The Story of Us


“Dara said that she doesn’t want to see you again and that she hates you. It would be best if you stay out of our matters from now on. If you go near Dara again I’ll ruin both your lives. Goodbye Kwon.”

And with that my call was ended.

“Jiyong, what’s wrong?” Sohee worriedly asked.

“Dara.” I gasped. My voice was trembling. I couldn’t calm down even when Sohee held both my hands in hers.

“Tell me, what’s happened, Ji. Is Dara in trouble again?”

I shook my head. “I.. I don’t know, Soh. She said she was alright but then Joon was on the phone and he was telling me to leave Dara alone.”

“Do you know where she is right now? Maybe you should try calling her again.” my girlfriend suggested.

“Ok.” I frantically dialed your number. “Dara, please, please be okay.” Two rings resonated through the other line but were immediately replaced with a mechanical voice informing me that the number was out of coverage area. Don’t panic, I told myself. You need me right now and I need to have a clear mind. I ended the call and immediately dialed your landline number.

“Hello!” It was your voice!

“Dara! Dara? Are you –“

“You’ve reached Dara’s place. I’m not here right now, probably free-loading somewhere else, so just leave a message.”

A voice recorder. . Assuming that what you said earlier was true you’re probably at your apartment. But that bastard ex-boyfriend of yours must be with you. I need to get there as soon as possible. Sohee was beside me, wearing a worried expression.


I shook my head. “She’s not answering.  But she said that she was at her apartment before our call was cut-off. I’m sorry, Sohee. I need to go to her.”

Sohee hugged me briefly then said “I understand Ji.”

I hugged Sohee back and planted a chaste kiss on her forehead before running to my car. I drove recklessly, almost hitting a pedestrian, zipping past stop signs; whatever it took to reach you faster. The ticking of my watch was inexplicably loud but I did not dare look at it to know how long it was taking me to come to you. Maybe it was an hour or more before I finally arrived at your building. I almost tripped as I hastily got out of the car and dashed for the elevators. I pressed the up button. After a second, I pressed it again. The elevator was still on the twenty-third floor and I was getting impatient so I repeatedly pushed the up button. Other people were already looking at me quizzically but I did not care. The elevators were taking too long and every minute was crucial if I were to save you. I decided to take the stairs. Your apartment was on the seventeenth floor and I was thinking if it was wise of me to have ditched the elevators. What would take me faster to you? I discarded this thought and just concentrated on climbing the stairs. I was surprised that when I reached the seventeenth floor, I was not nearly as out of breath as I expected I would be. I quickly made my way to your door and kicked it open.

“Dara! Dara where are you?!” I yelled.

“Jiyong?” You were sitting at the sofa in your living room pressing a cold pack to your forehead. I immediately went to you and pulled you into a hug. Before I could restrain myself, I was already sobbing on your shoulder.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” You asked.

“I should be the one asking you that. I was so worried when Joon talk –“ I suddenly remembered that bastard. I uncoiled my arms from your waist and held you at an arm’s length. “Where’s that bastard? What has he done to you?”

You turned your head to look away and I saw the huge bruise on your forehead. I pushed away the hair that was blocking it, letting my palm rest on the side of your head. “That bastard!” I gritted my teeth in anger.

“Joon’s in my room. I may have hit him a little too hard with a pail. Oh, and I also kicked him in the balls. Don’t worry I already gave him first aid. He’s awake but he’s a little groggy right now. His parents are coming to pick him up. I got him tied up with my emergency ropes just in case, you know, he decides to do something evil again.”

I stared at you wonderingly. “Let me get this straight. You hit Joon with a pail?”

“That’s after I kicked his balls. When he was doubled-over by pain, I took the pail and hit the back of his head with it.”

“But we we’re talking and then suddenly Joon was talking..” I said, still confused.

“I hit my forehead on the sink when he opened the door so I out for a moment. But I regained consciousness when he was trying to carry me out of the bathroom so I struggled to get away from him and after that was when the ball kicking happened.” you related almost cheerfully. And just a while ago I was so worried about you. Clearly, you could take care of yourself.

“I’m just so relieved that you’re okay. I’ll deal with that bastard later. Have you been hurt anywhere else?” I inquired as I made you turn on the spot. You seem to be limping. I looked at your leg only to discover a hematoma already forming on your shin. There were also little scratches on both your arms and legs. You’ve been hurt and I wasn’t there to protect you. I hugged you again and noticed how you winced in pain. There and then, I made a vow to do all I could to never let you be hurt again.

“Dara, I want you to move in permanently with me.”

You pushed me away and looked at me disapprovingly. “Eh? What are you blabbering about now Jiyong?”

“You heard me. I want you to live at my house. I’ll talk to my parents about it. I’m sure they’ll approve, given the circumstances.”

“As you can see, I am very much capable of protecting myself. Besides, I don’t think Joon would be bothering me anymore.” you protested.

“You can’t be sure of that. And I can’t be sure of that. What if something like this happens again? You’re lucky this time but what about next time? What if I don’t reach you in time?”

“Jobu, my safety is not your responsibility.”

“Yes, it is!” I declared.

You just smiled as you shook your head. “No it’s not.”

I held your hands and looked you in the eyes. “Yes it is. Don’t be stubborn Dara!”

You immediately looked away and said “Have you really thought about it Jiyong? Sure, your parents and my parents may approve. But think of your girlfriend. It’s bad enough that I was always sleeping over at your house. She may say to you that it’s okay with her but I’m sure she’s feeling a bit off about it. I’m still a girl, just in case you’ve totally forgotten.”

“Sohee will understand.” I said with less conviction. Will Sohee really understand? She knows how special you are to me as a friend so she has to understand. She just has to understand, right?

You slipped away your hands from my grasp and patted my shoulder. “Trust me, Jiyong. I’m a girl so I know how other girls, like me, feel. Even if Sohee doesn’t say it, I’m sure she gets jealous, even a little bit, whenever you’re with me. I’m just too thick-skinned before when I constantly imposed myself on you and slept-over almost every night. Even though we’re just friends, it’s still not right for me to be living at your house.”

“But Sohee is my girlfriend and I love her. She knows that I love her. She shouldn’t get jealous. It’s normal for friends to be over-protective of each other.” I was still defending my stand even though I was already having doubts about it.

I looked at you and saw how sad the expression in your eyes has become. You smiled at me but I could only sense sadness and pain in it. But why? You should be happy that I was trying to be near you at all times.

“Jiyong. It’s not normal for friends to be so over-protective of each other. I don’t see you being like this for Bom or for Chaerin.”

“They don’t have psychotic boyfriends like you do!” I quickly countered.

“That’s not the point, Jiyong. We both know that we’re just friends but other people may think otherwise. You shouldn’t be like this to me. You should only be like this to your girlfriend. Just like now, instead of being on a date with Sohee, you’re here with me and even proposing that we live-in together. You’re smart so you should readily see what’s wrong in that scene.”

“I.. I understand.” I admitted defeat. You were right. I should have considered Sohee when I made that decision. But protecting you seems much more important to me right now. Sohee knows you’re my friend and she has to understand that.  

“Good Jobu! You’re not as dumb as I thought you were!” you said laughing while grasping at your stomach. I had the urge to hug you again so I did.

“Yah, Jobu! What’s with all the hugging? You’ve already reached your maximum allowed hugs just so you know.”

“I understand what you were trying to say Dara. I’ll talk to Sohee about it. I don’t really care if she becomes jealous but right now your safety is what matters most to me.”

You slapped my back and said “Crap, Jobu. I thought we’ve come to an understanding already. As much as I want to live with you..” you suddenly paused.

“So you admit now that you do want to live with me?” I asked, a smirk playing at my lips.

“Yah! I won’t be living with you, it’s not right is what I’m saying.” you were blushing.

“Fine, then, if you won’t accept my proposal at least stay at my house tonight. I can’t leave you when you’re all beaten up like that.”

“Fine!” you snapped at me.

“Fine!” I retaliated.

We locked eyes with each other (for less than six seconds) before you bowed your head and started laughing maniacally. I immediately joined and we both slumped on the sofa laughing like two idiots. There wasn’t really anything funny in the situation but leave it to us to find something to laugh about.

“Hey your eyes were bulging when you said ‘Fine’!” I told you.

“Ha, you should have seen how ugly you looked when you were sobbing, ‘Oh Dara, I was so worried about you. What did that mean bastard do to you?’” you said in an imitation of my voice.

And speaking of the bastard, Joon seemed to have recovered and he was making a ruckus in your bedroom.

“SANDARA! SANDARA!” he was shouting while banging something (hopefully his head) against the wall.

I was about to go to him to shut him up when you suddenly held you hand in front of me. You stood up and said “I’ll take care of him. Why don’t you prepare some noodles while I’m at it? I just realized how hungry I was.”

“What flavor of noodles do you have stocked up?” I asked.

“I have beef ramyun and jjamppong. You could mix it up, I guess.”

“Okay. After we eat I’ll help you pack some clothes.”

“Okay, Jobu.” you said as you picked up a long umbrella from the rack near the front door. I watched as you walked unhurriedly to your bedroom.

That’s my girl, I thought; my girl who’s feisty and strong. And I’m so proud of her.



I will discover only later that night, that Sohee has been calling me on my phone.




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added chapter 10, will edit later.


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Lara93 #1
Chapter 10: I love this story! Are you going to keep writing? I hope so, I'm very curious what will happen to both of them ;)
Chapter 10: I think they are like each other!!!
I want them to be together now they are perfect 4 each other (^-^)
DARAGON sweeeeeeeet moment please (^-^)
DARAGON fighting fighting Ya Ya Ya (^o^)/~~

Thanks 4 the update (^з^)-☆

Authornim fighting d=(^o^)=b
Chapter 10: ohh sweet! both dara and jiyong were pretending to sleep!! i want them to be together!! they are so cute!!

Authornim please update Moooooooooorrrrrrreee!!!
I don't hate sohee here but there's a part of me dat saying she should really have 2 get out here.
Dara is in LOVE with Jiyong!!!
Wat now ??
Can't wait 4 the next chapter I'm very excited to read it!!!

Thanks 4 the update (^з^)-☆

Authornim fighting d=(^o^)=b
omg!!!! totally in love with this story!!!!! i want dara and jiyong to be together!!! cuteeee! scooting closer to jiyong~ heart flutter!!!
crescea #8
Thanks for the comments dear readers! Critical criticisms are good too!
anishAr #9
Oh my GD.i'm officially hooked with this story.i love it.please update soon author-nim
Authornim please update MORE MORE MORE!!!

Daragon fighting fighting Ya Ya Ya(^_^)/□☆□\(^_^)

Authornim fighting o(*⌒―⌒*)o