After -1- Where is Ruki?

The One You Love The Most

Meanwhile, all the others stared at the door. Kai was the first who came back to his senses. "Is he crazy?! It's cold outside and it rains, and he hasn't even a jacket? I hope he will return soon..."

Uruha laughed hard. "I don't think so! He will need his time to calm down." Then he asked, turning towards Reita, "One houndred points for you! You have screwed up."

They sat down. After a long moment of silence, Aoi said: "We should search him."

When everyone looked at Reita expactently, he sighed. "Okay, let's go."


They had been searching for about three hours, then they had given up. It was nearly impossible to say where Ruki might have gone.So they went back without any trace of the small singer. Reita had rejected Kai's offer to stay with him; On the one hand because he wanted to be alone and on the other hand because being with Kai led certainly led to a conversation and Reita really didn't want to talk.
So he was alone in his room that appeared so empty without his boyfriend. 'Ex-boyfriend', Reita corrected himself in his mind. He couldn't believe Ruki had done that! He had to think about him all the time. Even if he tried to avoid it: his thoughts always went back to the small boy. He missed him so much that his heart felt like someone had wrapped it in poisonous chains.

That night he slept very restless and woke up from every little sound he heard. At six o'clock he decided that it was senseless and stood up. He felt tired and not even a bit rested. After he had taken a quick shower, he took his mobile and called Ruki. The evening before he had tried it more than twenty times, but Ruki hadn't answered.
This time, he heard Ruki's sleepy voice. "Yeah?"

"Hey... it's me."

"Who? Sorry, I'm very tired."

"Reita." He heard how Ruki was awake immediately.

"What do you want?"

"Where are you?"

Instead of answering, Ruki repeated his question. "What do you want?"

"Talk. And know where you are."

"Talk? About what?"

"Everything. Us. Me. You."

Ruki sighed. "Okay. Tomorrow at 1 p.m. at Starbuck's. You know which one. And don't be late or something. I won't wait." Before Reita could say anything else, Ruki ended the call.

The rest of the day Reita kept on thinking what he should say to Ruki. The only thing that interrupted his thoughts were his bandmates, who came in from time to time to ask him about Ruki or if wanted some company, but most questions were about Ruki.

In the evening, Kai came in and sat down on the bed. "Do you know where he is?" he asked.

Reita shook his head. "I don't even know if he has his wallet or if he's fine. He just told me when we will meet."

"Do you want to go alone?"

"I think so. I don't think he would be happy if we all were there. I'd really like to know where he spends his nights..."

"Come on. He is a clever boy. He will find a place to stay." Kai boxed against Reita's arm gently.

"What if something terrible happens? And I'm not there for him? Like if someone robs him? Or if..." Reita's voice became soundless.

"Hey!" Kai interrupted him. "Don't even dare to think about like that! Try to sleep. It's late."

"What if Ruki doesn't want to come back? What should I do?" Reita wiped a tear away that came to his eye.

Kai looked at him pitifully. "It's his decision. You will have to accept it."

Reita nodded and sat down next to Kai. "Am I really such an idiot that I ruined our relationship?"

The leader hugged him briefly. "If you have hurt him so much that he won't come back, then yes, you are an idiot. But as long as there is the possibility that he returns and forgives you..." Kai didn't finish his sentence, but Reita understood. If Ruki wouldn't return, he wouldn't just have ruined their relationship but also the band.

Kai stood up. "I'll go now. Good night and sleep well!"

"Good night..." Reita answered automatically.

Though he really tried to sleep he lay in bed with his eyes open. As he finally fell asleep it was already 4 a.m.


When Reita woke up, the warm sunlight ghosted over his figure. It was a beautiful day. He had slept very well...

Suddenly he was awake. He must have slept for too long!
As he grabbed his mobile phone and checked the time he was already on his way to the bathroom. Half past eleven! How could he have forgotten to set the alarm clock?!

He rushed through his morning programm: taking a shower, brushing his teeth, drying his hair. While he was standing in front of the wardrobe someone knocked at his door.

"Wait a second, please!" Reita screamed at the door and put on a robe of the hotel, then he hurried to the door. As he opened the door, Kai and Aoi smiled at him.

"Good morning! If you want to leave like that, I wouldn't be surprised if you returned alone." Aoi said, entered the apartment and hugged Reita quickly.

"I won't leave in these clothes! I just haven't been able to choose an outfit yet." Reita shut the door behind Kai.

"But you know that it's quarter past 12, don't you?" Kai went to Reita's wardrobe and picked black trousers, a white T-shirt with a black and silver print Ruki had given to Reita and a black leather belt. "Try this." The leader threw the things to the bassist, who hurried into the bathroom again.

Meanwhile Aoi sat down on the bed. He said, "Without you, Reita would manage to forget his head!"

Kai laughed and searched for some jewelery. He found a leather bracelet, a silver bracelet, three necklaces and seven rings. When Reita left the bathroom, Kai put two rings, the silver bracelet and one nacklace in his hands.

"You look good." Aoi made his bandmate a compliment.

"Thanks." Reita put on the the jewelery and smiled at Aoi. Suddenly he walked towards him and stared at Aoi's neck. Then he asked, "Is this... a love bite?!"

Aoi blushed immediately and Reita started to laugh. "That's really cute!"

Kai grinned and then looked at his phone out. "Reita, it's time for you to leave. It's nearly half past 12. Shall I drive you?"

"With the heavy traffic at this time? No, I think I'll take the subway."

Kai and Aoi left his room with Reita and escorted him to the hotel lobby.

"Good luck!" Kai said while Aoi waved.


Reita arrived at Starbuck's at 12:55 p.m. He carefully watched out if he could spot Ruki already. But when he didn't see the other he sat down at a free table. He was very surprised that the smaller boy wasn't there. Normally, Ruki was in time.

'Maybe he didn't catch the subway', Reita tried to calm himself down. That would explain why he wasn't there. Or maybe he had left already? But Reita was sure that Ruki would've waited until 1 p.m.

But after he had waited for half an hour, he left the café. He tried to call Ruki, but there was just the answering machine every time.

He didn't know why Ruki should have decided not to come. If Ruki just wanted to hurt him with his behavior, he had reached his goal.


It was 9 p.m. when Reita went back to the hotel. He had been in the city all day where he had just walked around without knowing where to go. As he passed Aoi's and Uruha's apartment door, it was opened.

"Where is Ruki?" Uruha's voice asked him.

"I don't know. He didn't come to the café." Reita didn't stop because didn't want to talk, but Uruha decided to go with him.

"That's not typical for Ruki. Did you call him?"

"I tried to."

"Do you have any idea where..." Uruha wanted to ask, but Reita interrupted him, "Listen, I don't want to talk about Ruki right now. He wasn't there, I called him a million times without any reaction. I don't know where he is or why he didn't come or if he has changed his decision to see me. I only know that I'm tired and hurt and that I want to be alone. So please, leave me alone right now!"

Reita turned away and went to his room, but he heard Uruha following him. He opened his room door and turned to Uruha. "What do you want?" he nearly screamed. But instead of answering, Uruha just wrapped his arms around Reita's body. "I know you are not as hard and cold and... invulnerable as you always pretend to be."

Somehow, Reita's rage faded like smoke in the wind. He didn't know what to say. He felt helpless.

"I promise, we will find Ruki."

Reita took a deep breath. "You don't need to do that."

Uruha sighed. "But he's not just your boyfriend. I've known him for about four... no, five years now. The last thing I want is to lose him! And of course I want him and you to be happy. Together."

Reita was surprised when he felt the tears running down his cheeks. He didn't know if Uruha had noticed it, but somehow he was happy that his friend was there while the dark emptiness inside of him did its best to break out.

When Uruha gently started to caress Reita's back, he sobbed.

"Shhh...Everything will be fine." Uruha rocked him gently like you do it with a little child while the bassist weeped in his arms. When Reita calmed down, the taller man still held him close. "You should go to bed now. It's late." Uruha whispered.

The bassist nodded and stepped back. "Okay. Good night, Uruha-kun!" He opened his door to his apartment again and entered. He smiled once again at his friend, then he closed the door and walked into the bathroom. He stood in front of the mirror and looked into his eyes. They were red and stared at him tiredly. He turned his face away, then he took a short shower and went to bed.


It was 8 o'clock in the morning when Reita woke up. He had had a terrible nightmare. Ruki's pretty face, in his dream full of fear, had been so realistic, that Reita needed a few seconds to realize that it had been a nightmare. With a deep sigh he fell back onto the bed. As he recognized that his bedclothes were soaked in sweat he stood up and opened the window. The rather cool air took the memories of the nightmare away, but Reita's uneasiness stayed. He put on a sweater and trousers quickly, then he left the building and headed for the park. The movement warmed his body. He enjoyed the fresh morning air when he entered the park.

After a few minutes he walked to the little lake where he sat down on the grass. He looked at the water and suddenly a memory came up to his mind. It had been the last day before the tour final when the whole band had walked to the park. Uruha had fed the ducks (of course he had, he loved ducks), Kai had phoned Miyavi, Aoi had watched his boyfriend and Ruki and Reita had sat down under a tree in a tight hug. Reita would never have imagined that Ruki had gone just one day later.

'What happened to Ruki?' he asked himself. 'What if it was something terrible and he needs me?' Suddenly his nightmare came back to his mind. Now he even remembered some details: Someone had pulled Ruki in a dark alley. Reita heard Ruki's voiceless screams as the stranger tore his clothes.
Reita felt a tear running down his cheek. 'Oh well,' he thought, 'slowly it starts to become a habit.' He wiped the tear away and stood up.

He sighed and looked around. The young man didn't know where to go, so he decided to go back into the city.
He bought a sandwich in a little shop he passed and ate it while he went back to the hotel. He didn't want Kai to worry where he was and he noticed that he had forgotten his cell phone in his room.

Fifteen minutes later, he entered the hotel and yawned. All of sudden he was very tired.
As he stepped out of the lift, Kai screamed "Reitaaaaa!"

The bassist stared at him. "You frightened me! Could you be a bit more quiet, please? We're not alone here!"

Instead of answering, Kai hugged him briefly. "Where have you been? I was worried about you!"

Reita sighed. "I was in the park. I needed some fresh air. My night wasn't too great..."

Kai stepped back and looked into his friend's eyes. "Why is that?"

"I had a nightmare."

"Ouh... that's indeed a good reason for a bad night. By the way, I tried to call you a million times! Why didn't you answer?"

"I forgot my phone." Reita answered and started to walk towards his room.

The leader followed him. "Somewhen you will forget your head!" he laughed.

Reita stopped and looked at Kai. "Listen, I really don't feel like laughing today."

"I'm sorry..." Kai started to excuse, but Reita already continued walking.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Kai ran after Reita.

"Why would I?" The bassist asked. "By the way, have you heard anything from Ruki? I worry about him..."

Kai shook his head. "I'm sorry. I would've told you immediately if he got in touch with me."

Reita sighed.

They arrived at Reita's room and he opened the door. Both of them entered. Kai closed the window and looked at his pal. "It's cold in here! How can you run around outside without a jacket? You'll catch a cold!"

"No, mum. I'm going crazy when I'm just in this room. Uhm...Have you seen my mobile?"

The drummer looked around. "No, I don't think so. Maybe in your jacket? And don't call me mum!"

Reita grinned and checked out the jacket. "Here it is neither... Can you phone me so we can locate it? I really don't know where I've put it."

"Sure!" Kai answered and called Reita's number.

They waited a few seconds, then there came a sound from the bath room.

"Why is your mobile in the bathroom?" Kai asked amused and sat down on the bed after he put his phone back into his pocket.

"Maybe it wanted to take a shower?" Reita speculated before he went into the bath to get his mobile.

Kai waited until Reita sat sown next to him, then he said embarrassedly, "Maybe I've called you a bit too often..."

"A bit?" Reita laughed. "You've called me 21 times in one hour! Wait..."

"What?" Kai looked curious over Reita's shoulder..

His bandmate showed him the display. "Do you know this number?" he asked.

The leader considered a moment, then he shook his head. "I don't think so. But look, it's a number from Tokyo. You should call back, maybe it's from Ruki?"

Reita bit his lip. "You may be right... Okay, I'll call." Reita pressed the green button and waited for the dial tone.
After the other's phone rang the third time, a female voice picked up the phone. "National Medical Clinic Tokyo, what can I do for you?"


Finally typed the third chapter.
I'm so happy I can update now. I hope you like the chapter? I promise I will write the 4th chapter as fast as possible!
And I want to thank you for your comments. o(^.^)o You are so cute! >o<

I hope I'll get some feedback from you (comment & subscribe, please!).
Aaaand, last but not least: Thanks a lot to my beloved co-author! *bows*

See you in chapter 4! *waves*

Evy: Thank's Rei! *bows as well* I hope you guys enjoy reading my friend's fanfic! :D

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Shiro_Usagi #1
Chapter 2: Update soon please! I love it! X3
LittleSpoiled #2
-le cries- I love Reita and Ruki as a couple!
keke, you know i love you. And - your fic's the first one I've ever read about Gazetto! And you know, I'll always help you if you need me to.
omg omg!! GAZETTE!! *_*