Ch.2:Part 2 - 2

Be Careful With My Heart


Kang KyungMi's P.o.V.-

I looked at Luhan who was sobbing and felt my heart aching in pain,as if I was being stabbed with something repeatedly..
I then looked at the other students that were making fun of Luhan..
Throwing things at him,saying his 'nickname' and calling him mean and harsh words..I then looked at EXO,cracking up jokes about him..
Ugh..why am I so afraid to defend him..?
I then stood up from my seat abruptedly,causing everyone(But Luhan) to look at me..
I glared at everyone,especially EXO..
Okay,come on can do this~!Fighting..~!
"Yah!How can you all be so mean to someone!?He has feelings too!!He is also human!!Unlike you guys,he HAS A HEART!"

Author's P.o.V.-

At that moment,Luhan looked up with his red,puffy eyes when he heard those words come out of KyungMi's mouth.
*I-Is she..defending me..?* Luhan thought to himself,amazed and happy at what was happening..
KyungMi then walked over to Luhan,grabbing his hand and dragged took him out of the classroom.
While they both left,many people started to talk..especially EXO.
"See!This is why I hate that skinny skum bag..He always takes KyungMi away from us.."Kai spoke,while ruffling his hair.
Chanyeol nodded"She use to be our best friend,but ever since Luhan moved here from China in middle school,she's had this sudden attraction to him..I don't understand what it is though.."
"Duh!Chanyeol can't you see!?KyungMi LIKES Luhan~~!!"Baekhyun emphasized like.
Chanyeol's looked as if they were going to pop right out of his sockets as if fell off his chair"BWOH!?"
All of EXO nodded at Chanyeol,making him have a horrified look on his face.
"..Pabo..."D.O silently mumbled under his breath,which only EXO(Except Chanyeol) heard..


"Are you alright Luhan.."KyungMi softly asked.
Luhan shakily nodded since it was just the TWO of them in the nurse's office,and then nurse wasn't even there.."N-Neh.."
KyungMi smiled and wiped his tears softly with her thumbs"Uljima,just ignore the others..if they ever hurt you just tell me then I'll *..try to..* help you as much as I can,arasso..?"
Luhan nodded,but felt as if KyungMi was treating him as if she was his mom and he was her son..
"K-KyungMi-sshi.."Luhan softly spoke..
KyungMi looked at him"Neh..?"
Luhan looked down at the floor"A-Am I just a..bother t-to everyone..?"
KyungMi's eyes softened when she saw how Luhan looked..
She hugged him tightly,causing him to blush a deep shade of red"'re not.."
Luhan looked up at her in the eyes and frowned"Then why does everyone hate me..?"
KyungMi's heart hardened *Pabo Luhan..I don't hate you..*
She gave him a crooked smile"Do you think..that I..hate you..?"
Luhan didn't know what to say..* you..?Or do you not..?*
"M-Molla.."Luhan spoke..
KyungMi chuckled softly and let him go.She placed both of her hands on each side of his shoulders.
She smiled"Well,I don't Luhan.."
Luhan looked at her with questioned gaze"What do you..mean..?"
KyungMi looked at the door and gave out a bitter smile,"I've always liked you Luhan..even when you were with Yoona.."
She whispered the last part,hoping Luhan wouldn't hear her,but..he did.
"B-Bwoh..?!"Luhan was bewildered..
KyungMi looked up at the ceiling,trying not to cry and spoke..
"I knew all about her plan to hurt you..but she threatened me not to tell you..She said if I didn't tell you,she would help my family since in middle school at that family was about to live on the streets due to my Appa using all of our savings money on gambling and drugs.He even borrowed so much money from gangs and shark loaners.He then ran away after using all of the money,and said that my Umma and I will pay for the rest of the money..Even though we couldn' Yoona gave me all the money my Umma and I needed to survive..even a few $100,000 won extra for food.."
Luhan's heart hardened when he saw tears slipping down KyungMi's face..
He embraced her in a hug while patting her back..
"Would it make you feel better,if I were to tell you I like you too..?"
"Oh..and..uh..just saying,but be careful with my heart.."

(Author's Note:

Okay~!That's a wrap :D!
Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoyed this fanfic!!
Thank you all for also subscribing to "Be Careful With My Heart"~!!!
I love you all,hehe<3!!
I might do a bonus chapter if I get 10 or more subscribers..

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#Be Careful With My Heart:Big thanks to bwingz for the poster~!!


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Chapter 3: KYEOPTA~~ ^O* LOL
Chapter 3: Awwe! So cute [:
Hehe ^^~
Glad you loved this twoshot!
Aww this so cute! ^^ EXO, why are so meanto Lulu? *tsk tsk* I loved the part when Sehun and Tao were throwing tantrums! So cute!!!^^ Anyway I love this twoshot! :D
Hehe ^^..
So cute xD Tao and Sehun throwing tantrums lol
Kyungmi and Luhan is very sweeeeett ;__; <3
Hehe ^^