Meetings, hardships and a newyear


We had only two weeks to practice until the YG family concert began. The group was already practicing an hour on 'Oh my friend', when the assistant from the CEO came in to the practicing room.

"Annyeong colors!" she said happy, colors was a nickname she gave us. "Annyeounghaseyo" We practically yelled and bowed. The assistant continued. "I have some exciting news. The CEO wants you 'colors' to collaborate with Winner." We looked at each other and got very excited but after a few minutes i got a bit nervous, because she told us also that we were going to sing and dance on 'Now by Troublemaker' with Winner. The song is awesome, but know I must dance with someone from Winner. And in the dance you need to touch your partner allot. I haven't danced with a boy in three years, oh I’m also shy, what a great combination.

The next day Winner came to our practicing room, we haven't seen them in ages. We met them a few times in a month before they debuted. Before they debuted they practiced in this building. Now only our group, team b from 'WIN', another girl group and some other rookies practice in this building. The artist who already debuted practice in the YG Building.

"Annyeong, how have you all been?" Mino yelled. We welcomed them. "We've been great." Gi Mei answered. "Every time we come back, you girls become more prettier than the previous time we see you." said Tae Hyun confident. The girls and I started to giggle and some of the cheeks became red, like mine. Well you and your group are handsome as always." Jung Mi giggles. Seung Yoon starts to walk towards Gi Mei and hands over a sheet. "This is the arrangement how we're going to perform with each other." he says and begins to walk towards me and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "You're my partner Moon Gi" He smiles and spins me around, I’m a bit flustered. "Chincha?" I ask and look at Gi Mei, she nods and I look back at Seung Yoon and try to smile, hoping that i don't blush too hard. Everybody was forming a duo and began to practice with each other. In the beginning I wasn't that comfortable that he was touching my body, but he was patience. After a an half hour I started to feel better and began to trust him. We were already practicing for three hours so we decided that we should take a break. I grabbed a bottle water and began to drink. " Eh Moon Gi you know that you can call me oppa." Seung Yoon laughed. I almost choked because of the water. "Aniyo, I am not going to do that." I coughed and tried to breath normal again. "whae? You don't want to?" He poked me. I started to laugh. "It's not that I don't want to, it's because I’m older than you." I . "Boh? Chincha?" " Nae, I'm from the '93 line and you're an '94 line kid, but you can call me Noona." I smiled.

I went to the bathroom to fresh up. Fay Linn also came to the bathroom. "Moon Gi I haven't seen you smiling like that in a while, Seung Yoon gives me a happy sister, I should thank him." She giggles and i start to laugh too. "Nae, he is such a kind and funny friend." I admit. "You should go on a date with him." Fay Linn says happy. I laugh but then i remember what the CEO told me ones. "It's better that you and your members don't date, especially you, the lead singer. Boys need to think you're single. And it's not so good to date for your image, especially before debuting. And if you are dating, don't make it public."

I looked a bit concerned at Fay Linn, because she is dating. I hope the media won't find out about her relationship. I told Fay Linn what the CEO told me and what i was thinking, she looked a bit disappointed but agreed. "I will be careful Unni." She hugged me while saying that.

I came back with Fay Linn to the practicing room. we decided to train with all the duo's together. After two hours practicing together it went well. After another two hours we sang the song over 30 times, we were exhausted. The two weeks went very quickly, everything went amazing at the concert. The fans loved our performances, Winner and our group came of the stage and hugged each other. "This was so cool." Yun Hee smiled. "Daebak, I want to

perform again!" Jin Woo Yelled excited. When I hugged Seung Yoon he whispered something in my ear. "I want to perform with you again."

After the concert we went to the VIP Lounge and rest a bit, we were very exhausted. It was so nice in the lounge, everybody had a great time. I was talking to Yun Hee, Jung Mi and Lee Hi. They were of course talking about boys. I looked at Seung Yoon, the moment I looked at him he turned his face from me, he was talking to Gi Mei. "Moon Gi who would you date" Lee Hi asked, I turned quickly around and when i was searching for an answer, Jung Mi answered for me. "I know who would date you." Jung Mi smiled. "Who?" I asked. "Your Dance partner, he's been staring at you the whole evening. I looked at him, and he was indeed looking my way. My cheeks became warm and the girls began to laugh.

After a while we wanted to return to our dorm, but Gi Mei told us a big surprise. We were going to discuss our debut date tomorrow. We came to our dorm very excited. I was making some preparations to go to sleep, when Gi Mei came up to me and asked. "Hey, what do you think of Seung Yoon? He thinks you're an amazing girl, but he doesn't know how you feel about him."

I sighed. "It doesn't matter how I feel, You know what the CEO told us." She nodded. "I totally forgot about that." She looked a bit disappointed but her mood changed after a moment. " ah, You and Fay Linn stay until the 3th January, right? she asked, I nodded. "Oh, if you really want to know how I feel, I liked him already before his debut" After I said that, I went to my room.

The next morning we went to the CEO's office, we waited for a few minutes when the assistant let us in. We greeted him and bowed 90 degrees and the CEO told us to sit down. We were very nervous, I trained already 3,5 years at YG and today we finally get to hear when we're going to debut.

"I bet you all didn't sleep that well last night." He said calmly, some of us nodded. He talked a bit how hard we were training, it was nice to hear some compliments. Suddenly he began about our debut date. "Well the date is may the 15th, you know why?" We looked at each other but none of us knew why, the CEO continued. "Because Colors of my Heart has 15 letters, has 5 members and the 5 stands for may. This group will debut with a mini album of six songs. 1 group number and 5 songs that define every member." We listened for almost an hour what the CEO told us, he had so much news about our debut. The CEO encouraged us to write our own songs in the future, but I think there are already members writing their songs, so did I. But for this album he found a songwriter to write about our story's, a song that defines us. Luckely we would wright the lyrics together with the songwriter.

A few days later we could go home to our family's, I missed my parents so much and of course also my dog Haenguni. Fay Linn brought her boyfriend KwangYeon with her to our home, I must be honest I envied her. But it will be for the best if I just forget him. The family holidays were perfect, I loved spending time with my family, and Fay Linn was relieved that our parents adored Kwang Yeon. We had family games, watched Christmas movies and gave a little show for our parents.

After the holidays a new year began, I just had only one day left until we were going back to our dorm. I decided to go to my former High school. Of course the school was closed but I knew some old friends used to hang out at a park near the school. I missed them, I haven't seen them in three years. Grabbed a wig and left home. I didn't want people to notice or recognize me from the YG concert. I know we haven't debuted yet, but I was being careful, people usually don't see green haired girls. My predictions came true, i saw the friends I used to hang out with. Min Sung, a boy who I knew since middle school looked at me and made the others notice that i stood here. Walking towards them felled a bit weird. I became a bit

nervous. "Annyeong, I knew you all would be here." I couldn’t read their faces, they were blank, no feelings at all. Tan Ni who was my best friend stood up and walked towards me. She looked very serious and began to talk. " Err, it's better if you leave." She wasn't the same girl I left three years ago. "Whae, I know I haven't contacted you guys enough, but I was very busy. I'm so sorry." My voice began to crack. "You're too late, I already said you should leave." she started to get a bit annoyed. And at that moment I heard a familiar voice, she was laughing. I looked over Tan Mi's shoulder and there she was, Kim Ha Na the girl who hated me. "Fine, I'll go." I Quickly left before my tears rolled of my cheeks. I didn't know what to think. The life of a trainee isn't that easy. You leave your family and friends, you only have time to eat, sleep and train. I understand why they are mad, but why are they hanging out with her, she was horrible to me. I just don't understand. I walked towards home and tried to make my tears disappear. Another familiar voice got my attention, but this voice didn't scare me. "Have you been crying?" I swept my tears away and looked up, it was Seung Yoon's voice.


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Moonzzz #1
Chapter 5: Park moon gi present!!!
Fay Linn here! :P
Kim Yun Hee here!! :3
Kim Yun Hee here!! :3