Totomato <3 (I love this cherry tomato freak)

Have fun making my poster. :)
I've credit the shop. Thanks a lot c:
Wah the graphics is AWESOME! Thankyou so much. I'll credit the shop later cause I'm on my phone now :/